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Messages - Bamaflyer

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Pilot Zone / Re: Passengers passing out from heat in Vegas
« on: July 20, 2023, 05:48:28 AM »
When I flew at a large regional they often would defer one pack on a certain model jet that the remaining pack just could not cool the plane, especially if it was heat soaked. I refused the plane many times despite pressure to take it. Young Capts and wimpy Capts would take it and the poor passengers suffered.

As for ground AC at the gate they often didn’t work very well trying to cool a hot plane on a hot ramp in the southeast. It’s frustrating for the crew trying to do the right thing but management only cares about getting that flight moving. Some things apparently don’t change.

Spin Zone / Re: Haha Eman on the roll on the “new” POA
« on: July 12, 2023, 01:24:37 PM »
What’s the “ new PoA”?

Yes eman1200 is one of those foul mouthed keyboard warriors. Easy to be one when writing under a pseudonym. He becomes very upset when his real name is brought up.

Did eman pee in your Wheaties?

Spin Zone / Firing All Our Female Employees
« on: July 03, 2023, 03:27:36 PM »
Announcement: Now That Affirmative Action Is Illegal, We At The Babylon Bee Are Firing All Our Female Employees
Jul 3, 2023 ·

We were devastated last week to hear the Supreme Court overturned affirmative action, which has been used to help unfunny women obtain comedy writing positions for many years. Since we are always careful to comply with the law, we at The Babylon Bee have decided to part ways with all our female employees.

This is a difficult decision. We're outraged that in 2023, women still struggle to find work in comedy due to most of them not being funny at all. While we shared many laughs with our female writers, it was mostly because we thought they were cute and wanted them to like us.

It wasn't because they were funny or anything. They weren't.

Sometimes, we asked for their help when we were writing about women with questions like: "Hey, Cathy, is this what a woman would say?" but that's it. They may have written a few jokes, but we can't really remember.

While our hearts are heavy, we still have hope that one day America might live up to its ideals of equity, belonging, and diversity. We wish our female staff the best in their future efforts doing whatever it is women do.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: June 23, 2023, 06:26:57 AM »
A kid walks by the open door of his parents bedroom and catches them having sex. His father quickly tells him to move on and not pay any attention. The kid shakes his head and complies.

The next day the father hears a commotion and finds the kid fucking his grandmother. "WTF?" exclaims the father, half-crazy with rage.

 "Not so funny when it's YOUR mother, is it?" says the kid.

Spin Zone / Re: another icon bites the dust...
« on: May 23, 2023, 05:50:28 PM »
Well when y’all are in your 90s maybe she’ll look good.

Lol Whatya talkin’ bout, I’m in my 70s and they both look good! 🤪😎

Biden Says $10 Million Payment From Romania To His Cat Is Totally Legitimate
May 12, 2023 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a tense exchange with the press today, President Biden defended himself against charges of corruption and bribery, claiming that a recent $10 million payment to his cat Willow is "totally legitimate" and there's nothing weird about it at all.

"Listen, folks, it's none of my business what deals my cat is making around the world. I know nothing about it," said the President. "Willow is the smartest cat I know, and it doesn't surprise me to hear that he provided a totally real and legitimate and non-corrupt service to the Romanian government in exchange for millions of dollars which I'm sure was fully deserved and that I've never seen. I'm not corrupt. Do you think I'd be President if I was corrupt? Come on, man!"

Sources say the White House press pool let out a collective sigh of relief, happy that their concerns were so decisively laid to rest. "When the President says he did nothing wrong, you have to believe him," said recent Georgetown grad and White House Correspondent Krissy Persimmons. "That's just science."

Journalists were also told not to worry about the $3 million Ukrainian payment to Biden's dog Major, the $12 million Chinese payment to Dr. Jill, or the dead hooker found in the trunk of Biden's Corvette.

At publishing time, the White House cat was found dead of a self-inflicted hit-and-run.

Spin Zone / Re: Tuckered out
« on: April 30, 2023, 05:43:56 PM »
Most conservatives are way over Hannity.  He is completely unwatchable.

Never cared for his program, but it’s  mostly him I can’t stand. Tucker & The Five we’re the only ones I watched.

Remember years ago you could turn on the news and see what’s going on? News! Now it’s all political, libs vs conservatives, from the President on down.

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 08, 2023, 06:37:55 PM »
'I Would Never Trust A Female Airline Pilot,' Says Man Who Doesn't Know How To Change The Wiper Blades On His Car
Mar 8, 2023 ·

Spin Zone / Re: Making cockpits less white
« on: February 23, 2023, 08:03:27 PM »
I retired from an airline in 2013 but it started years before 2013. Before the 1500 hour rule we were hiring pilots with fewer than 300 hours. They were great on automation but kick the auto pilot off and watch out. They eventually got up to speed as time went on and most were competent after a period of time. It’s probably worse now. I still instruct at a flight school and the young CFIs are instructing just to get to 1500 hours which is the quicker way of accumulating flight time. I personally think flying corporate or 135 would give them better all around experience as a pilot but they want the time quickly. So glad I’m gone, for this reason and other reasons.

