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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 536 537 [538] 539 540 ... 543
Ok. That was  good.
Nice comeback.  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Why is unemployment so high?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:20:06 PM »
When one considers the condition of public schools, and the deplorable manner in which universities are being used as progressive indoctrination centers, it is easy to discover why there are so few qualified employees to go around.
Stupid seems to be the new normal for educators.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:18:29 PM »
You frequently have some good points.  Why do you feel the need to belittle people?  It really doesn't make you any bigger or get your point across any better.  And that's a shame.

Oh give me a break. If you can't live with people who don't play your game go join the girl scouts, or brownies.

The fighter, Rhonda Rousey endorses Bernie Sanders for President, then immediately loses her fight and her Championship.

I believe Redistribution wasn't in her career plan, but now she knows how it feels, from a personal standpoint.

Jay bird, your recent posts show an aggressive tendency to allow yourself to become a victim of the slanted, racist culture that surrounds you. Maybe you try a little perspective.

Meaning you have a deliberate strategy of cherry picking idiotic opinion pieces and pretending they are news, then playing the race card about them.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:34:11 PM »
It is and your excuses are lame, thin, and silly.

Boy, that turned ugly in a hurry.

Yeah it did.  Internet tough guys with little peepees are like that.

How cute. You can moonlight pretending to be tough, now.

Spin Zone / Re: Racism @ Mizzou
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:33:28 PM »
The BLM special snowflakes took over the library yesterday with their bullhorns and yelling.

Why do I have this funny feeling that that was the first time the BLM special snowflakes ever stepped foot in the library?

It can't be a coincidence that this happening right as "students" get ready for finals. These clowns are looking for clever ways to intimidate the university into giving away A's that are as useless as their degrees.

Spin Zone / Twenty-Six states Refuse Syrian"Refugees"
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:27:10 AM »
Starting with Michegan, 26 states have refused President Obama's scheme to resettle Syrian "refugees" in their states. Shepherd Smith at Foxnews is going apoplectic over this as well as a host of progressives in and out of government.
The President clear said that ISiS was not a danger, so why is he so firmly demanding these "refugees" are in such peril? If ISIS is not a problem, how come the "refugees" aren't being sent home?
The whole scheme is a traitorous conspiracy to move future democrat voters into states that can be changed over to insure the democrats don't get their asses kicked next November, at the peril of bringing gin tens of thousands of violent terrorists along with them.
Typical progressive logic.

Spin Zone / Re: Islamic attacks in Paris - What Say You?
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:57:23 PM »

I say this is an excellent opportunity to make many thousands of ISIS scum very dead.
What say you?
How should the US respond?

It is important that non Arab countries, non Muslim countries, Israel and Iran stay out of this. Participation by non Arabs only fuels the ISIS fire.

What do you think France should do (or what do you think of what France did this weekend) after they were attacked by ISIS?

I believe France needs to kill a butt load of ISIS terrorists in their homeland, kill a bunch more secreted in France and keep killing them until they are no longer any threat, instead of the lie Obama told on Friday.
As long as ISIS is willing to operate outside the middle east, they need to be shot where they congregate until they stop. France is doing what they should be doing, protecting their citizens in ways the muslin-in-chief is unwilling to do.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:35:59 AM »
I see.
You are embracing the University of Missouri, spoiled brat card, and whining about those evil people who are allowed to disagree with you.
Good that you found some folks who are your intellectual equals, and can emulate them.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 15, 2015, 05:56:23 PM »
Your bigotry is so showing

Are you talking to me?

If that's bigotry, then so be it.

It is and your excuses are lame, thin, and silly.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 15, 2015, 05:55:29 AM »
Your bigotry is so showing

Spin Zone / Re: Islamic attacks in Paris - What Say You?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:34:49 PM »
I don't think we are yet sure if this was ISIS, but we can essentially be sure that it is one of the radical Islamic terrorist groups.

ISIS is proud to brag about their killing and promise more.

Spin Zone / Re: Who do you think can defeat Hillary?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:31:41 PM »
The more I see of Christie, the better I like Cruz.

Spin Zone / Islamic attacks in Paris - What Say You?
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:36:15 AM »
ISIS bastards attack multiple locations in Paris. Over 150 dead, and more wounded, many seriously.
Salon runs series of tweets blaming American Conservatives, and when challenged doubles down.
College children proclaim that it's all because we don't love those murderous idiots enough, and Geraldo Rivera proclaims that ISIS cannot be contained, it must be destroyed.
President Obama changed his tune, slightly. After proclaiming earlier in the day that ISIS is not a threat and is "contained," he refuses to blame those responsible because it would be engaging in speculation, he makes a weak statement afterward in hopes everyone conveniently forgets his earlier stupidity.
Syrian Passport found on one of the attackers.
Witnesses say the attackers shouted "allah akbar" when murdering unarmed civilians.
Many terrorists died when belt bombs were exploded. No word on whether they committed suicide, or other terrorists blew them up to avoid their getting arrested and questioned.
Americans as well as French wounded.
I say this is an excellent opportunity to make many thousands of ISIS scum very dead.
What say you?
How should the US respond?

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