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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52 53
Spin Zone / Re: Trump: Regulate less, drill more
« on: May 28, 2016, 12:06:52 PM »
The fossil fuel industry is already overly regulated, and yes they are enforced by an out of control EPA.  If there were any environmental problems, the vast liberal/progressive media would be all over it.
Unless, of course, the EPA is responsible for the spill

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:21:44 AM »
Students always want good grades, always have.

at one time, some students understood that you have to earn good grades.

I hope that doesn't hurt the heads of some people...

Spin Zone / Talk about a Bench-Slap
« on: May 20, 2016, 06:36:31 AM »
For those not familiar with the term...a bench slap is when a judge goes off on lawyers in their court in a particularly eloquent way.

The case in question is the DACA injunction lawsuit in Texas, where Texas and 25 other states have sued the Feds to stop the implementation of Obama's executive amnesty

This Court has found no authority to support the concept that it is ever ethical and appropriate conduct to mislead a court and opposing counsel; nor has the Government provided any authority to that effect. That being the case, the Court finds no need for a comprehensive dissertation on the duty of candor and honesty because counsel in this case failed miserably at both. The Government’s lawyers in this case clearly violated their ethical duties.
The misconduct in this case was intentional, serious and material. In fact, it is hard to imagine a more serious, more calculated plan of unethical conduct. There were over 100,000 instances of conduct contrary to counsel’s representations; such a sizable omission cannot be classified as immaterial.
Therefore, this Court, in an effort to ensure that all Justice Department attorneys who appear in the courts of the Plaintiff States that have been harmed by this misconduct are aware of and comply with their ethical duties, hereby orders that any attorney employed at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C. who appears, or seeks to appear, in a court (state or federal) in any of the 26 Plaintiff States annually attend a legal ethics course.

Spin Zone / Re: Do No Harm
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:04:57 PM »
Yet again the proponents of this law fail to realize that the Constitution is not a rights granting document but rather a government limiting document.

Spin Zone / Re: Do No Harm
« on: May 19, 2016, 11:16:49 AM »
Because the State is the only thing you should be beholden to.
The State is a religion, and it brooks no competitors.

Spin Zone / Re: Coping with Crazy
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:28:14 PM »
I have given up on the American experiment.
Our debt is our undoing, and the new generation of politicians are nothing but blind tools of the people behind the government who enrich themselves at every turn, and keep everyone at everyone else's throat.
The sooner the federal government goes you of business the better. It will hurt for long time, then get much better.

Spin Zone / Racists @ Rutgers U.
« on: May 16, 2016, 07:05:38 AM »
Just two years after protesting to effectively drive Dr. Condaleeza Rice, the first female African American Secretary of State, and incidentally an accomplished classical pianist, from the speaking platform, the racists at Rutgers decide that half-white Obama is an acceptable commencement speaker. 

Maybe Jaybird is on to something, in a stopped clock kind of way.  There still is racism in America.  Its running rampant among the leftist political elites that rule our college campuses.  Even Obama himself couldn't ignore the incident.  He didn't let it stop him from accepting the invitation, however.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Cruz announced Carly then bailed...
« on: May 14, 2016, 11:50:31 PM »
Who pissed in your Cheerios today? What makes her a dirtbag?  She didn't stiff vendors. It just took time to pay off.

I contributed a small amount to Scott Walker recently to help pay off his debt. That's how this works.

Where in the world is it OK to take six years to pay off your vendors when all she had to do was lend her campaign the money to pay them and then she could collect it back through our usual system of graft.  Why is it OK to force the vendors to be her banker?  Dirtbag fits.

Spin Zone / Re: USMA- Free Speech or Unlawful Political Gesture
« on: May 12, 2016, 07:08:23 AM »
What if an assortment of Cadets waved a Confederate flag instead of giving the black power salute? Would no punishment be appropriate, or does political correctness override common sense again?
Change the color and the entire argument collapses.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump's Pivot to the Left has Begun
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:43:12 PM »
I think Trump wants to be President because he actually wants to help America be great again.  He has seen what has been going on, and being the egotistical person he is, he thinks he can do better.

I don't think he could do any worse.

Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:41:46 AM »
If we get Hillary we are screwed on every level, so if you don't vote for Trump, we will get:

Four, far left radical anti 1A, and anti 2A SCOTUS judges.
More PC fascism.
No economic growth, possible recession, or depression, and more job killing policies
More taxes
Less freedom, and liberty due to more government regulations and fees.
More bogus man made climate change schemes, regulations, and fees.
Higher energy costs
More divisive rhetoric, and pressure to further divide us along racial, gender, ethnic, economic, and religious lines.
Less influence worldwide.
Failing military, and foreign policy.  (Think Benghazi, and Russian reset)


Spin Zone / Re: Cruz Drops Out
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:03:31 PM »
Nice sentiment. "...everyone needs to forgive the negativity and mend fences..."  Really.

Is accusing Cruz' father of being involved in JFK's assassination, on the morning of the Indiana Primary, just "negativity?"  Is this just a big joke, and something to be laughed off so Trump can expect the 60% of the GOP voters who DIDN'T vote for him to just fall in line like good Hitler youth? 

Trump has ripped the entrails out of my former party.  Whatever happens now will be on him. And you. And the rest of his supporters.
Stan I get the disappointment, I do. 

But Trump is a symptom not the cause, IMO.  The RNC and the Establishment brought this on themselves through their mismanagement of the last several campaigns and a complete failure to do anything positive with recent historic electoral victories.  Boehner, McConnell, now even Ryan - they have failed to effectively oppose Obama and the Dem's - and the average Joe and Jill Six-pack have simply had enough.  That is why I left the party a year or so ago, spineless weenies.  So I get the aggravation and disappointment.

Whatever happens now will be on all of us, what we do or don't do, what we say or don't say - just like it was yesterday, and the day before that - and that includes you, Jihad Jeff and everyone else.  If you stay home, or vote 3rd party it is just as much on you as if you voted for Hillary, same as if I stayed at home if your guy had won the nomination and I wasn't happy - or when I (and millions of others) voted Perot the 1st time.  And you know if Cruz stayed in and somehow managed to pull ahead on the 3rd or 4th vote in a contested convention you and others would make the same demand of Trump's supporters.  Since I have plainly stated I might stay home if Cruz were to 'steal' the nomination I get it, and I am not passing judgement, we each have to act in accordance with our conscience.

Make no mistake though, your guy failed to close the deal with enough Primary voters to secure the nomination or even have any direct legitimate path to the nomination, and that is in the party that by any measure is the best match to Cruz's strengths - that is on him and his campaign and they'll have ample time to conduct a post-mortem. 

The only thing I would urge you or others is to not lash out at the voters themselves, they made their choices based on the information they had and in the context of their beliefs, hopes and aspirations - the failure or success, such as it is, is on the campaigns for being able to recognize and speak to those beliefs, hopes and aspirations, or not.


Spin Zone / Re: Bye bye Cruz
« on: May 03, 2016, 05:51:13 PM »

I think the thumbing of noses to fellow Rs is out of line.  As I said in another thread, it is time to mend fences and go after Hillary.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Won't Mr. "Will of the People" Debate?
« on: April 27, 2016, 07:29:29 AM »
So in other words, (I'm starting to like that debate style) You are saying that CNN, CNBC, FOX, MSNBC etc are the President's employer.

If the debates were actually methods of extracting real information, rather than ratings wars with 'gotcha questions", I might agree with you.  But your opposition to Trump skipping the debate is solely based on your dislike of Trump.


If the positions were switched, and Cruz was the front runner and Trump had been eliminated, and the Trump campaign asked for more debates we would be hearing an entirely different tune.

Spin Zone / Re: In 40 years this country will be unrecognizable
« on: April 24, 2016, 04:58:26 AM »
It's reflexive for the left.  There is no difference in their minds.

It is a purposeful lie, like "reasonable, common sense" gun control laws.  It makes us look like unreasonable xenophobes.  Put an "Ellis Island" at the southern border, make the Mexicans apply for entry, and then have a process to make sure they are not criminals, gang members or terrorists.  If we need temporary migrant workers, develop a LEGAL guest worker program.   

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