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Messages - jb1842

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Spin Zone / Re: Assange, Snowden and now Texeira
« on: April 17, 2023, 09:50:28 AM »

Yes. Public opinion is open on Biden’s raping of Title IX. Go ahead, comment. Put another target on your back.
Fucking disgusting. They want to memorialize this into the regulations so they can commence punishing people who are still fighting on behalf of women.

Riley Gaines is the bravest woman in America today.

Spin Zone / Re: Tim Scott for President?
« on: April 14, 2023, 11:34:23 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: February 27, 2023, 05:15:57 AM »
brings to mind this:

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: February 25, 2023, 09:18:03 AM »
Call me an asshole, but the President works for me.I'm not subservient to anyone anymore, let alone someone in an elected office. We got rid of that bullshit starting in 1776.

Trump did. Biden does not. That’s why we are growing increasingly and alarmingly aware of our need to save our country from the usurpers.

Spin Zone / Re: How Washington Actually Works
« on: January 25, 2023, 01:40:04 PM »
Well, I’m bald, so…

“A bad day with a bald head is better than a good day with a man bun.”


Spin Zone / Re: Killer Stoves as the Latest “Latest Thing”
« on: January 12, 2023, 01:47:33 PM »
Easy solution:  My gas stove identifies as electric.

Spin Zone / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2022, 09:47:20 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Where In The World Is mikey weinstein???
« on: December 03, 2022, 11:12:44 AM »
The Twitter revelations are widespread and incontrovertible proof that the left engaged in massive coverup of a story that may very well have lost Biden the election.  It is WAY bigger than Watergate.  It also proves that the overwhelming majority of Twitter employees were strongly biased, and exercised that bias against the right, and that they directly took marching orders from the politically connected left. 

The defense that Twitter was a private company falls apart under the reality that it was a monopolistic platform for public discussion.  It also cannot be used without the hypocrisy that now that Elon owns Twitter, somehow it being privately owned doesn’t allow Musk to do what he wants with it.

The left is completely exposed by this as being on the wrong side of freedom, the Constitution and history, and are in fact practicing fascists.

The GOP has fucked around and done nothing while we all knew this was happening.  Now that we have documented proof I expect they still won’t do anything.  It took a private citizen with his own wallet to expose this rotten underbelly of the Democrats.  Any Republican that fails to go after the Dems over this is just as guilty. 

This CANNOT go unpunished. 

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: November 22, 2022, 02:43:08 PM »

Please cite a credible source showing the political affliation of those that are listed as dying because of covid and who were not vaccinated or did not wear masks.

I realize that being dead doesn't stop democrats from voting...

You’re right, Steingar has a point.  All the Republicans that died ended up voting Democrat by mail in ballot.

« on: November 10, 2022, 09:23:44 AM »
Stan, the Uniparty IS managing the narrative!!! Paul Ryan is saying dump Trump. You think Paul Ryan or the RNC give a rat’s ass about American citizens or the constitution?
Et tu, Becky? 

I don’t give a fuck what Paul Ryan or the UNiParty is saying. I’m my own man and have come to this decision long before they’ve opened their mouths. At least grant me that courtesy that I can think on my own. I’ve been voting since 1978 and have seen things.

You have seen me support Trump since 2016 when he won the nomination. (I was a Cruz guy before that.)  I can see with my own eyes that he has turned from a pugilist successfully beating on the democrats and the swamp to a punk, insecure back stabber who can’t handle another man’s success.

The best thing Trump could do for the American people and the Republican Party would be to say he’s not running and put his support and money behind the only REPUBLICAN leader in the country, Ron DeSantis. Do you think he will do that?  Of course not. I see him trying to destroy DeSantis, which in turn is destroying the movement that he started. This movement, of which I’m a proud member, cannot be about one person. If it is, it will also die with that one person when he fails to be re-elected or dies. The movement has to live on beyond Trump, and not die a pathetic death like the Tea Party movement, of which I was a part.

Spin Zone / Re: Mid Term Election Predictions Page
« on: November 08, 2022, 06:23:42 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Italy wakes up
« on: September 29, 2022, 05:31:47 AM »
In his defense he is one and we are ten ganging up on him.  Doesn’t mean we ten are wrong.  I would like Michael to defend his position and explain why he thinks Meloni, Trump, and all MAGA supporters are “fascist”.

First we must start with the definition of fascism.  Originally it was a “totalitarian political movement linked with corporatism”, especially as applied to Mussolini.  Later racism and xenophobia were added as supposed features and I suspect this is what Michael thinks is the main definition and that it applies to anyone not far left.

Fascism is nationalistic in that it puts the importance of the state over the individual.  This is supposedly the opposite of socialism (communism) but we know that in practice socialism and communism also put the state (collective) over the individual.

In the second half of the 19th century the vast empty western territories were up for grabs by the railroads, who competed to be the first to reach California.  Two railroad moguls, General Palmer of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, and William Barstow Strong, of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, were bitter rivals who hated each other, both racing to lay tracks over the Raton Pass at the border of Colorado and New Mexico to go south of the Rockies and on to the west coast, and to lay a track through the Royal Gorge along the canyon of the Arkansas river to access silver mines beyond.  It was only wide enough for one track.  For years these two men fought literal wars over these ambitions, at the worst point involving armed militias, as well as manipulating what legal authority there was in the territories to outmaneuver each other. 

In the entire history of the United States there are probably no two men who hated each other more.  But the reason they remained such well matched enemies is because they were exactly alike.  Cut from the same cloth, they kept guessing each other’s moves, reading each other’s minds, showing up to thwart each other’s plans just in the nick of time.

This is communism(leftism) and fascism.  Both are a system of privileged ruling elites putting themselves in centralized control of a population.  The two are not opposites of each other but two faces of the same totalitarian evil. The current worldwide conservative-populist movement is what is opposite of them; it is opposed to centralized control, and favors returning power to more local levels.  The left uses “fascism” as a pejorative to falsely paint this movement as something it is not. 

I suspect that Michael and the left think the right in the U.S. is “fascist” because of their recent actions on issues like abortion and gay/trans.  On these social issues they are correct, the right has overreacted to the left’s overreach on these matters.  The right has proposed national bans on abortion, defense of marriage, that sort of thing, because the woke left pushed the issues into lunatic land.

What led to RvW being overturned was the left pushing to legalize abortion in the 9th month.  What led to bathroom laws where you have to use the one you were born as, and don’t say gay laws, was the left’s absolutely insane forcing the issue affecting a tiny minority on all the rest of us, making us change our pronouns - lunacy!

The left is creating an authoritarian right backlash on these issues.  If that’s what Michael means then he is correct but has only himself to blame if he votes for these insane far left Democrats.

But on economic issues the right is nowhere near totalitarian control of the economy, but on the contrary wants to loosen centralized control.  Allow Keystone, allow drilling, cut regulations so the economy doesn’t suffocate, cut taxes to empower the middle and lower classes.  All of this is the opposite of both far left communism and far right “fascism”.

 The perfesser's drive bys are boring and redundant.   Stop in, hurl some inane diatribe then flee, wash rinse repeat.    He's not interested in debating, or even hearing another viewpoint, and this forum is not the only forum he does this at.

 We have several liberal lurkers that we doing the same thing as well, but they've become silent after their gloating on FJB becoming president.  They know there is no defense for what their party is doing to our country.

 Not to worry, he'll be back eventually for yet another drive by.

Spin Zone / Re: "Redacted" Affadavit Released by doj
« on: August 27, 2022, 01:47:26 PM »
Breaking news - the DOJ was caught not releasing a page.  Trump published it.

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