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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 [42] 43 44 ... 93
To Abortion, legalizing drugs, and Gay marriage, I'd add opposing yet more Gun Control laws.  The Left is obsessed with removing legally owned guns only from the Law Abiding Citizen. 

Abortion - I think it is wrong, but willing to go along with the status quo as it is so polarizing.

Legalizing drugs - I'm ok with some exceptions.

Gay marriage - I don't care.

Legally owned Guns - This is the hill I AM willing to die on. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Democrat Primaries
« on: February 12, 2020, 07:02:19 AM »
Biden's hopes are on SC.  He is going to bomb there as well, he just doesn't know it yet.   After that, he's done.

Stay tunes, the DNC is working feverishly to dump Bernie.

So if Biden goes down in flames, and the DNC ousts Bernie again, then who will be there to pick up the pieces?  Bloomberg?  Warren doesn't seem to be getting traction, as I think people just view her as Hillary 2.0, and maybe more unlikeable, if that is possible. 

Spin Zone / Re: Early voting
« on: February 09, 2020, 05:57:47 PM »
I recognize most of those names.  They were all banned from POA and in response decided to run for President.  Either that or they're starting a Medicinal Cannabis Shop in New Jersey. 

Spin Zone / Re: Behind Blue Lies
« on: February 09, 2020, 11:26:49 AM »
Romney is a Globalist Progressive, part of the "ruling class" in his mind.  Just like the Bush, Clinton, McCain, and several other career politicians.  Remember, Mitt's Dad, George Romney ran for President also.  1968, I think, but was beaten by Nixon in the Primary.

These people think they are royalty, and need a good tar and feathering. 

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump can do nothing right
« on: February 07, 2020, 09:23:47 AM »
No, that was Scalia.

We're both wrong, at least for the incident I was referencing.  It was Justice Alito who mouthed "Not True" to Obama.

Odin, please forgive me. 

Spin Zone / Re: Rush Limbaugh Diagnosed with Lung Cancer
« on: February 04, 2020, 06:34:23 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Rush Limbaugh Diagnosed with Lung Cancer
« on: February 04, 2020, 08:48:53 AM »
^^^^^^I agree, there is no real replacement for Rush.  He just gets it, and due to his age, and long career he REMEMBERS a lot of stuff which has happened in the past, and his recollections are accurate.  It is good to be reminded of the history, especially what the Democrats have pulled in the past.

I like Tucker Carlson, and Greg Gutfeld a lot as well as the aforementioned Mark Steyn.  They can't replace Rush though.   I get tired of Hannity, and agree that Mark Levin is smart, but his anger gets grating. 

Spin Zone / Re: Best and Worst Superbowl ads
« on: February 03, 2020, 04:23:39 PM »
I must be getting old, because I thought most of the ads were a blur of PC, Woke, SJW activity that made no sense to me.  Just rapid fire, seemingly LSD induced images.  Weird. 

Spin Zone / Re: Lindsey Graham – I’m going to subpoena Sally Yates…
« on: February 02, 2020, 05:00:25 PM »
^^^^The problem is the Media will not report on it at all, nor report on it fairly.  Therefore, there will be no public knowledge, nor outcry for justice.  The Media was complicit in this Coup attempt.  They aren't going to report on themselves for being unethical and/or illegal. 

We are now in the danger zone of a one Party Media, and possibly as demographics and corporate power shifts, a one Party country. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who Do You Think Will Be The Communist (dem) Nominee?
« on: February 01, 2020, 04:31:16 PM »
Oh God.  Where is that wooden stake, or silver bullet, or garlic, or daylight.  Jesus H. Christ. 

Spin Zone / Re: RIP: Kobe Bryant - Dead in Chopper Crash
« on: February 01, 2020, 04:29:10 PM »
^^^^^I was raised as a gentleman by my parents.  I took it seriously.  When a woman said no, that was it.  End of story.  Also, I no longer felt romantically attracted at that point.  Why would any man want a woman that didn't want him?  Mutual attraction and consent is necessary for that. 

Spin Zone / Re: Senate Impeachment Trial
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:54:47 AM »
Ahh, good to see, lots of abuse.  I was starting to worry.

Please count the reasonable, cogent posts that respond to yours, and then what you classify as abuse and see which are more numerous.  It is pretty obvious where you focus.  Is that a way to escape having to discuss the issues?

Spin Zone / Virginia gun rally draws huge turnout and is peaceful
« on: January 21, 2020, 04:28:12 AM »
My experience with gun rallies has been similar.  Many CCW holders and people that have passed multiple background checks to get one of those and to buy guns don't want to break the law and cause trouble.  They are always peaceful, well mannered, clean, and well organized.

The rally in VA was to protest the Governor's and Legislature's draconian gun bans, and confiscation laws.  It was a major statement to retain our Natural Right, upheld by the Constitution to keep and bear arms.

Spin Zone / Re: Australian forest fires - not global warming (surprise)
« on: January 12, 2020, 09:09:08 AM »
In addition, ARSON has been the cause of many of the fires in Australia.  The Man Made Climate Change ALARMISTS blame everything on Man's dubious influence on climate including Terrorism.  It is a joke.  Portland, OR just enacted a "Climate Justice Tax", the proceeds of which will go to the "poor" whom these elitists believed are more impacted by climate than others.  Just more excuses for more taxes. 

This is correct. The planet is actually more hospitable to humans when warmer than we are now and at times in the past it has already been much warmer. The truth about global warming fears is simply that we have built along current beachfronts. When sea levels rise again (they have risen and fallen already many times) then those properties are threatened. But who are we to STOP the natural progression of climate cycling and declare that we must lock in conditions at exactly this point? Nuts.

What the Climate alarmists are calling climate is really weather.  They say the warming or even cooling if it happens is "abnormal" when we've had natural, and drastic swings in temperature in the past before Man's industrialization, and Man's existence. 

The Global Elitists have given Progressives a new meaning and relevance in their lives, just like the 60's protesters used the Vietnam War.  They've given them a PURPOSE in an otherwise meaningless existence.

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