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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Who are the actual Trump Supporters?
« on: December 30, 2016, 10:04:04 AM »
At first, I was a lukewarm supporter, almost solely because it was a pro 2A/pro economy vote, and an ANTI HILLARY VOTE.  Now that he is President, I am 100% behind him.  I knew Hillary would be four more years of Obama economic malaise, and go after the 2A through the SCOTUS appointments.   

Spin Zone / Re: How long for this one?
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:43:17 PM »
As soon as mari finds out that someone disagreed with her it will be locked and someone will be banned.
What a pathetic bunch of pansies.

She really disliked me due to my conservative/libertarian viewpoint, but couldn't ban me because I followed the rules like many others.  So instead, they just shut SZ down, and relegated the board to what it is now.  Oh well, life goes on, and it is only the interwebs.

Spin Zone / Re: Soldiers of Odin!
« on: December 26, 2016, 12:18:34 PM »
Says the guy who regularly represents the extreme right.

So extreme right is:

Making the Constitution matter
Wanting the rule of law
Upholding the 1A, and 2A, etc
Wanting secure borders so drug cartels and terrorists can't come in
A government that does not try to divide us on racial, ethnic, gender, political, and religious lines
Reasonable regulation
Reasonable taxation
Less corruption, and crony capitalism

These are extreme right?


Anyway, your point is taken. I'm sarcastically making the constitutional point that I want my government as secular as possible. My opinion is that, the less secular the individuals that make up the government, the more likely we are to have religion creep into it. I like a heavy contingent of secularists in my government, and I don't especially care whether the secularism comes from a Republican or Democrat.

I am not a follower of organized religion, but I'm not an atheist either.  Our country guarantees freedom OF religion, not separation of church and state.  That being said, I do NOT want the government involved in my personal life, especially religion, but I don't mind a Nativity scene in the town square, or a Menorah on a building.  I don't need to worship them nor even look at them.  I have a life.     

Spin Zone / Re: Soldiers of Odin!
« on: December 26, 2016, 09:52:14 AM »
Yeah! Frankly, I'm hoping for Christian and Muslim fundamentalists all up in my business.

Nobody said that.  Another liberal/progressive tactic is to go to extremes where no extreme is present.  Nice try though. 

Spin Zone / Re: Signs that Democrats are getting a clue
« on: December 24, 2016, 05:43:01 AM »
Well, he is the closest so far. But isn't enough to imderstand the problems if you do not do something about them.  Hillary could have understood that American jobs are going overseas and that our manufacturing sector is dying but unless she has solid ways to fix it then the understanding does not matter.

Hillary lost because her anti-industrial message combined with Trump's "jobs, jobs, jobs" message turned about 700,000 voters in WI, MI and PA.

The Democrat platform has been hijacked by the Green movement, and has caused them to be anti fossil fuel, and anti industrial, therefore anti economic growth which means less JOBS.  People finally realized that.  Hillary promised to kill Coal Industry jobs.

Spin Zone / Re: Dear idiot Libs: we are at war
« on: December 20, 2016, 11:56:54 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump
« on: December 20, 2016, 07:37:12 AM »
As y'all know, I am not a huuuuuuuge Trump fan.  However, he is better than Hillary or any current crop of Democrats which have embraced Social, and Economic Justice, i.e. Totalitarian Communism.  I truly believe that.

I hope his ego doesn't go out of control, and he sticks to the basics of improving the economy, and creating jobs for the American worker.   

Spin Zone / Re: What is social justice?
« on: December 20, 2016, 05:46:23 AM »
Social, and economic justice are basic tenets of Communism.  It essentially says the Totalitarian elite get to decide what is fair, right, wrong, and how much you get.  It is oppression.   

1104 was her turn!!   It was hers!  She deserves this!!!

 Power hungry sick tired old crook.  She won't go away until the media stops fawning over her.

Her entire message, if she actually had one, was paradoxical.  It was four more years of Obama, yet things were so terrible (after eight years of Obama) that we needed her communist agenda to fix things.  WTF?

The MSNBC people were right though, she really had no story to tell beyond "it's my turn".  She is the ultimate LOSER. 

