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Messages - nddons

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Spin Zone / Re: TWO YEARS After Virtually EVERYBODY Realized It...
« on: December 12, 2018, 09:35:27 AM »
Paul Ryan has retired. How about Trey Gowdy?  How many other Representative decide not to run this year.
That’s completely different.  Those guys are no where near retirement age. They will be working for quite a while, and probably making a lot more money.

My retort was that Flynn was implying that at age 71 Sessions would not want to go after his old seat, but would prefer to retire. My premise is that a politician to retire at a “normal” retirement age is virtually unheard of, and if they can win, they will run, mostly so they can retain power indefinitely.

Spin Zone / Re: TWO YEARS After Virtually EVERYBODY Realized It...
« on: December 12, 2018, 08:36:31 AM »
You guys are right. There is no way a 71 year old man wants to relax and enjoy the last years of his life.

What was I thinking, you all know way more about Jeff Sessions than I do.
Well instead of being snarky, why don’t you answer my question?  Name a politician who has retired, say, in his late 60’s or early 70’s in order to enjoy retirement, severe health matters notwithstanding.

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 12, 2018, 08:31:36 AM »
So let's look at what happened, and what's going on.

The dims say the $5 Billion for the wall is "wasteful", however we are spending $150 Billion per year on dealing with illegals.   And the dims are OK with a fence, but they do not want a wall.  Can anyone reasonably explain that logic?

 Nancy wants to throw out a few crumbs in order to get what the dims want.  But she is forgetting one small problem, and the President brought this up:  She doesn't have the votes to become Speaker without Republican support.  The MSM and the dims want you to believe she does, but she doesn't, the math doesn't lie.  So, if Nancy wants to be Speaker, she needs to make a deal, and make it now, fund the border wall. 

 But Nancy and Chuck's base, the alt left, will scream and howl if they cave on the wall.  This is going to be fun to watch. Trust me.

 Notice how Chucky never looked the President in the face, especially when addressing him?  That should tell you all you need to know.  Also, all Chucky could do is throw out talking points, and when the President pushed him, he would just hang his head down.  Those cameras in the room, their own MSM, was making this meeting very embarrassing for Nancy and Chuck.

 Chuck threw out "Elections have consequences!", yep Chuck, you are absolutely right.  That's why Trump is President and you are the Senate MINORITY Leader.

 So Nancy will have to cave and give Trump what he wants, and she will have to get Chuck to cave and have him get enough D votes in the senate to pass it, or she won't be speaker.

 And don't be surprised if Nancy and Chuck make this deal, then renege on it, just to get Nancy in the Speaker chair.  If that happens be prepared to watch how little the dims get accomplished.

 All in all, the President had a good time yesterday, and he has Nancy and Chuck right where he wants them.
I’d like for this to be true, and I haven’t checked the numbers, but for Pelosi to lose the R’s would have to team up with the intransigent D’s like Ocasio Cortez. I don’t see that happening.

Spin Zone / Re: TWO YEARS After Virtually EVERYBODY Realized It...
« on: December 11, 2018, 09:34:35 PM »
Let’s be realistic. Jeff Sessions is 71 years old. I think he is done with all work.  He was probably ready to retire before the president tapped him to AG.
Negative. When is the last time you saw a politician retire because they were of reasonable retirement age?  Power is EVERYTHING to these people. That’s why re-election is THE 1st and only job of politicians, even when they are old.

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 11, 2018, 09:22:27 PM »
Trump himself said he would happily own the shutdown in the name of national security. Of course he’s happy to give the Russians and Saudi’s a pass, but some poor schlubs trying to sneak in across our Southen border are a big threat.
Grow up. Trump is playing varsity ball in global international affairs, and you’re playing Stratego in your basement.

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 11, 2018, 03:27:51 PM »
Trump wants his wall.  Didn't do the Chinese much good.
But a 440 mile wall provides security to Israel today.

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:31:58 PM »
I think they did.  Trump will own the shutdown.  I suspect that isn't going to be good.
Republicans are certainly capable of losing the messaging game; clearly most shutdowns have been due to the intransigence of the democrats, yet have been blamed entirely on the Republicans.

