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Messages - Anthony

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74 75 ... 93
Spin Zone / Re: Trump won states having 55% of the population.
« on: January 14, 2017, 05:05:40 PM »
I think the Clinton Foundation, and its obvious corruption, and the Clintons' pay to play, even taking money from foreign adversaries,  was one of the reasons Hillary lost the election. 

Bill, and Hillary got what they wanted out of politics.  They wanted to become mega rich, and they did by using their offices, and influence. 

Spin Zone / Re: Biden
« on: January 14, 2017, 04:42:44 PM »
Isn't Obama the only President to be at war every day of his eight year rule?  How many of our soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan under his reign?

He promised to get is out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and close Gitmo (which I disagreed with).  He also said we could keep our doctor, and healthcare plan, and that our healthcare costs would go down.  Mine has gone up 50% in cost, and the deductibles have doubled.

Obama has promoted racist, sexist, and gender bending divisiveness.  He has also not enforced selective laws, including illegal alien laws.  He is the worst President we've had, except Hillary would have out done him in the worst ever department.   

Spin Zone / Re: It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:20:59 AM »
He's a criminal, and needs to be dealt with as such.  A totalitarian, GLOBALIST that hates America. 

Spin Zone / A "liberal/progressive" calls out her own kind
« on: January 11, 2017, 08:58:43 AM »
The liberal columnist for USA Today doesn't have a problem with all liberals, just the subset she defines as the "illiberal left." As political discourse has become more coarse, she sees growing danger.
In her recent book, The Silencing, she argues some on her side want no part of fair debate and are taking an axe to free speech.

The "illiberal left," she writes, "act in direct contradiction to the fundamental liberal values of free speech, debate and dissent" and "adopt tactics they claim to discern and detest in conservatives."

The illiberal left is a loud group that mastered social media, helps steer academia and runs what I call "alt-left" websites. Those are fountainheads of victimization where you can drown in slippery, socially-engineered terms such as mansplaining, trigger warnings, microaggressions, (fill in the blank) privilege, cisgender, rape culture, and more phobias than are locked in Freud's little closet of horrors.

Kirstin Powers may be a Democrat, and liberal, but she gets it right on this one.

Spin Zone / Re: The Left at Work Again......
« on: January 11, 2017, 07:59:56 AM »
The sad thing about the alt left is their willingness to go racist at the drop of a hat to try and win on points, then accuse everybody of racism when they notice the hypocrisy and sickening behavior.

That is to end the argument, and devalue the opponent. Racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, are all signs that the left has no real argument.  They call is deplorables because they do not have facts, logic, nor truth on their side.  Sad.  I hope the majority of our country is waking up to the failed tricks, inane policies, and rhetoric of the left. 

I have no problem with people owning semi-auto long guns but I wouldn't think they'd be well suited for home defense.  You'd have too much of a chance of killing family members in other rooms as the bullets go through walls.

There is ammo specifically designed to NOT over penetrate.  Remember, 5.56/.223 is a varmint round, and has many, many different loadings, and bullet types to do specific things. 

Well said. One thing that is beginning to truly horrify me lately is the mainstream flow of hatred, vilifying and vitriol spewing from the left. It goes beyond mere irritation or criticism. When I venture to read mainstream to see what is being reported, I STILL see Republicans, whites, Trump voters, etc. being repeatedly referred to as fascists, racists, you know the rest. Can't they see that keeping that up is a large part of why they are losing?

Hate, lies, and name calling (vilification to nullify the opposition) is all the LEFT has.  They do not have facts, logic, nor the truth in which to argue so they resort to vilification.  As you note, it has become mainstream by the leftists, media, and Democrats, which is scary.  The Jews were vilified in this way in Nazi Germany which led to the Final Solution.  It seems that's what the LEFT wants for anyone who disagrees with them.

Spin Zone / Re: Georgia Tech Climatologist Chooses 'Career Suicide
« on: January 09, 2017, 07:50:37 AM »
So perfesser, when someone submits data that was gathered using questionable methods or obvious dubious methods, that is not to be questioned?

Sounds like more of the "How dare you question my results!" that the left constantly deploys when questioned.

That's why the demand that the "debate is over!!!".  Also why they call us "DENIERS", and demonize anyone who doesn't go along with their HOAX, even to the point of wanting us arrested and jailed. 

I can't wait for Trump to reign in the EPA and make their regulations more reasonable, and common sense.  The Clean Air, and Water Act has be totally abused by them.  It needs to be AMENDED.  Farmers ponds are NOT a threat to the environment, and neither is Gibson Guitar. 

Fast and Furious - ran illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels, and maybe terrorists - SCANDAL

Benghazi - Purposely let four Americans die, including a very progressive, and gay Democrat Ambassador, lied about the cause being a video - SCANDAL

IRS targeting conservative groups - SCANDAL

EPA targeting conservatives - SCANDAL

Hillary server, and damning emails - SCANDAL

Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton - SCANDAL

Obama lying about Obamacare - SCANDAL

Obama lying about shovel ready jobs - SCANDAL

Obama/Holder/Lynch supporting the BLM movement, and false narrative about hands up don't shoot - SCANDAL

Crony grants that went bust like Solyndra - SCANDAL

GM union bail out - SCANDAL

Spin Zone / Re: Georgia Tech Climatologist Chooses 'Career Suicide
« on: January 07, 2017, 11:31:32 AM »
Nobody goes into academic research motivated by a desire to get Federal funding. Like, yeah, first thing I think of when I ask "How to get rich?" - oh yeah, go into meteorology! Doesn't everyone!?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to write successful grant proposals that pry loose any of those dollars?

The scientists may have political or personal aggrandizement motivations, but financial? Hardly.

If they want to get our keep their funding they will come up with the results their backers want.  I have also spent time in academia, and have seen it first hand. 

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans vote to gut independent ethics watchdog
« on: January 06, 2017, 12:35:10 PM »
The funniest thing is the Orange Overlord didn't object so much to the vote itself as to the priorities.  Still, we know who's tune the Congressional GOP is following.

Why didn't you ever call Obama the "Black Overlord"?  Or Chocolate Commie?  C'mon Michael, immaturity seems to be your strongest suit lately. 

Some people are just delusional, indoctrinated, and culturally impaired. 

Spin Zone / Re: History Lesson
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:25:31 AM »
My favorite line from the article.

So for you liberal lurkers and you half-assed fence-sitters, kiss off. You had your big hurrah and now your party is over.

Spin Zone / Re: Proof of Russian Hacking!
« on: January 01, 2017, 06:02:09 AM »
Biggest FAKE NEWS story of 2016 - Russian Hacking.  Get a life Dems, and stop blaming everything and everyone else but Hillary, Obama, and your FAILED, and DESTRUCTIVE policies.

Maybe ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz to lunch?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump rejects new Air Force 1
« on: December 31, 2016, 08:56:35 AM »
Like anything that comes out of this mouth....  first thing that comes to his brain.

Boeing and others are still trying to figure out how on earth, he arrived at that number.

It doesn't matter where the number came from, or if it was pulled out of thin air (probably was).  It sends a message, that it is no longer business as usual to f*ck over the taxpayer.

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