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Messages - azure

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Spin Zone / Re: The island you can't visit
« on: November 27, 2018, 08:48:21 AM »
Yes, drop a Coke bottle on them!

Spin Zone / Re: RBG, Beginning of the End?
« on: November 08, 2018, 07:22:45 AM »
Ruth Bader Ginsberg fell and has fractured three ribs and been hospitalized.

Oh damn......Wishing her a speedy recovery.

On another note, yes, her time is limited by virtue of age and health.

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 26, 2018, 11:20:07 AM »
As I suspected, the guy probably really is a Trump supporter.

That in no way means Trump caused it or condones it, and I certainly hope I don't hear any conservatives defending him.  We need to call for his prosecution and punishment for many reasons.  One would be to show Democrats how it is done.

The conspiracy nut in me sees no conspiracy here.  Just a loony nut that may have felt desperate.

Spin Zone / Re: New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 25, 2018, 02:20:13 PM »
I wasted time, listened again and took notes.  That's 15 minutes of my life I will never get back.  This is why that video was stupid. 

First - she isn't a spokesperson for the democrats

Republicans do care about love and good will.  They are not fascists.

Democrats in general are not interested in abolishing the electoral college or getting rid of due process.  SOME democrats believe in these things.  Some Republicans are also in favor of getting rid of due process and banning certain speech.

The second amendment and kneeling for the national anthem are obviously not unifying.  Again, SOME democrats like it, but even they would not call these thing unifying or if they did, they would be meaning energizing the alt-left.

Democrats do no unconditionally believe women and disbelieve men.  It's stupid to state it as such.

That's the first minute.  I'm note wasting any more time listening to this crap.  That's something like 10 errors in 60 seconds or one every 6 seconds.  It's stupid. 

The alt-Left believes these things, but even they don't really believe them.  Then endorse them because endorsing them advances their causes, but most of them recognize the illogical nature.  They just don't care.

But the alt-left is only the most extreme Democrats.  The average run of the mill democrat rejects most of these things, even while they continue to endorse their party.  Why?  That's an entirely different question, but basically boils down to the worst of two choices.  They cannot get past their media induced bias to challenge what their party is doing and don't believe Republicans would deliver anything better.  So, it's easiest to go to the polls and once again take the blue pill.

Spin Zone / Re: New Democrat TV Ad
« on: October 24, 2018, 03:00:58 PM »
What was stupid about it?

It was a real poor attempt at sarcasm/satire.  I fully understand that she was trying to be funny but I think it was just stupid.   And it adds zero value to the discussion but only adds to the divisiveness.  Of course I do realize that many on here enjoy the divisiveness and like to see fuel added to the fire.  Personally I am sick of it.   

Spin Zone / Re: Current suspicious package issue
« on: October 24, 2018, 10:55:09 AM »
I’m not sure how any of you can be so certain this was not someone on the right.  Both left and right have deranged folks on their side.  And to say that the right isn’t violent is simply not true.  Neo nazis, KKK, abortion clinic bombers, abortion provider killers, thugs who beat up gays, etc. are all examples of people on the right who are and have been violent.  Do they represent a mere fraction of folks on the right? Absolutely!  But it’s the same with the loonies on the left.

Pilot Zone / Re: Ooops. Oh well, lets just keep flying.
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:40:45 AM »

Are you suggesting she needs a red dot placed on her forehead?


Spin Zone / Re: The confirmation vote
« on: October 07, 2018, 10:46:59 AM »
He would not be wishing it if she would retire. It's only because she refuses to, so her death would be the only way to remove her. (Other than impeachment and I don't see that coming, not for her, maybe the left will try it for Kavanaugh though.)  Like it or not the SCOTUS is political and therefore has been drawn into the ideological battlefield. You are right, it is horrible that it has become what it is. When the stakes are this high, wishing defeat of an enemy by whatever means necessary is understandable. And wishing someone would die of natural causes is not at all the same thing as trying to kill them yourself and it's certainly not the same thing as wishing death by slow torture like some on the left are wishing for anyone on the right. One is sadistic and the other is just hoping God will hurry along what is in the near future anyway. Big difference.
I would hope people wouldn't wish death on a sitting Supreme Court justice for any reason. She is still capable of performing her duties, and is in good health so far as everyone knows (whether or not you agree with her decisions is not the same as her being capable of performing them).