Spin Zone / Re: I don’t even know how to title this
« on: February 22, 2023, 07:32:29 PM »
The Clintons again? Too soon?

I kid. Always sad. RIP

Spin Zone / Re: Gee, We didn't see this one coming
« on: February 17, 2023, 03:55:12 PM »
I think that was the plan all along.


Spin Zone / Re: Observations of a Red Neck
« on: November 26, 2022, 02:59:13 PM »
Alabama here and I agree. People, all races, are friendly, talkative, and polite. Wouldn’t live anywhere else.

Spin Zone / Re: I will Campaign against Trump
« on: November 11, 2022, 10:39:34 AM »
From a friend:

An Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear President Trump:

In mid-August, shortly after the FBI made its unannounced, unprecedented search of Mar-a-Lago, you acknowledged America’s rising levels of anger and polarization and you made an extraordinary offer:
“The temperature has to be brought down in the country. If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen,” you said. “I will do whatever I can to help the country."
Offer accepted. Here’s how you can best help the nation step back from the precipice of civil disorder: Declare you will not be a candidate for president in 2024.
And by the way – President Biden, who falsely cast himself as the unity candidate in 2020 and has since made a series of dark, incendiary speeches demonizing all Republicans as a threat to democracy, should step to a Rose Garden podium and make a similar announcement. Only then will the healing begin, and the risk of politically inspired violence begin to diminish. 
I’m a conservative who voted for you in 2016 and 2020 and I regret neither vote. Had you continued in office in 2021, the U.S. and the world would be safer and in far better economic condition today because you would have continued to encourage the exploitation of our vast energy resources; completed your efforts to close our southern border and stem both unfettered immigration and the importation of deadly fentanyl; ensured that law enforcement had the resources it needs to control rising crime that has all Americans on edge; and tried to slow the spread of racially divisive and sexually inappropriate materials in our schools.
You deserve great credit for engendering a political realignment that will ensure conservative ideas remain relevant. As many U.S. corporations have tacked left, intent on imposing an intolerant “woke” agenda far beyond their boardrooms, you have persuaded increasing numbers of working people and minorities that their best interests are no longer represented by a Democratic Party drawn to fringe ideology that matters to only a sliver of the electorate.
But these initiatives can and should proceed without you as Republicans continue to take advantage of a favorable electoral environment.
As I shuffle in the general direction of retirement, I expect the 2024 election to produce eight years of conservative leadership more likely to foster economic prosperity and stability which will prevent the further erosion of my retirement funds. You cannot offer us eight years. Because you’ve already been elected president once, the 22 nd Amendment to the Constitution limits you to one more term. That’s probably a good thing because in November 2024, you’ll be 78, five months older than Joe Biden was on Election Day 2020.
If you run again, the electorate’s attention will be diverted from winning issues which beg for exposition. Corrupt Justice Department jackals, at the behest of the Biden White House, will not let you rest. Whether the cause du jour is Jan. 6, classified documents, or your business operations, they will continue to harass and likely indict you. You will be playing defense when your team is poised to take the ball and drive down the field.     
The merits of the claims against you are almost beside the point. What matters is that none of the other leading Republican contenders will have to contend with such distractions. We can’t afford to let distractions dilute the message.
You cannot secure personal vindication in 2024. Yes, there were irregularities in 2020.  Two of them are undeniable: Mark Zuckerberg’s injection of $420 million to turn public elections administrators into get-out-the-vote activists in swing-state Democratic municipalities; and the FBI’s pressure on social media to censor reporting detrimental to Biden, including the Hunter Biden laptop story.
But it will never be possible to quantify the effect of those irregularities on the 2020 vote. Instead of relitigating 2020, there must be focus through 2024 and beyond on preventing the repeat of assaults on election integrity. (This week’s election of Republicans at the state level is a positive step in closing election loopholes.) 
Another important consideration – you have never been a stranger to controversy. You thrive on being in the arena, duking it out, counterpunching, exposing hypocrisy. But the country can’t handle the daily maelstrom anymore, especially when it gets personal.  The ties that bind us are on the verge of unraveling. As you’ve recognized, we need calm.
At the 2016 Republican National Convention, you famously said, “I alone can fix it.”  That is no longer an argument for your candidacy. You may not publicly admit it right now, given your publicly expressed ambivalence toward Ron DeSantis, but you know he’s capable of carrying on the work you began. Equally worthy are Nikki Haley and Glenn Youngkin (to identify only two among several), both of whom offer the values, administrative experience, and calm demeanor we need to right the ship.
Your selfless decision to withdraw from the 2024 race would be statesmanlike, truly a historic “America First” moment. Think of the endorphins your announcement will release. Can you leave the political stage with such goodwill and positive energy? If you truly recognize what’s best for the country, you can and will.
Call any time if you want to discuss my proposal. I speak only for myself, but I know there are many committed conservatives who agree. My very best to you and Melania, and thanks for your service.
-- Jim Greenfield         
James Greenfield is a business litigator and real estate lawyer in Villanova, Pa.

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