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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Madcow
« on: March 16, 2017, 02:12:20 PM »
Welcome to politics. You must be new here.

It is true.  G*d forbid a politician does what is right for the country vs. what will advance their political agenda.  However, I do think Trump is stupid enough to believe he can do what is right, and actually get support from his own party.  :(

Spin Zone / Re: Madcow
« on: March 16, 2017, 06:33:53 AM »
No, lebesian is the proper term, as used by the Doctor of Common Sense, ET Williams.

As opposed to a Thesbian?  Same, same round eye.  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Madcow
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:08:10 PM »
That of course brings up the question of whether those promises were good for the country or even feasible to deliver on.

Personally, I think what Trump ran on is very good for the country, such as:

Lower taxes, and lessor unneeded regulation to stimulate the economy.  Create Jobs!
Make foreign trade deals more fair to the U.S.
Smaller, more efficient government, less deficit spending, lower debt
Repeal/replace Obamacare so you can keep your plan, and keep your doctor, and lower cost.
Secure borders to keep illegals, and bad guys out.

I really don't see anything wrong with any of that or anything that would be "bad" for the country. 

They don't need to make it up, the Administration provides question actions on almost a daily basis.

Trump certainly can tweet or say some silly things, but I think he is improving on that.  Also, the temporary restriction on immigration from certain countries could have been cleaner from the get go, but I think they've corrected the issues.  Don't know if that is what you're referencing. 

Spin Zone / Quick Trump story
« on: March 13, 2017, 12:07:45 PM »
Gary will appreciate this because he knows where I used to be based for many years, Pottstown Muni, N47 in PA.  This happened to me before I moved to Colorado, but I kept the hangar at N47 and sub-leased it for about eight years, then returned, and occupied it again.  So this had to be around 2002, prior to my move.  Anyway, I was cleaning the Tiger one Saturday, and had just finished cleaning the grease off the belly of the plane with Wash Wax All Red formula.  (They now have a degreaser, but I digress).  The Red stuff worked well, and I had the belly of the plane all cleaned up, but I think most of the grease was transferred from the belly of the plane to ME.  My jeans and old ratty sweatshirt were pretty much covered in blackish airplane goo.  I guarantee I was considered an environmental hazard at that point, subject to HUUUUUGE fines by the EPA.  Not to mention I was sweating, probably smelly and just "plane" gross. 

I took a break as I was almost done, and low, and behold a HUUUUUGE, black Sikorsky helicopter was hovering over the field, and then proceeded to land in the grass between the taxiway, and the only runway, the HUUUUGE 2,700 ft. long runway 8/26.  The helo landed, and shutdown.  Now this was a major event at sleepy little Pottstown Muni, because in large gold letters on the side of the black Sikorsky, it said TRUMP

OK?  It's true......    Now this really got my attention as I stood in front of my hangar, dripping, and stinking.  Greasy rag still in my hand.  The Sikorksy's cabin door opened, and the stairs came down.  Lo, and behold not one, not two, but three gorgeous blonds come down the steps, one after another.  Their **** were HUUUUUUUUGE.  :)  So after the ladies emerge, down walks Donald Trump.  After the Donald, the two pilots emerge.  At this point the airport rift raft had mossied on over to the helo, and a small group had formed around the Donald, the ladies, and the helo pilots.  They could have been space aliens.  Of course I had to get up close as well, so I walked over to them rag in hand. 

I had not noticed, but a limo had been waiting in the parking lot.  The group stood between the Donald entourage, and the limo, delaying him.  I walked over, and after the others had said hello, I did as well, and told the Donald we were kind of in the same business.  He knew my employer at the time personally, and we chatted very, very briefly, and he was off, and gone in the limo.  He was actually very nice, and friendly to everyone.  The two pilots stayed behind, and I chatted with them.  It turns out they were both Vietnam vets with a bazillion hours of helo combat time.   

About 45 minutes, or an hour later (I don't remember exactly as I went back to cleaning the plane) the limo pulls up, and the girls emerge (non of them Donald's wife at the time), then Eric Trump gets out, and grabs his hockey bag out of the car's trunk.  It seems he was a student at the prestigious Hill School in Pottstown, and also played goalie on their hockey team.  The entourage walks to the helo, unmolested by us airport urchins, they get in, the helo cranks up, and leaves.  I assume they went back to NYC, but I really don't know. 

So that was my big meeting with our current President.  Me covered in grease, sweaty, stinking, holding a greasy airplane rag.   I can't think of a better way to meet him.  ;D

P.S.  Crooked Hillary!!!  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Trump said the media is the enemy of the people.
« on: March 13, 2017, 07:39:37 AM »
EVERY President asks the lead U.S. Attorneys to resign, or they get fired when a new Administration comes in.  Common practice for both parties.  It is irresponsible for the media to report, or insinuate otherwise. 

