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Topics - jb1842

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Spin Zone / Terrorist Appointed to head BLM
« on: October 01, 2021, 07:39:33 AM »
Unfuckingbelievable....This administration just does not care about our country. The land belongs to the people!

Spin Zone / Economic Bubble Collapse
« on: August 31, 2021, 07:06:04 AM »
How long until the economy collapses? House prices everywhere are insane! Not to mention plane, boat, rv's,etc. Wife told me to buy a plane, but I'm not about to drop 60k for a 172 or cherokee.

Pilot Zone / Oshkosh
« on: July 01, 2021, 01:15:17 PM »
It's that month a lot of us look forward to. Who's all going? When and where are we meeting for drinks, food, etc.? I brought home our new travel trailer yesterday, and have been  slowly working all day to organize and put all our stuff in it. My alarm is set early tomorrow to try to get an electric/water site. Going to book all week if I can.

The wife will be working in Milwaukee for a few days and the kid will be with the grandparents for a few days, so I will be left unsupervised early in the week.

Spin Zone / How to explain death to 3 year old?
« on: April 26, 2021, 01:38:34 PM »
Our 20 year old cat is at the end of life. If he makes it through the night, we are taking him to the vet tomorrow to be put down. Not sure how to explain this to our 3 year old. He loves this cat and the cat loves him. We've talked about the cat going to heaven soon. And he goes to catholic school, and they do a little religion learning, so it's not a complete foreign concept to him. Anyone have any tips? My wife has had this cat before me, so not sure how well she will be able to handle this part of it.

Spin Zone / Will Biden be the death to GA?
« on: January 20, 2021, 09:19:47 AM »
So will all these new executive orders kill recreational flying? Will avgas become too expensive? Will all planes that burn low lead gas be banned? I think the last few years has seen an uptick of flying. Basicmed, stronger economy (prices of planes has gone up, and those on sale get sold faster) has nothing but helped us. Are those days over?

Pilot Zone / Ford Tri-Motor Restoration
« on: October 06, 2020, 01:43:20 PM »
So I took my son to the Liberty Aviation Museum at Port Clinton, OH this morning. They are restoring a Ford Tri-Motor in one corner of the main hangar. I started talking to the chief mechanic, and next thing I know, I'm going to be volunteering starting next week for 6 hours on Tuesdays. The mechanic is happy because most of the volunteers are over 70 and only a very few are pilots. He's retired Air Force. Says he can teach me anything, but he's happy he doesn't have to explain the difference between an elevator and aileron. Think he's going to have me bending the sheet metal and drilling holes in the leading edge of the wings to start. I'll take a bunch of pics next week. I'm really excited.

Spin Zone / State and Local Elections
« on: September 08, 2020, 01:03:13 PM »
So besides the Presidential election, how worried/concerned are you about you state local elections in November? My state rep is up this year. Republican incumbent is a lawyer and former chair of our county republican party and was chosen to fill the seat last year from the retiring rep. The challenger is a community activist who has only worked in nonprofits or as an aide to other politicians. I'm voting republican, but his big problem is getting out his message to the voters. Hell, he lives 4 houses down from me, and I've never even met him. I would probably volunteer on his campaign. Is this just a fluke, or does everyone else not know what their local reps are running for on election day?

Rusty & Student Pilots / First flight in 3 years
« on: July 03, 2020, 12:19:55 PM »
Finally after injuries, life, etc., got in the way, I got my first flight in almost 3 years. Got checked out in an Archer, and did the manuevers for a flight review. Did a few Wings courses, and the CFI said he would sign off as me being current later this week. Going to try to get in to see an AME to get either Basicmed (did the AOPA course yesterday) or 3rd class in the next few weeks. Thinking basicmed, because I'm almost positive a 3rd class will get deferred by the FAA, and I don't trust them. The AME is part of a club a few miles from me, and I'm going to try to feel him out to see if they are looking for new members. Felt good to be in a cockpit again.

Spin Zone / 2020 Census
« on: April 21, 2020, 10:38:29 AM »
Just completed mine. I answered 1 question and only 1 question. How many people live at my address on April 1. Anybody else fill out theirs yet?

Spin Zone / FUCK!!!!!! May have been exposed.
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:46:56 AM »
So my wife's idiot coworker had a son living in New York. Son gets sick, and mom convinces him to come back to Milwaukee 2 weeks ago. Retard gets on an airplane and flies back home. Coworker been sick over a week. Well, son comes back positive for Coronavirus yesterday. So these idiots have been in contact with untold numbers of people the past 2 weeks.

My wife works remotely from home in Ohio, but I have had to go to her office a couple times the past 2 weeks for stuff. Idiot talked to me while I was there. I didn't know at the time but he has been coming to work sick for over a week. Now I'm back in Ohio possibly passing it off to family.

My cousin is the charge nurse at local ER, so I'm waiting for her to call me back to see if I should get tested. My exposure to him was minimal, but the other people in the office helped me with paperwork. It's a small office, 5 people total.

I'm about to drive back to Milwaukee and beat them with some rubber hoses.

Spin Zone / Moving-Low ball offer on house?
« on: November 12, 2019, 05:27:42 PM »
So I will be moving back to Ohio after the first of the year. One house we really like has been on the market for a year. Needs a gut job on kitchen, and has a weird layout; which may turn some people off but I like. Has anybody gone in really low on an offer, 20%-25% of asking price, and have it accepted?

Spin Zone / Dem Debates
« on: September 12, 2019, 05:57:36 PM »
Not watching, but is it anything more than Trump is bad, ban guns, open borders, and free shit for those who don't earn it?

Spin Zone / 9/11
« on: September 11, 2019, 10:38:28 AM »
18 years ago, "some people did some things". Let's never forget the innocents and heroes who died that day. And never allow the terrorists from foreign countries who are trying to destroy our way of life, and those from inside our country who support them from getting their way.

Spin Zone / Shark Week
« on: July 31, 2019, 01:01:08 PM »
Usually I'm pretty excited for shark week. But the past few years it seems Discovery has sort of called it in the past few years and sort of sucks now. Nat Geo had better shark shows the past few weeks. Anybody else feel that way?

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