It also doesn't "have" to come to anything. Decency can prevail and people can wish that she retire, but wishing for her death is extreme. It's very difficult to claim that conservatives are on the right side when they are wishing for the death of someone for political purposes. Conservatives rightly decry the left for their "the ends justify the means" mentality, and yet that is exactly what I am seeing here. We can be better, as conservatives, as Americans, and as people.

Spin Zone / Re: DiFi alledges Kavanaugh #MeToo, but won't share details
« on: September 21, 2018, 11:39:10 PM »
The Senate Judiciary Committee has gone out of their way to ensure that the accuser is given a voice. They've offered for her to testify before the committee either publicly or privately, whichever she's most comfortable with, or to send staff to her in California to interview her there. She has so far declined. Judge Kavanaugh has provided sworn testimony, under penalty of perjury, and is set to testify before the committee on Monday. So far, Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge are the only ones to offer sworn testimony under penalty of perjury. They've both put a lot on the line if they are found to have been lying and yet Mrs. Ford hasn't done the same.

The Republicans have handled this correctly so far. If Mrs. Ford refuses to appear before the committee then the vote should proceed. One person who makes an allegation yet refuses to provide on the record testimony cannot be allowed to prevent a Supreme Court nominee. The impacts of that would be devastating and Washington D.C. would grind to a permanent halt since all it would take is for a person to come forward, make an accusation, then refuse to offer any sort of supporting evidence.

Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 11, 2018, 02:09:31 PM »
The elimination of the Spin Zone was because the management council is basically lazy.  They had to do more work to maintain the Spin Zone than the rest of POA combined.  That said, the Spin Zone had more traffic than the rest of POA combined, I think.  If not, it was pretty close.  The Spin Zone was a third of the POA content, this according to one of the guys who maintained the site.

That's what I don't get. Why did they have to "work" it at all? Couldn't they just leave it completely unmoderated?

Spin Zone / Re: POA-Why Do I Bother?
« on: September 11, 2018, 10:38:41 AM »
...thus safety the lesbian progressive moderator...
What does someone's sexual orientation have to do with anything? I can see the political leanings impacting how they moderate, especially in the wake of the Spin Zone being shut down.

Spin Zone / Re: Patriot Day
« on: September 11, 2018, 09:54:03 AM »
It sucks when the bad guys win.  They did that day.  What really sucks is the disservice they did to their fellow Muslims is nothing short of monumental.

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:33:34 AM »
He's definitely a systems thinker. My takeaway from the second talk was that liberals and conservatives both act from moral perspectives, but prioritize different aspects of innate human morality. We need to appreciate that and understand it in order to be able to talk to each other. As someone who no longer identifies as liberal, I very much appreciate that perspective. For me the transformation began when I moved to a state where firearms have been a part of the culture for hundreds of years, that is being displaced by leftists who came in, like me, from elsewhere, intent on transforming the state into something more like Canada, with strict controls on gun purchases and ownership. Yet firearms are used in criminal activities here very rarely, and the per capita violent crime rate is also one of the lowest in the nation. Didn't make sense to me, still doesn't (even after the near mass shooting at Fair Haven). Then came the 2016 election, which I've been trying to understand ever since, both the popularity of Trump and the extreme reactions from some on the far left.

So at this point I'm a female ex-liberal with libertarian leanings, trying to find common ground between left and right to resist the polarization that seems to be tearing this country apart. From what I've seen so far, I like this guy a lot.

I like the way he looks at it from both sides without demonizing either side. 

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 08, 2018, 10:35:47 AM »
This guy is smart.  Here's another one that explains why Conservative and Lefties really do have different more codes. 

My take away is that the left is perverting the natural state because they're uncomfortable with being moral. 

Spin Zone / Re: Honor, Dignity and Victimhood
« on: September 08, 2018, 06:01:36 AM »
Students are not the customer, they are the product.  The purpose of a university is to prepare the product to be in the best position possible to be purchased ("hired") by the real customer, the employer.  This view has largely disappeared from universities and the load of preparing the product has shifted to the customer.  "Some assembly required."

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