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Messages - azure

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Spin Zone / Re: Georgia Senate Run Off Election
« on: January 05, 2021, 06:30:21 AM »
Getting the vote out isn’t the issue. Mail in ballots are the ones loaded for the Dems and the reason is obvious, it’s way easier to cheat. You are blaming a Republican loss on the Republicans themselves for not “getting out to vote” when the real reason for Republican loss is massive Democrat cheating.

Alternative explanation: 45 has convinced massive numbers of Republican voters that their vote can only be trusted to count if they vote in person. Ergo, mail-in ballots are heavily skewed toward the Dems.

Of course, I don't know for certain any more than you do. But given that my guiding principle in politics is Hanlon's razor, I'll go with the alternative explanation.

I was afraid this was going to turn out to be a case of mistaken identity, but since it's been confirmed, credit where credit is due: Trump took the responsibility for something big, gave the green light, restrained himself from tweeting about it prematurely, and the mission was successful. Kudos to him and to the people in uniform who put their lives on the line.

Spin Zone / Re: Greta
« on: October 05, 2019, 05:01:52 AM »
Wow. C'mon folks, she's a 16 year old girl. I blame the adults in her life. And actually, from the interview PBS Newshour did with her a couple of weeks ago, my impression is she's pretty intelligent. I could just as easily predict that one day soon she'll learn enough about the subject to realize there's no basis for catastrophic thinking here. In any case, she's too young to know yet what direction her life is going to take her.

Spin Zone / Re: Doesn’t impeachment insure re-election?
« on: October 03, 2019, 11:25:58 AM »
I disagree to some extent. If they actually draw up articles of impeachment, based on what we know now, it will be an unbelievably stupid move. So far though, it's just an inquiry.

Spin Zone / Re: Is Trump in deep doo doo this time?
« on: September 28, 2019, 06:52:13 AM »
Late to this party, but the one glaring fact that I can't get over is that if the House Dems were to proceed with articles of impeachment, it would be political suicide. The Senate is still Republican controlled, the Senate is where the President would be tried, and Republicans still overwhelmingly support Trump. They have zero chance of getting a conviction, and would simply be handing Trump the biggest victory of his presidency so far. In the meantime their energy and the country's will be focused on something even Dem voters don't seem too enthused about. Instead of talking about issues that matter to voters, they'll be putting on a circus with a predetermined outcome and squandering whatever chance they have of beating Trump next year.

And I don't think that chance is small at this point... the polls so far do not support a Trump landslide. But if they continue down this path, I think that's almost sure to happen.

If I was a Democrat and paranoid, I'd suspect the whistleblower complaint was concocted as bait by the Trump campaign and the House Dems are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.

Spin Zone / Re: “Climate Change” Is A Hoax
« on: September 14, 2019, 08:52:39 AM »
Last night my department chair sent around an email saying the Dean needs to know how many of us are going to encourage our classes to participate in the so-called Climate Strike next Friday. That weekend is Homecoming and is expected to be the biggest in the institution's history (it's our bicentennial year). He wants to know so that he can defend - or tout - faculty who participate, depending on which alumni he is talking to.

My physics class has an exam that day. Needless to say I'm not participating, and if any of my students do, they get an F.

Spin Zone / Re: Polygamy beer banned in NC
« on: August 16, 2019, 07:35:46 AM »
I'm a woman and I hear ya. I seriously don't know how men (or lesbians) put up with us.

I haven't had a partner in over 15 years, haven't seriously dated in 12. Not sure if I ever will again. I don't know if it's women or just that relationships with either sex are difficult. Human beings are complex. Plus, like others here, I value my freedom too.

Spin Zone / Re: Laughed ‘til I cried
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:07:00 AM »
We are products of our genetics, and upbringing.  My Dad was a typical male chauvinist of his era.  Yes, I adopted some of those traits, but growing up in a different era, at least I REALIZE it, and then can hopefully see the pitfalls of that sometimes extreme thought.  I've also worked with women, and have seen them perform well, and do everything a man could do, sometimes better, in certain jobs.

