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Messages - Becky (My pronouns are Assigned/By/God)

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Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: February 01, 2024, 06:32:33 AM »
Why would we support a party that doesn’t stand up and protect America from invasion and direct its resources to election security and serving the American people? No sign of the RNC ship pivoting toward competency.

Glad it’s not stitch worthy, but best wishes for healing! New procedure to shout “Clear!” before starting the little plane!

Spin Zone / Re: DeSantis proposes four Constituional amendments.
« on: February 01, 2024, 06:15:58 AM »
Where the Hell is Stan these days?  A Desantis thread and no Stan?  WTF?
I’ve been missing Stan too! He may be busy with tax season.

Spin Zone / Re: You just might be a Democrat if……..
« on: January 22, 2024, 11:33:38 AM »
Nobody said anything about claiming anything.  Jim merely alluded to the fact that there are many people in Texas with Mexican names that have roots going back to before Texas's independence.

Somebody here said that I am the only one that makes people say "That's not what I said".  That person was seriously wrong.
You’re doing it again, Joe. That person said you usually are the only one. You ignore words that don’t fit your desire to be offended. Try not to turn qualified statements into definitive ones. I also find it sad that you’ve carried this misconception since January 17. Glad I could lift that burden for you.

Spin Zone / Re: You just might be a Democrat if……..
« on: January 22, 2024, 06:01:31 AM »
… if you were elected to a leadership position because of your skin color and are totally unqualified to lead.

Spin Zone / Re: “Darwinian Politics” by Paul Rubin
« on: January 22, 2024, 05:29:42 AM »
It’s unavoidable. You start with freedom which brings prosperity which brings comfort and plenty which brings complacency.  All it takes is a generation born into plenty.  They’ve never known what it takes to maintain freedom and produce the prosperity they take for granted. Naïveté and laziness ensues. Because food seems to magically appear in the grocery store and is endless they have no motivation to defend the system that produces it. They have no idea of the substructure underlying it: Free market economics and strong defense thereof. So they ignore the corruption rotting it all out from the inside.
That really describes us, the kids of the men who fought in World War 2. We were of course aware that our fathers fought for America and freedom, but it was history, not something we actually saw, and somehow was regarded by us unconsciously as something that “couldn’t happen again,” and we grew up not worrying about our next meal or feeling that our freedom, opportunity and prosperity were in any way threatened. All subsequent wars and skirmishes seemed distant to us and unable to penetrate our safe bubble, except for Vietnam, which was seen as a political disaster and not an actual threat to America except for the loss of blood and treasure it exacted.

Until 2001, we felt “safe.” It always was an illusion, and I can’t imagine really what all that has come down over the past few years and prior looks like to the younger generations, whose reference points to history and freedom are more distant than ours.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 09:52:16 AM »
I departed from FB when it hit me that it was NOT a forum. It is NOT a place for discussion of any topic of importance, especially existential ones. As well, on January 8, 2021, long after I left FB, they did a purge and ban not only of the President of the United States but thousands of other conservatives as well, including WalkAway, a forum for people who walked away from the Democratic Party.

I don’t miss it at all. When you take away topics of importance, you’re left with meaningless, insipid and time-wasting topics. I stay in touch with the people I care about through other means.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 08:23:17 AM »
Haha!!! I just liked Lucifer’s post in green about moderating the forum, but thought that for Joe’s sake I should say that I liked it because of its sarcasm. I’m so thoughtful.  ;D

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 08:21:00 AM »
You do LOVE to whine like a teenage girl.
A generalization. I doubt that most teenage girls would know what “pseudonym” and “incoherent” mean. And they probably wouldn’t block when insulted, but fire back.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: January 17, 2024, 07:59:54 AM »
Sure.  You just keep on believing that.

Or perhaps it just seems that way because the few that do engage in  personal attacks are such prolific posters.
Well, Joe, Anthony’s statement is true. In fact, only two posters here actually make personal attacks. One trouble might be that you tend to filter and contort things said to you into personal attacks. I suppose you’ll think that statement is a personal attack. But you’re usually the only person to whom I have to respond, “I didn’t say THAT, I said THIS.” I live in hope that you’ll grow a thicker skin.

You are correct that the two who do engage in personal attacks post a lot. But the truth is that there are only two who get the knives out and cross the boundary into incivilty.

Spin Zone / Re: I have no taste.
« on: January 11, 2024, 07:58:59 AM »
I suspect you did have a mild case of Covid.  If you got the shot you might have your taste now, but you might also be dead from heart failure.
Zero regret on the clot shot. We were third tier when it came out, after health care workers and the over 65. By that time almost everyone we knew who got vaccinated was getting covid and getting angry about the ineffective shots. Big decision factor for us, that.

If the cold I had in February 2023 was indeed covid, and we know loss of taste and smell IS one of the complaints from it, one does wonder why it took nine months for this symptom to appear.

I think (hope) we’ve all got more spirit of liberty in us now. I refused to wear a mask until the signs went up saying the government required it. You know, “Please help us comply.” I didn’t want to bring fines down on my wonderful local grocery store, so I masked in there. Yet I know people who did not mask at all, were pleasant about it when approached, and suffered no repercussions.

Now, I would not mask unless it was required for health care. I think that whatever is in store for us down the line this year will not include masks. America is done with that.

Spin Zone / Re: Fat Man Drops Out of Presidential Race
« on: January 10, 2024, 07:55:20 PM »
My husband and I have been observing that it feels like our government is being run by adults with arrested development. So many of them are not serious people.

Spin Zone / I have no taste.
« on: January 10, 2024, 07:53:22 PM »
Not a joke. Since November I’ve gradually lost my taste and smell to zero. Haven’t had covid to my knowledge. Last time I had a cold was February 2023. Researching, I see that it can be zinc deficiency, although I have zero of the other symptoms of that.

I don’t have sinus issues and never have. No dry mouth or such.

My acupuncturist told me to try nicotine patches at a low dose. She said if I did have covid in February, the spike protein binds to the olfactory nerve and the nicotine releases it. Honestly, online are many stories of the nicotine (gum or patch) giving people back their taste and smell. I was hopeful but it did not work. Now I am trying zinc supplementation. And will consult another doctor.

Just thought I’d throw it out there to see if anyone has experience with this. It takes much joy out of life.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: January 09, 2024, 01:29:53 PM »
It really sucks that if you get rid of the half of the country that is below average, you'd STILL have half the country below average.

The more I read of what the Founding Fathers were thinking as they drew up the Constitution and Amendments, the more I'm astounded at their wisdom and far-sightedness.  So many things could have gone wrong, yet it's still the best form of government.  I hope that it survives this year.
Some would argue, but it is the best, I agree. The founding fathers built it on the twin pillars of man: nobility and depravity. And they emphasized the importance of eternal vigilance.

“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."

We have not been vigilant, and here we are.

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