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Messages - Mr Pou

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Spin Zone / Re: Ukraine, Putin, and Biden
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:45:49 AM »
Biden is currently pouring our tax dollars into this money pit of Ukraine.  One has to wonder if he's getting his 10%.

Keeping it in the family, like any made guy.

Spin Zone / Re: Anybody following the Johnny Depp Amber Heard drama?
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:08:16 AM »
I've never liked him, so I could care less.

Spin Zone / Re: You’re the leader of the free world
« on: April 19, 2022, 06:41:27 AM »
All the older couples in my neighborhood are selling their houses. They are expecting the market to drop soon and are getting the most money they can. Smart move on their part.

That's great, if you're willing to move into a much smaller home or move to a lower COL area.

Spin Zone / Re: Police and crime
« on: April 19, 2022, 06:36:21 AM »
The way I see it is many black males take care of justice on their own. Someone shoots your buddy, you don't narc to the cops, you shoot the guy who killed your buddy. But then his buddy shoots you, and the circle of black violence continues.

The Mooney is unforgiving of fast and/or hard landings. Either results in the aircraft leaving the runway after the first landing attempt. It's happened to me a number of times over the years, and what to do depends.

If the runway is of sufficient length, I add a little throttle, and then softly land again. This technique usually works, but if the aircraft leaves the runway a second time, it's time to apply full power and get the hell out of there. Maybe you can save the second bounce, maybe not. The problem is, if you get a third bounce, you will likely have a prop strike.

I didn't know he came down so hard as to damage the landing gear, that is a tough one. Ugh. One problem with the Mooney is the rubber biscuit landing gear. Unlike an a strut, which I assume has some damping abilitiy just as a car strut does, the rubber gear has zero damping. Pretty much all of the energy put into compressing the gear WILL be released as a rebound, bouncing the plane back into the air. A soft touchdown (at the right speed) is the ticket to avoiding the bounce.

Spin Zone / Re: More reasons to get government out of education.
« on: April 18, 2022, 08:36:59 AM »
My wife's sister... slept (both literally and figuratively) her way through high school.  Moved from one menial job to the next.  Says that we "just got lucky" that we have a plane, a nice house, live in a nice area.  No, we worked hard through high school.  Went to college, got good jobs and worked our asses off.  Then went back for more schooling and worked our asses off again earning PhDs and climbing the academic ladder.  Now we're at the top of our game and doing very well.  We're looking forward to a very comfortable retirement.  Yeah, we just got lucky.  And because of that she's all the time wanting a handout.

So many people equate "luck" with the spoils of the hard worker. People tell me I'm lucky to be relatively trim and at a good weight at my age. Bull fucking shit, luck has nothing to do with it. Working out 5-6 days a week and avoiding chips, cookies, candy, soda has far more to do with it than luck.

The same with why I can afford a nice house and nice toys and am retiring early. My wife and I both worked hard to get to where we are now.

I hate "luck"...

Is that right? Interesting. Are there more details which would be useful for others to learn from?

He can give the full details if he cares, but the TL;DR version is he porpoised the Mooney on landing and had a prop strike.

Spin Zone / Re: More reasons to get government out of education.
« on: April 18, 2022, 08:25:05 AM »
Apparently until the latest generation.  Have you heard of the “lie flat” movement?  The younger Chinese are rebelling against the 996 rule which is work 9 am to 9 pm six days a week, for decades and for low pay in say a factory, and that’s supposed to be a life. Alternatively you can try to get into college which is like a lottery system, not available for everyone but when you graduate with your degree, there aren’t enough jobs and you end up unemployed.

So they’ve decided to live minimally, work some low level job for one day, play video games and goof off for three days, and basically live hand to mouth doing as little work as possible because working your ass off doesn’t get you much farther anyway.

I don’t know when this movement started but it really ramped up with Covid, and the worst thing is that it’s catching on among young Americans, enabled by ongoing unemployment and stimulus benefits, and women eschewing marriage and motherhood.