That being said, I dislike the current demonization of Men, and masculinity.  It is a backlash, and over reaction to the perceived wrongs of male domination of society, and like with racism, and other "isms", punishment and retribution of men that had nothing to do with the past. 

I was very, very young, but I somewhat remember the "Mad Men" era.  All the doctors were men, as were almost everyone in corporate America, except "secretaries", the Clergy, all professions, lawyers, accountants, government workers, tradesmen, etc.  Only teaching and nursing had women in large numbers.  The rest were "housewives".  Fewer women drove cars.  I remember my Dad commenting in the 70's about all the women "driving these days".

Women have made great strides in society, and I think that's a good thing, but the pendulum has swung too far in the attitudes that are being promoted.  Women can be great, successful, and "strong", but it shouldn't be at the expense of Men, and devaluing Men, and Maleness is hurting us.

I agree with all of this. I also remember growing up in those days, my Dad was a male chauvinist - I loved the heck out of him but he was definitely a chauvinist - and my Mom and I were targets of it (she more than I, I was after all just a kid). It's a good thing IMO that male chauvinism is no longer considered a good thing, even among men, but the pendulum shouldn't swing so far that males are ashamed of being masculine. I'm not sure we're quite there yet, but the demonization of masculinity in some quarters is a scary trend.

I also agree with Rush that masculinity in women can be very attractive. Butch-fem lesbian couples are something of a stereotype, but there are also butch-butch couples, butch-soft butch couples, etc. I'm all for celebrating the diversity of humans and not shaming any group for proudly being what they are... and that includes masculine men.

OBVIOUSLY this article is a hoax.

Just getting in before azure shows up to rationalize and spin the facts away.

Obviously you didn't notice that I "like"d Eppy's post...  ::)

Spin Zone / Re: The Charlottesville Lie
« on: August 06, 2019, 05:50:12 PM »
I think the thing he doesn't know is how to tell the truth without the Dems and the MSM spinning ANYthing he says, and/or taking it out of context, to make him look bad.  Even if they have to lie.  Imagine how well he would be doing if the press got a tingle up their leg when he spoke to them, and covered for him the way they covered (and still cover) for Obama.

But that's just it, I don't think it's outright lying. Their world view is so different from Trump's that to them, his words confirm what they already think about him. To them it's impossible for someone to use the language Trump uses without being a racist. And because journalists have forgotten how to report the news without slanting it, they keep repeating their interpretations as if they were facts. (e.g. "Trump's racist tweets")

I'm a little disappointed that even conservative-leaning David Brooks, whom I usually agree with, has taken to saying things like "Trump is no longer using dog whistles, he's gone to straight-up human whistles now". He seems to have bought into the MSM line that Trump really is a racist. But at least he is in the business of giving analysis and opinions, he's not functioning as a reporter. People like Judy Woodruff and Yamiche Alcindor should know better.

The last two nights PBS Newshour has really jumped from journalism into advocacy and is using the El Paso and Dayton tragedies to actively push for gun control, putting on strong advocates for more restrictions on guns and giving them friendly questions, while aggressively cross examining weak and not-very-articulate 2nd A supporters. I'm ashamed for them that they call this a NEWSCAST - it is pure propaganda.

Spin Zone / Re: El Paso shooting video
« on: August 05, 2019, 08:31:02 PM »
Agree. But having a gun and not being proficient is still better than not having a gun if you are under that table. The worst of all would be being proficient and well trained but unarmed because you obeyed some no gun law and left your gun in the car. Just like Suzanna Hupp.

I agree that the worst of all would be being capable of defending against a shooter and unable to because of gun laws. But I'm not sure that having a gun would necessarily be better than not having a gun if one was not proficient - certainly if one was untrained at all.

FWIW this issue has come up at my institution. As most here know, it's a military college and the sight of students carrying rifles in formation is commonplace. However I do not believe it is allowed for faculty to carry personal weapons on campus, despite VT's having constitutional carry. Last fall a questionnaire was circulated asking faculty whether they thought faculty should be allowed to carry weapons to protect their classrooms against an armed assailant. It also asked whether we as individuals would be willing to carry a defensive weapon after intensive training. The results of the survey were never communicated to faculty, though I suspect that given this is VT and most faculty are strongly left-leaning, the nays had it on both questions.

