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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 435 436 [437] 438 439 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 25, 2018, 08:12:44 AM »
I’m not sure how any of you can be so certain this was not someone on the right.  Both left and right have deranged folks on their side.  And to say that the right isn’t violent is simply not true.  Neo nazis, KKK, abortion clinic bombers, abortion provider killers, thugs who beat up gays, etc. are all examples of people on the right who are and have been violent.  Do they represent a mere fraction of folks on the right? Absolutely!  But it’s the same with the loonies on the left.
We know with certainty that these are coming from the left. It has all the tell-tale signs of Democrats and their operatives. The prime indicator is that none of them actually work.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 24, 2018, 07:59:34 AM »
Is this the Soros thing,where an employee brought it to a wooded area?  I’m calling total bullshit this.

Spin Zone / Re: 1980's Snapper
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:34:39 AM »
I have a Stihl chainsaw and a Stihl brush cutter and they both went TU this fall. These POS machines couldn’t even make it to 25 years. I bought them both in 1994. Stihl simply doesn’t make some engine and other parts any more.

Of course I kid. These are the most reliable tools I’ve ever owned. Bulletproof. They survived ethanol-infused fuel, and heavy usage.

I’m replacing them both with Stihl products.

Spin Zone / Re: A Rematch in the Works?
« on: October 19, 2018, 12:51:12 PM »

The overwhelming thrill to see Hillary become the George McGovern of the 21st century is almost too much fun to bear.

Spin Zone / Re: Standing up to invaders
« on: October 19, 2018, 12:47:15 PM »
Patrol with Humvees with .50 Cals.  Kind of an updated "Rat Patrol".
Ha. I had a Rat Patrol metal lunch box when I was in grade school. I like it!

Spin Zone / Re: A Rematch in the Works?
« on: October 19, 2018, 09:40:39 AM »
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Hillary is considering running again.  It's been her lifelong dream.  But that's a far cry from winning, or having the Democrat party go for it. On the other hand, maybe she still has enough supporters to maneuver her way into winning a primary and maybe the Democrats are too stupid to learn from 2016.

With all the walkaways, and an incumbent's chances of winning a second term if the economy is doing well, I would think she wouldn't stand a chance.  It's a fantasy of hers she can't give up. She has no other legacy. She HAS to be first woman President or all the sleazy manipulations she's done all her life will amount to nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised if she considers running every four years for the rest of her life.  What's the alternative? What else is she gonna do? Does she have a happy private life to retire to? I think not.

If she runs I think the electoral map on Election Day would look a lot like 1984, except with maybe CA and NY going blue.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Are Democrats So Violent?
« on: October 19, 2018, 09:23:46 AM »
This is absolutely true. The parallels are uncanny. This is how you take over an unwilling populous. You spread lies and propaganda and if that doesn't work you resort to violence. For them to win though, they'll need to disarm the people and I don't see that happening.

I'm surprised there hasn't already been an assassination attempt on Trump, maybe the Pence factor is preventing it.
I’m also surprised that they haven’t picked on the wrong person willing to defend himself with a firearm - yet. Read about Reginald Denny, who during the LA riots was pulled from his dump truck and nearly beaten to death, with several hood rats slamming his skull with bricks, and attacking him with a claw hammer. His skull was broken in 91 places.  He has permanent brain damage. He lost a lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles.

Don’t tell me that Antifa of BLM mobs are incapable of the exact same brutality.  Trust me, if I get stopped and feel my life is at risk, my vehicle is going to be moving, regardless of who or what is in front of me. If I’m on foot and get attacked by a mob, I’m not going down without defending my life by whatever means necessary.

Spin Zone / Re: DNC Party Platform
« on: October 19, 2018, 08:14:12 AM »
The “BIG LIE” of this season is the liberal attack against virtually every GOP candidate for ANY state or local office saying that “John Doe (R) supports/has voted for/will vote for elimination of the protection for pre-existing conditions.” 

Every GOP vote to get rid of the ACA retains the protection of ore-existing conditions.

Of course that doesn’t matter to the ignorant masses.

Spin Zone / Re: Win you can't win an election on message....
« on: October 19, 2018, 07:51:31 AM »
Don’t tell Steingar. He’ll just laugh at you and say voter fraud doesn’t exist, and use the minimal number of prosecutions as his “proof.” 

Spin Zone / Re: 1,1024th Native American
« on: October 19, 2018, 07:45:29 AM »
Well, my ban on POA was lifted today and I was finally able to read the message that the mods sent me regarding my ban and the statement below is what got me banned.

"I just find the whole thing bizarre. Her claiming she is part Native American to gain personal and political advantage and Trump calling her Pocahontas in a derisively bigoted manner. I just don’t get it. And it has nothing to do with either one’s political affiliation."

And here is the rule they say I violated.

"Political/Religious discussions are prohibited. This includes any language or discussion deemed to be political or politically charged in nature as well as any religious speech or text. This language is exceedingly destructive to the cohesion of the community and as such will not be tolerated."

So I guess saying that two politicians ,one from each side, are being stupid is deemed as being political.  And here I thought I was being nonpartisan.
Given the number of POA refugees here at PS, I’m thinking their “cohesion of the community” seems to becoming unglued.

Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 11:15:11 AM »
Are you suggesting she needs a red dot placed on her forehead?

I’m suggesting that this is a damned funny meme for people who acknowledge the idiocy of Liz Warren. If not, I can’t help you.

Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:11:28 AM »
Oh, Indians from India.  Not 7th Cav type Indians.  Got it.

Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 08:47:40 AM »
I think that is a different type of Indian.

My sister bought a nice house in a nice subdivision just north of Atlanta about 25 years ago.  The subdivision has seen a subsequent shift to predominately Indian, and they were concerned about property values.  They recently retired and sold their house.  They were amazed when the realtor recommended a listing price of almost double what they expected.  They were further amazed when the next day there was a bidding war going on and they got about $35k more than they listed for.

Then they moved to Panama City, just across the bay from Tyndall AFB, about a month before Michael hit them.  What goes around comes around. Or "Karma" or some such BS.

Unbelievable. Feinstein thinks reopening investigations into Kavanaugh is a compelling campaign promise?
It is stunning. I simply can’t believe that the radical, far left, vindictive and often violent side of the democrat party (the side that all democrat politicians except for Joe Manchin seems to be playing to) represents more than a fringe element of the democrat party.

What IS frightening is the character of the people who keep electing DiFi, Pelosi, and most stunningly Maxine Waters. Proof that aliens have in fact invaded and impregnated numerous Californians.

Spin Zone / Re: First Man - Short Review
« on: October 17, 2018, 02:14:12 PM »
Never saw it but yes. Year 2000.
It’s an outstanding movie.  I highly recommend it, especially if you were a child of the 1960s. 

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