Spin Zone / Re: Chewbakka Feels Hopeless
« on: December 19, 2016, 12:30:05 AM »
I do not think the wookie that calls himself Michelle Obama gets to decided for the country whether we feel hopeful, or not.

She is upset that Obama's legacy will be erased in a few months by Trump.  The illegal aliens pouring in, Obamacare, the EPA, DOJ, IRS over reach, all those Executive Orders, etc.  Gone, all gone.  Obama will go down in history as the worst President.  In addition, no more taxpayer paid vacations, and world travel.  She will be irrelevant, and insignificanct, and most of the country is saying GOOD RIDDANCE.  That's why she has no hope. 

Don't let the door hit you in your fat ass Michelle. 

Spin Zone / Re: Micro v macro
« on: December 18, 2016, 01:27:56 PM »
The entire Microaggression terminology has been invented by the left in order to sensor speech they do not like.  They have convinced the media, government, and other leftists that they have a right not to be offended nor insulted.  It is just a way to circumvent the 1A, and sensor speech, and thought that they do no agree with. 

Microaggression is INVALID. 

Spin Zone / Re: Whatever next?
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:55:51 AM »
But...but...but.....Hillary got more votes!

I see that a lot from people in the Comment Section below many progressive leaning articles on why Hillary lost, and how unfair it was because she won the popular vote solely because of NYC, and L.A. metro areas.  These people do not understand how our country works, not do the understand we a NOT a Democracy, but a Representative Constitutional Republic. 

Mob rule does not work, and that is what we would have without the EC.  NYC, and L.A. would run the country with policies that the rest of the country is vehemently against.   

Spin Zone / Re: Whatever next?
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:41:59 AM »
Wow, the Democrats are now advocating a full blown Coup d'état.  This is Banana Republic stuff, totally in line with the Obama Admin's past eight years.  If you can't win legally, make up stuff, and see what sticks.  This is really a new low for the Democrats.  I hope a coalition of Dems realizes this is ridiculous, and calls for their party to cease and desist, but I am not holding my breath.

I noticed the comments calling for an investigation, and postponement of the electoral college vote so Hillary can be installed are mostly from bubble headed, brainwashed WOMEN. 

Spin Zone / Re: Leak v hack
« on: December 15, 2016, 02:47:27 AM »
I agree with much of what you say.  I wouldn't say Hillary was incompetent but rather she was toxic to voters.  She still won more than 2M votes more than DT.  What does it say about us electing someone who put his foot in his mouth daily.  It says many hated HRC more.  Does this equal a popular mandate, I don't think so.  My fingers are crossed that it works out but right now its still a coin flip.

Hillary won the popular vote solely in areas that are solid Democrat/liberal/progressive brainwashed.  L.A. , and NYC metro areas.  Our system rightly mitigates against large swathes of indoctrinated controlling the country.  However, as a country we are in crisis.  Metro areas have grown, are always Democrat, and are controlling entire states. 

We are NOT a Democracy.  We are a Representative Constitutional Republic.  The Dems need to get over the popular vote, and MOB RULE.  Trump won 3,084 out of 3,141 counties.  Hillary won 57.

Spin Zone / Re: Fake News
« on: December 14, 2016, 08:06:09 AM »
I get that people, myself included, wished there were choices other than HRC and DT to choose from at this last election.  Whether one or the other was worse is debatable but most agree, both sucked.  Now that DT has won, I hope people hold him to the same standards they would say HRC failed to uphold.  When he lies, call him on it.  When he "spins" the truth, see it for what it is.  My problem with die hard DT supporters is that they ignore anything negative and blame HRC or the media for fomenting undue criticism.  I have seen little so far that has made me less nervous but I am hopeful.

I like Trumps appointments to his cabinet so far.  Especially EPA.  He is doing exactly what he promised during his campaign.  The fact that Republicans McCain, and Graham are against him warms my heart. 

Hillary, like Obama is not a leader/manager.  They can't run anything but only talk in obscure progressive/liberal/communist ideals.  Broad policies of hope, and change.  NO NUTS AND BOLTS on how to improve the important factors in our lives.  Trump is a DOER.  Just watch. 

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