Also FWIW: I answered yes to both questions. Although I'm not a gun owner and haven't fired one in literally decades, I have no issue with trained faculty carrying defensive weapons. I also believe in putting my money where my mouth is.

Spin Zone / Re: Democrat Debates Round 2
« on: July 31, 2019, 06:56:16 AM »
I still have to watch the last hour, but I nearly went crazy listening to all of them saying how they were going to implement universal health care (whether MFA or BetterCare (TM) or something else) but no one ever asked them, and they didn't volunteer, how they were going to pay for it. No one said they would increase taxes on the middle class, some said the NET cost of health care to middle class folks would go down (meaning taxes go up, cost of care itself - purportedly - goes down), but no one brought up the fact that Medicare as it exists today is forecast to become insolvent by 2026. The big disagreement was over whether to remove the private option, but the elephant in the room was never once mentioned. I read that Sanders and Warren, at least, believe in MMT so maybe that explains it... and in that case, heaven help us if either of them gets elected.

Spin Zone / Re: Russian interference in the 2020 election
« on: July 29, 2019, 01:11:36 PM »
I understand where you are coming from but he did say leave, then come back and tell us how you made it better.  Meaning, productive criticism is better than just bashing to bash.  So, to me he was showing positive leadership.  He didn't call half the country DEPLORABLES like Hillary did.

I just reread his tweets, trying to find some way to read it the way you do, but it still reads to me as nothing more than lashing out in anger. The whole tone of his comments was "how dare they criticize us/me?" He was saying that these four came from broken, shithole countries so they have no right to try to tell the US, greatest nation on Earth, how to fix things. I don't see anything positive about it.

(And yes, Hillary's comment was equally negative and inappropriate... and might have even lost her the election, deservedly.)

Spin Zone / Re: What Were Robespierre’s Pronouns?
« on: July 27, 2019, 07:35:37 AM »
In my case, Little Joe's suggestion worked. Even though the link was highlighted in Google as having been visited and looks to be the same as the one posted, when I clicked on it, voila! no paywall, and I was able to read the article.

The first time I saw the "preferred pronouns" thing, it was in a LGBT context, so not surprising at all, and actually reasonable. Recently though, I saw it in a professional person's signature (might have been on AAAS, not sure). It does seem that this is really going overboard. Many years ago, when I had several trans acquaintances, I was under the impression that "trans" usually meant "transition", usually frank "sex change", and people going through that process strove to match the appearance of the opposite sex as completely as possible, have their gender marker legally changed, and blend into society as the sex they transitioned to. The most "genderqueer" people I knew were stone butch lesbians who were frequently mistaken for men - and HATED it as much as most women do when that happens. They would never mark "M" or "other" when asked to put down their gender, they were women who looked and felt masculine, but still identified as female. A small minority decided they really were men and went through sex change - to greater or lesser degrees, since female-to-male transsexual surgery is extremely difficult and not altogether satisfactory for most - but they didn't expect society to treat them as men until they were legally male. (Today it seems a larger number are jumping on the bandwagon and starting on testosterone - and many regret it later, but the effects are irreversible.)

I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with someone who identifies as the opposite sex and wants to appear that way without going through sex change or legal gender change, but insisting they are victims of discrimination and demanding that society accommodate their unofficial "transition" just because it's their right to do that, is IMO a BIG step too far. And it's a sign of how far we've gone in the direction of letting ourselves be guilt tripped into insanity that we're actually acquiescing to this nonsense.

Spin Zone / Re: @steingar and other liberals
« on: July 19, 2019, 10:11:19 AM »
I think this is true, and unsurprising given where the entertainment industry in this country is centered. Apparently there was a 2011 book written about this issue by Ben Shapiro, called Primetime Propaganda. And it's not only in entertainment, but in education as well, as everyone here is well aware.

That the marginalization of traditional values conservatives had a lot to do with the backlash that resulted in Trump's election I think is undeniable. When you marginalize any group, you breed resentment.

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