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Messages - Lucifer

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does it really matter if the unlawful changes are considered fraud?

They are UNLAWFUL.

I agree on that. I just don’t consider doing something within the law to be fraud in the general meaning of the term.
General meaning or not, changing election rules in an unlawful manner is not within the law.  If the state constitution says that all changes to election rules must go through the state legislature, then that's it. No amount of "well meaning for the public good" can change that.  The rule changes were unlawful.  Therefore all votes cast outside the law are null and void.

Many of us here watched it happen, but no amount of "Hey, you can't do that!" could change anything.  Lots of shady stuff going on.  But no election fraud was found... because we're not allowed to look for it.

If the democrats are unable to get Trump off the ballot (and even if they do) I fully expect another pandemic, BLM riots over a staged event, the feds storming the capitol and blaming it on MAGA, another overseas war, nukes in space, and giant spiders forcing us to all use mail-in ballots "for our own protection".  And FJB will somehow win 110% of the votes cast.  Welcome to the USSA.

I believe that there was election fraud, but whether or not it was enough to sway the election I don't know.  However, states violating election law based on their secretaries of state's opinions on "safety during a pandemic" DID affect the election.  Democrat groups took advantage of the slack laws and, perhaps as allowed at the time, flooded the system and gave it to FJB.  That was by far the biggest factor in 2020.

Ideally we'd extend the electoral concept into the states so that it's county by county and not state popular vote.  That way the urban centers would not have their massively overwhelming influence over the rest of the state.  For example, most of Illinois is red with only Chicago and East St. Louis being blue.  The rest of the state is really pissed off at being controlled by Chicago politics.  Same with Wisconsin and Madison / Milwaukee.  And on and on.  Of course county electoral votes will never happen.

Popular vote is meaningless. Wow. To use that as an indicator of anything is counterproductive and considering many were fraudulent, even more misleading.

That there have been a few elections where the winner of the popular vote did not win the electoral college is used by the left to agitate to get rid of the EC.  To do that would violate the most basic premise of the United States which is exactly that: United States: A bunch of separate states uniting for a purpose; NOT the Empire of The District of Columbia. Each state is sovereign and under limited federal control as outlined in the Constitution and with power to elect federal officers through the EC which is designed to empower the state, not the individual citizens.

Thus we are not a direct democracy. We already partially damaged states’ powers with the 17th which we never should have done.  People need to get over the popular vote.  If you need to understand why, take a look at Texas right now asserting it’s rightful sovereignty by trying to protect her borders while the criminally reckless federal apparatus opposes those efforts. The good of the state must be considered in addition to the good of the individual and that is what the EC endeavors to address. 

If the federal government were elected by popular vote, in other words a direct democracy ignoring state boundaries, then the overwhelming numbers in a few east and west coast cities would always prevail over the needs of all the other states.  Why bother having states then?  We would be back to feudal autocracy with sparsely populated but productive flyover states enslaved to support crowded little patches of land full of decadent elite and lazy underclass neither of which have a clue how to produce food or electricity.

No. Fuck the popular vote.

That is a good question of whether a much smaller number of fraudulent votes could have affected the electoral college outcome is a good one.

Of course it could. In 2000 Bush won Florida by 537 votes and that’s what won the whole election. What are you talking about?


So the first thing I went to look for was the actual popular vote counts as reported. It seems like Joe Biden won by over 7M votes, or 5.1%. ( So it really isn't a case of an inherent level of statistical uncertainty causing the confusion here. Instead one has to find evidence for some process that would result in over 7M false votes.

We don’t need 7M false votes to fraudulently change the result. Because of the electoral system it was only a few thousand in select counties that did it.  I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.

Well Rush, at least you are open about your non-falsifiable belief!
You use that phrase as if it somehow implies that a plurality of anecdotal evidence is not valid data. But it is. The election was stolen. Rush is correct in her observations. I watched many testimonies and read many of the affidavits that came out right after the election. Most quickly were suppressed. The speed with which AG Barr insisted no evidence of cheating was found was a giant tell. He didn’t even look, therefore he didn’t find. The whole situation we are in is a perfect illustration of the old fable of the emperor with no clothes. Anyone insisting Biden got 81 million votes and won the election is living in a fantasy.

Well Rush, at least you are open about your non-falsifiable belief!

Biden is not the legitimate president. Even if there was ZERO technical cheating, there was an admitted organized plan carried out months ahead of time by a group of “racketeers” to change election methods to ensure a Dem win (sometimes against state constitutional law) by, allowing universal mail in ballots, targeting specific swing states for voter registration and ballot harvesting but only among Dems.  Mark Zuckerberg funded that with hundreds of millions of dollars going to blue but not red districts. 