But the only way this blows up for Trump is if he gets nothing for it. If he gets his wall, even if he has to shuffle money and get the military to build it, he will be beloved by those in the middle who value security for a long time.

Spin Zone / Re: TWO YEARS After Virtually EVERYBODY Realized It...
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:26:57 PM »
Career politicians are a cancer REGARDLESS of party. I have no use for any of them.

Spin Zone / Re: Chuck and Nancy visit the WH
« on: December 11, 2018, 02:06:21 PM »
I saw a headline, maybe on the Daily Caller, that said “Pelosi, Schumer bring gas to the meeting. Trump willingly lights the match.”

They can’t out Trump Trump.

Spin Zone / Re: NC Vote Fraud
« on: December 11, 2018, 01:58:32 PM »
Truly, I can't help if you're a partisan defeatist. You have complaints (see above). Noted. Now, come up with solutions that work within the political limitations of a Republic. HINT: you don't get to dictate policy from your throne on the right.

The entire design of the solution I'm in favor of is that BOTH sides get huge things they want...but not everything they want. Find another liberal supporting universal voter ID. I dare you. Then we can talk about the concession I'm asking of you: that registration be handled automatically, which I believe is every bit in the SPIRIT of our great country. Please note that that I did not say the State votes for you! It simply acknowledges that you have a right to vote. It's still up to you to get your ass out of the recliner and do it.
Here is the problem. The fact that this IS PARTISAN demonstrates the fact that ONE side is comfortable with fraudulent voting. I’m not, and my side is not. It has turned into a gross symptom of a bigger problem.

The reason I said “Oh brother” was that you never answered my tangible objections previously raised ad nauseam.

What does “automatic” mean?  What triggers someone to becomes registered voter?  Birth? 

We are a mobile society. I’ve lived in 4 states, and probably moved 15 times since I turned voting age. How does this “automatic” thing work to establish who you are and where you reside?  How do you handle changes?

How does this “Automatic” thing cleanse the voter rolls?  How does Milwaukee County know that I live there without keeping a list (I.e. a roll)? 

Etc etc.

Spin Zone / Re: Bring home the Bagels
« on: December 11, 2018, 10:29:29 AM »
Funny you mention that. Before my professional career I was a server at the Columbia Restaurant in Sand Key and in Ybor City. That's what put me onto paella, actually. And it is really good. They do make some concessions vs. a true, traditional paella, in order to serve it in a timely manner in a commercial venue. When I make it it's definitely a process, done in a bunch of stages - meat, vegetables, sofrito, etc.
We bought a Columbia restaurant cookbook when we were down there last. She makes their 1905 salad frequently. I’ll have to check out their paella recipe.

Spin Zone / Re: Bring home the Bagels
« on: December 11, 2018, 10:15:07 AM »
It's just not true that all canned tomatoes have no flavor, or even "wrecked" flavor. I mean, it could be true. But since quality canned tomatoes are used world-wide, including in the sauces of some of the best pizza places known, it's obviously not true.
As you mentioned above, San Marzano is my wife’s brand of choice by far.

Spin Zone / Re: Bring home the Bagels
« on: December 11, 2018, 10:12:33 AM »
My grandfather would never ever eat a canned tomato.

He was in France during WW1, and they ate canned tomatoes for every meal.  After he came home he never touched them again for the rest of his life.
My dad was the same with Brussel sprouts. The English grew them for these bases before the invasion, and he couldn’t even look at them after the war.

Spin Zone / Re: Bring home the Bagels
« on: December 11, 2018, 10:11:16 AM »

You've got to get good canned tomatoes. Whole, peeled, only salt as an added ingredient. You can use price as a guide at first, but you'll definitely want to make sure the price is born out in the flavor. San Marzano tomatoes are often very good. That site I posted a page or so back, varasanos pizza recipe, explores a number of types of canned tomatoes.

I'm a decent cook, but a terrible chef. I would struggle to imagine flavors and put them together in great, unique ways. But I have done some deep dives on certain dishes that I love, and I built recipes using combinations of others.

I make a good paella on my 18-inch paella pan on my Weber grill, for example.
Best paella I’ve had was at the Colombia restaurant in St. Armand’s circle in Sarasota.  Yum.

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