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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 1051 1052 [1053] 1054 1055 ... 1349
Spin Zone / Re: Andrew McCabe......
« on: January 29, 2018, 01:04:49 PM »
Do notice that he's just going on "terminal leave" so he can still collect his pension and retire.

Yep, sickening.

Spin Zone / Re: Andrew McCabe......
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:58:32 AM »
The FBI is throwing McCabe under the bus in dire hopes this will satisfy the republicans in Congress and stop them from exposing anything else about their corrupt agency.

Spin Zone / Re: Andrew McCabe......
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:44:52 AM »
What the hell is Sessions doing, sleeping?

The swamp dwellers have Sessions backed into a corner.  Sessions has to make a decision, to grow a set of balls and put a stop to this bullshit or just sit back as the deep state continues these charades.

 Sessions knows that being bold will end his career in government, but he's 70 years old. I mean c'mon, do these guys think they will have immortality if they remain in office?

Spin Zone / Re: Andrew McCabe......
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:09:14 AM »
Rats jumping off a sinking ship.

 He's guilty as hell and knows it.  He's trying to get out and salvage his retirement.

 The sad truth is nothing will happen to him and he heads off into retirement with his gov pension, just like Lois Lerner.

 What the FBI has done, and is doing in conjunction with the DoJ is truly sickening and shows just how weaponized BHO turned the various government agencies.


It’s panic time as the liberals struggle to halt the winning streak of President Donald Trump (Yeah, President Donald Trump – get used to it!). It’s tacky, petty, and pathetic, and exactly what we’ve come to expect from the kind of people who shamelessly backed Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit while screeching “#MeToo!”

Hypocrisy, thy name is “Liberal.”

Remember back in the day when Democrats were supposed to be the friends and protectors of oppressed minorities who stood up for their rights out of basic decency and courage? Me neither – the Party of Bull Connor was never really concerned about any minority, just about creating client voter groups they could pillage for money and ballots.

Spin Zone / Re: Hollywood Went Full Retard. Again.
« on: January 29, 2018, 07:44:07 AM »

One has to wonder when these morons in the entertainment industry will wake up and realize most people don't give a shit about their politics. 

 Just because you play an instrument, sing or act doesn't enlighten one in the political spectrum.  And when they start turning away fans, those deplorables who pay money to listen or watch them perform, one would think they would finally get it and shut up.

Spin Zone / Re: Hollywood Went Full Retard. Again.
« on: January 28, 2018, 06:43:02 AM »
Actors believe their own bullshit.  These are people who pretend to be other people.  And since they receive huge paychecks for pretending, they believe that somehow makes them enlightened, and of course smarter than everyone else.

 They will call for income equality while they make millions for a film while the crew earns an average working income.

 They will call for open borders while living in exclusive gated communities.

 They will demand gun control while being careful guarded by armed security.

 They will demand we go along with MMGW as they jet from continent to continent in their private jets.

 They will lecture us on being "green" while they drive their gas guzzling SUV's.

 And they will pretend outrage over sexual harassment when their own have been discovered practicing it, even though they have known about it for years and kept quiet.  The surfs aren't suppose to know about their inner world.

Spin Zone / Re: Why is this Mueller thing even news?
« on: January 26, 2018, 05:52:46 PM »
Maybe Dim can find a cooperative judge to stop the president.

 I'm sure that's already in place.

Spin Zone / Re: Why is this Mueller thing even news?
« on: January 26, 2018, 03:55:26 PM »

While we all sink our teeth into immigration, the fallout from the Democrats’ failed government shutdown, and this New York Times story that Trump wanted to fire Mueller last June—he didn’t, by the way—you’re missing the fight between House Republicans, the FBI, and the Department of Justice over this FISA memo. The four-page document details alleged abuses that are said to be akin to the activities of the KGB. Some lawmakers said it could lead to deep changes within the DOJ. Democrats have pushed back saying it’s a political stunt, aimed at undermining the credibility of the FBI. There’s speculation that the Obama administration used the unverified Trump dossier as the basis to secure FISA warrants to spy on members of the Trump campaign and transition team. The dossier was funded by the Hillary campaign. They hired Fusion GPS, a research firm, who in turn contracted an ex-MI6 operative to get information on Donald Trump. In all, it’s a lucrative opposition research file, most of which cannot be corroborated. The DOJ has been adamant that they review the memo before it’s release to prevent a reckless disclosure of information. The House GOP response has pretty much been to tell the DOJ/FBI to shove it. They’re not allowing them to read the memo. As of right now, this memo could be released next week (via Fox News):

Spin Zone / Re: Why is this Mueller thing even news?
« on: January 26, 2018, 12:44:39 PM »

 If the republicans decide to make this memo public it totally unravels Mueller's so called investigation.   It will also expose just how deep BHO and the FBI were involved with trying to undermine the Trump campaign.

 It wouldn'y surprise me at all to see Mueller attempt a hail mary maneuver quickly in order to get public attention away from him and the FBI and a last attempt to oust Trump.

 Desperation is setting in.

Spin Zone / Re: Why is this Mueller thing even news?
« on: January 26, 2018, 12:21:31 PM »
What you are seeing is panic.

 The progressives and their MSM are in full blown panic from the revelations of the FBI conspiracy and it looks like it will bring down several people, Mueller included.  They are busy slinging every bit of shit against the wall in dire hopes something, anything, will stick.

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