It was the mail in ballots that pushed Biden over Trump in the middle of the night and there are plenty of questions about the legitimacy of all those mail ins, such as multiple ballots that had identical marks (having been copied). 

When I moved to Texas I received a ballot from NC and had to call the county and have them remove me from the voter rolls. That does NOT happen automatically.  I could have filled it out and mailed it in and also voted in Texas. My sister received two ballots, one for her and one for our mother. Our mother was completely demented and didn’t vote. My sister could easily have filled out both ballots for whoever she wanted.  When my mother died I had to notify the election board of the death and they required a copy of the death certificate. How many people do that?  There are countless dead people still on voter rolls everywhere, and, beginning in 2020, many were mailed ballots. Convince me their family members never fill them out and “vote” for them.

You will never convince me there aren’t many people who did just that and were never found out or moved and voted in two places. I don’t care if that’s “falsifiable” or not, it is common sense. Mail in ballots are not secure and should be outlawed except for very limited situations. You’re overseas in the military or on extended business, you’re literally housebound from disability. That’s about it, and you should be required to show proof.

Automatic voter registration when you get a drivers license should be banned. Automatic voter machines should be banned. Early voting should be banned. Extended early voting causes a skewed result because people vote before learning critical last minute information about the candidates.

Poll workers need to be bipartisan. If partisan workers ban observers from the room or restrict them to a far corner, as happened in 2020, the election result in that district should be thrown out and those responsible criminally prosecuted for election interference.

Elections in the U.S are a joke.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: February 11, 2024, 01:37:28 PM »
I think she's more Trans-Species than anything.
And the campaign slogan: "Let the Wookie win."

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 08:54:02 AM »
It's refreshing to hear the other side of the story.  We've been fed Z's and FJB's side nonstop for over a year.  Now we can hear the other side.  There's propaganda on both sides, half truths, and outright lies.  But to censor one side in favor of the other is a hallmark of a totalitarian regime.  Critical thinking must be suppressed at all costs.  Blind obedience is required.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 08:03:57 AM »
The left media is pissed that Tucker dared to share a side of the story they didn’t approve.

jim is parroting their position but couching it in terms of faux concern about how people hearing more than one bias is a danger to democracy.

More nonsense from a pretend libertarian.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 05:37:57 AM »
There have been plenty of English language translations on the Internet of Putin and the Kremlin's views and public goals. If Carlson wants to spread them beyond the wonks who read that stuff that's fine with me. I simply state that he is engaging in propaganda, not journalism.

At his noblest Carlson may be attempting to promote non-interventionism. An excellent goal - but the whole point of non-intervention is to remove foreign war triggers. Promoting non-intervention after wars start often seems to yield worse results than fighting them to win.

Everything everyone says these days is propaganda. No one is claiming Tucker is unbiased, and the idea of a 100% unbiased journalist is a myth. At best, a good journalist endeavors to be objective but we are all human. So I am having trouble with:

1. Your judgement that Putin’s propaganda is worse than Zelensky’s and

2. Your implication therefore that Putin’s “reach” should be limited.

You are stating that we should not access more thorough information about the Kremlin’s views than the currently available public sources the “wonks” read?  What?…. We should be satisfied with what mainstream media and the Biden Administration want us to know about Putin’s point of view?  Since when do you trust those entities? We shouldn’t judge for ourselves to what extent Putin is lying and twisting the truth?  Do you seriously believe the pro-Ukraine propaganda is any less lies and twisted half truths?

And if you think we should not retreat to a non-intervention position, now that the war has started, does that mean you support continuing throwing money at Ukraine while our border is undefended? 

I don’t think you think all of the above, you just don’t like Tucker for some reason and therefore don’t like that he went over there and got a Putin interview.  But correct me if I’m wrong.

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 10, 2024, 04:39:12 AM »
That is the empty set. The meaning that I use are:
1 a: a person engaged in journalism
especially : a writer or editor for a news medium"

2 b: writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation"

Huge deflection.  Nice try.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
« on: February 09, 2024, 12:00:07 PM »
Tucker Carlson sure got attention, which is what he desired.
He is a "journalist" in the same way Rachel Maddow is.

I wonder if Carlson will also request an interview Zelensky?

Comparing Tucker Carlson to  Maddow is like Comparing George Washington to Biden. 

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