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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 423 424 [425] 426 427 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: A collective gasp from the dims
« on: December 31, 2018, 08:51:07 AM »
I didn't miss your point at all. I 100% grasped your point. I assumed you knew I got the point, so I didn't specifically say so.

My point was, in using the word "malignant", they could accurately report the facts (agree with you though technically the word is not a synonym for cancer, i.e. malignant hypertension, AFAIK it always is when referencing a solid tumor) without using the typical trigger word. Although "malignant" is close, it doesn't pop out quite the same as "cancer" and was probably missed by a portion of readers.
Ah, OK. We’re in agreement.

Spin Zone / Predictions for 2019
« on: December 31, 2018, 08:43:54 AM »
Let’s have some fun. Post your prediction(s) for 2019.  Here are mine:

1.  Given a taste of power by recapturing the House, 2019 will have the leftists become even more unhinged, unstable, and violent than we have seen since the 1960s.

2.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg will assume room temperature in 2019, and Trump’s nomination and subsequent hearings for her successor will make the Kavanaugh hearings look like a junior high musical.


It is poor form to proverbially place words in a person's mouth and then attack them for those words.

So how about letting him post first if he has anything to say on this thread, OK? Otherwise if you think that is a valid way to attack someone and keep doing it, you may become the unhappy recipient of the same kind of attack.
Lighten up, Francis. You may have missed the performances of the professor when it comes to anthropomorphic climate change, but he’s quite capable of derision and ridicule of anyone, including most people on this site, who don’t toe the party line when it comes to the profitable business combination of scientists and politicians.

Spin Zone / Re: A collective gasp from the dims
« on: December 29, 2018, 10:03:52 PM »
Okay I went back to the article:

“According to the thoracic surgeon, Valerie W. Rusch, MD, FACS, both nodules removed during surgery were found to be malignant on initial pathology evaluation,” the release said. “Post-surgery, there was no evidence of any remaining disease. Scans performed before surgery indicated no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body. Currently, no further treatment is planned. ..."

Sounds like they got clean margins, and no scans show metastases.  It could be in someone that age no treatment planned is better than putting them through chemo which maybe they'd do for caution if they were younger. Of course we don't know the exact type of cancer it is.
I still think you’re missing my point. While the word “malignant” is not reserved to cancer, this points entirely to cancer in my non-MD point of view.  The word “cancer” triggers emotion and fear in most people, much more than the word “disease”, which is more of a ubiquitous term which could include anything.

I think it’s no accident that the article did not use the word “cancer” when describing a serious surgery in an 85-year old Supreme Court Justice who could die in office while Donald Trump is still President.

Steingar will be along shortly to ridicule Curry and her “ilk” for not understanding the science of global warming.

Spin Zone / Re: Be careful what you wish for . . .
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:47:13 AM »
The Iraqi politicians are addicted to US taxpayer money.  If we leave so does most of the money. 

Of course they would like for us to leave, but keep sending money and supplies.
I’m not so sure about that. We saved them from being part of an ISIS caliphate.  I’m fairly certain they don’t have the stones to wage a fight against the most radical form of Islam on earth.  Good luck to them. They’ll need it.

Wonderful. I’m thinking the best thing to happen to guarantee Trump a second term is that the democrats won the House and they will go all in on full batshit crazy socialism and radicalism.

There is no floor for the disgust I have for the MSM but especially CNN and their talking parrots.

They actually fucking ridiculed Melania’s boots that she wore when visiting the troops with her husband.

I’m now convinced that there are no actual “men” in the MSM. None. Not a single testicle among them. All skinny jeans wearing, effeminate little twerps. No real man would criticize Melania like she has been ridiculed, and no real man would create controversy and breathlessness when they could take every opportunity to celebrate what Trump did by visiting our men and women in a war zone.

Spin Zone / Re: GoFundMe Wall Project
« on: December 26, 2018, 08:58:17 AM »
I suspect McConnell is looking to the future when Democrats are in control of the Senate.  He does not want to set the precedent that the minority party in the Senate has no sway at all. 

Of course, there is always the good old-fashioned sort of filibuster.  Just stand up and start talking, Senators cannot be interrupted unless they yield the floor.
Do you seriously think that the democrats won’t get rid of the filibuster if it suits them?  They literally announced they they were going to do that if they took power in 2016.  McConnell is an idiot if he thinks by not dropping the filibuster that the democrats would follow suit. 

He should get rid of cloture, which would implement the old filibuster. As it is now, just the threat of one kills a bill, and they move on to the next bill. It’s just not right.

Spin Zone / Re: I Am MOST Thankful This Year...
« on: December 24, 2018, 09:53:52 AM »
My wish for Christmas. 

Spin Zone / Re: Rand Paul Releases 'Waste Report' on Government Spending
« on: December 23, 2018, 09:46:19 PM »
Pfft. That’s nothing.

Government earmarks - congressional gifts to their districts - was $14.7 BILLION in FY2018.

Spin Zone / Re: POA
« on: December 23, 2018, 09:09:11 PM »
Those ass wipes are so tight they could pick up a dime with their ass cheeks.

Spin Zone / The Schumer & Pelosi Show
« on: December 23, 2018, 07:52:47 AM »
As good of an article as I’ve read in a long time on the current state of affairs between the Democrats and the rest of us.

My favorite paragraph:

“The left is all about identity politics.  They assign all of us to a group -- racial, class, and/or all of their fabricated gender categories.  The right is all about individuals, their character, their talent, their contributions to society.  We do not care about skin color, economic class or sexual orientation.  We do care about good vs. evil, right vs. wrong.  This makes us quite villainous in the eyes of the left for whom everything is relative. For example, we do not think poverty causes crime, unlearned values of Western Civilization do.  Try to steal an election? It is moral if it takes out an opponent.  We are, it appears, the left vs. the right, very different on a neurological level.”

Spin Zone / Re: A collective gasp from the dims
« on: December 21, 2018, 02:16:16 PM »
They did use the word malignant if memory serves. It has been a couple hours since I read it.
That’s the point. Most people will whip right by that. But most people will see the C word and all that that word implies for an 85-year old person. Lung cancer in anyone is really bad, let alone an octogenarian. 

It will be telling whether the MSM use the C word when mentioning this, if it’s even mentioned at all.

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