Part of the “lie flat” movement is to vow never to buy a house or get married or have children.  This is direct opposition to the CCP now “allowing” three children, and I put allowing in quotes because it looks like it is heading toward being mandatory. They are talking about banning contraceptives for anyone who hasn’t already had at least two children.

But the Chinese people aren’t having it.  First of all, there just aren’t enough women.  The one child policy had everyone making their one child male (through aborting females), because men are more prized so now you have a bunch of males who couldn’t get a wife if they wanted one so they’re just giving up.  They’re embracing poverty and celibacy as the least difficult path because what’s the point?  Secondly, even if they get a woman, having children is too expensive in the modern world.  Children are a financial liability now, not an economic asset like they are in agrarian economies.

Guess what? Sex with women is THE reason (if subconsciously) males work their ass off building a thriving society.  A man works and gains resources so he can attract a female.  Females drive this process by selecting the most productive male they can so he can provide for and protect any offspring.  This has driven human progress for a million years.  Take away the possibility of getting a female, men have no reason to work themselves to the bone.  Hence you take away the engine of human progress.

I’m loving seeing the CCP panic as their policies are coming back to bite them in the ass.

Extremely interesting, and hapenning here as well. I have a friend who has a 20yr old son who drives for Grub Hub. He drives 2-4 days a week, makes whatever he needs to just scrape by, pay his share of the rent, and spend the rest of the week drinking beer and goofing off with his friends. His mother asks him about dating, and he says serious dating is too expensive, and he "gets enough" picking up the slutty girls.

Sounds like a fine existance.  ???

Resorting to ad hominem attacks, making false assumptions, and being inconsistent in statements are all logical fallacies.

I am surprised Prof. Michael Weinstein to see this in an associate professor, but I guess that may be why you write under a pseudonym, rather than using your real name.

Exactly, and Micheal is not immune to landing issues as I recall.

Spin Zone / Re: More reasons to get government out of education.
« on: April 18, 2022, 06:05:49 AM »
One statistic I saw shows that 46% of Hope scholarship reciepients lose it at some time during their time at college, and of those who lose the scholarship 79% of those students fail to  graduate.

I've known about the piano key Bo's for a long time, don't know why you didn't, especially when flying one.  Were I flying I'd be completely paranoid of flipping the wrong switch.  I'd be so paranoid that I'd not touch the thing unless I was staring right at it.  To put this in context, I'm paranoid about gear up landings, enough so that the gear comes down 3 miles from the airport.  That means I have to configure the airplane prior to that, and I get majorly paranoid if anything goes wrong with that sequence, as in I turn around if the gear isn't out at 3 miles.

I would add that if you need to get the flaps up after landing to get more weight on the mains you're coming in too fast.  Yeah, I've used that trick too, but I certainly don't depend on it.  My apologies, but despite the long read you made a very common mistake based on your lack of understanding of the aircraft you were flying.

On a straight in final, gear goes down on 3mi final. In the pattern, gear goes down abeam of the numbers. On an approach, gear goes down at the FAF.

Spin Zone / Re: More reasons to get government out of education.
« on: April 18, 2022, 05:18:51 AM »
Been happening here since the institution of the Hope Scholarship.  Grade inflation came into being so kids could get their scholarship.

College quickly sorts things out, though. Many who win a Hope or similar scholarship lose them once they realize college can be hard.

Pilot Zone / Re: Radial engines!
« on: April 14, 2022, 11:04:57 AM »
Let's say someone would like a relatively modern, low-wing, radial engine family traveling machine.  I can find only one: the Spartan Executive.  All the others are rag-wing, or high-wing like the Cessna 195.  Or rag-wing with both a high and low wing. Looking for low-wing only because it will fit in the hangar overlapping with the high-wing that's in the hangar already.  Asking for a friend.

With a total of 36 built, I'd imagine any survivors are very very expensive.

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