Spin Zone / Re: A Day Without Women
« on: March 08, 2017, 12:43:58 PM »
Just had a liberal friend insist that women are paid less than men for the same work.

That argument holds up for me, but perhaps it's too complex for the emotionally triggered?

I have been in the corporate world with some pretty large companies my entire career.  I have had large staffs, small staffs, hired, and fired, etc. so I have seen salary levels for various positions over many years.  I have NEVER encountered a situation where a woman made less than her male counterparts for doing the same job.  There are salary ranges for positions, and many times I'd start the person off in the middle or lower/middle of the range.  Sometimes there are negotiations, but you have limits due to budgets, and other issues.  In fact, the last company I was with had a mandate to hire women, and minorities at a greater rate, so those candidates got preferential treatment for job openings.  Fair, huh? 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Sessions Lie Under Oath......
« on: March 06, 2017, 03:17:54 PM »
I admit to overzealous defense of Jim without asking whether he wanted it. It's because I enjoy hearing different viewpoints around here, and don't wish it to become a forum of parrots.

I don't want to speak for others, but I do appreciate other viewpoints.  I think many of us, including myself are disgusted by the current display of sour grapes from the Democrats, and Media.  It is getting old, and starting to look like a purposeful COUP.  There was none of this when Obama won two terms, and became the most liberal/progressive President in modern history, and then proceeded to go on a "bash America" tour of appeasement around the world.  For me, his eight year reign was demoralizing, and counterproductive to the advancement of our quality of life, security, and standard of living here in the United States.

Trump has vowed to represent Americans, and work on behalf of Americans.  I thought that didn't even need to be said, but after Obama it does.  He has flaws, as does every President, but I think his goals are positive, and genuine. 

Spin Zone / Re: Did Sessions Lie Under Oath......
« on: March 04, 2017, 07:07:48 AM »
Precisely why I visit this site more infrequently as time goes on.  Everyone not on the "Trump Train" is a goddam liberal and it's getting close to a right-wing circle jerk.  Echo chambers are never good as a litmus test for ones own beliefs.

I agree with Jim Longajan's perspective on Sessions history of voting, but I don't see him as much of a threat as the people posed under the last eight years of Obama like Holder, Lynch, Jarrett, Imanuel, Jones, , and EPA heads, etc.  I don't like the Patriot Act, but that was totally BI-Partisan, nor further restrictions on thing like tobacco, nor marijuana, and I don't smoke either of them.  Is Sessions perfect?  NO, but he is better than Holder, or Lynch.

This forum is becoming a conservative circle jerk, because some of our more liberal/progressive members can not back up their beliefs with facts, nor logic, and fail in making cogent arguments for their views, and get emotional, upset, and leave.  Too bad, so sad. 

Spin Zone / Re: Russia Hijacked the Oscars
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:21:19 AM »
It was Russia collaborating with the Tea Party, and legal gun owners. 

Spin Zone / Re: 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Destroys 2nd Amendment
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:27:17 PM »
The pen might be mightier than the sword, but when enemy troops land, I want an AR.  Or a Barrett M82.

Methinks it isn't, nor won't be foreign "enemy troops" we are fighting, but domestic terrorists, illegals, and "others".....  Soros can buy a lot of Latte's, and Chai teas!  :)

Spin Zone / Re: The measure of a man's legacy-
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:52:00 PM »
Maybe it's more a measure of his opponents.

Recall how the libs treated Tony Snow.

Tony Snow was the best.  I miss him. 

Spin Zone / Re: A day without immigrants.
« on: February 19, 2017, 07:47:52 AM »
How about a day without stupidity.     Immigrant does not equal illegal immigrant.

The great triumvirate of the U.S. downfall, the Media, Education, and Government want a dependent, entitled population they can control.  Until Trump, they have been succeeding.  MAGA.

Spin Zone / Re: A stunning display of dishonesty from the left
« on: February 16, 2017, 05:46:33 AM »
^^^^^This.  A large segment of society since the 1960's but really gathering steam in the 70's is the propensity of WHITE GUILT propelled by the media, education, and government.  In order to right long gone, "past wrongs" we have becoming crazy with demonizing white people, especially white conservatives, Christians and even moderates who don't bow down to IDENTITY POLITICS, and Man Made Climate Change.

These people want to destroy modern industrialism here in the U.S. yet want their Apple I phones, Apple I Pads, Subarus, and all the other comforts of life.  In fact they feel entitled to have these things.  THINGS!!!   

Spin Zone / Re: The Cheeto Jesus' first fatality
« on: February 10, 2017, 01:15:34 PM »
You have issues Michael. 

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:58:27 AM »
Then why did they try and repeal it SIX times?

To make a statement of protest against it.  That's why Senate's have "Resolutions".  They don't carry any weight but they show INTENT.  There, happy now?  Let me know if you need me to explain anything else.   :)

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