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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: April 19, 2023, 01:59:22 PM »
Left out The Great Barrington Declaration.  Also many of those folks were removed from Twitter under the direction of the Biden administration back when the FBI, CDC and CIA were running Twitter.

The importance of Musk buying Twitter cannot be overstated.

Spin Zone / Re: Make it stop!
« on: April 17, 2023, 06:05:20 AM »
Would you trust SCOTUS to rule in favor?

SCOTUS showed their true colors when they turned down Texas et al.  They will NEVER address this. They're too terrified of mobs and riots and being personally threatened and seen the corrupt Dems do nothing at all to protect them. They're owned by the Uniparty. Even reversing RvW was a strategic blunder. For 50 years conservatives didn't bother to fix this and they wait til the country is about to drop off a cliff, when we desperately need to defeat the left, to veer way to the right of the majority of the population on the subject of abortion when they should be focusing on the economy, stupid!

SCOTUS and conservatives in general, and the GOP for certain, are a deep disappointment. None of them know how to wage political war and win against the psychopathic left.  And they wonder why we love Trump?  He seemed to know how, and didn't get his second term to finish the job. Now the right seems just as determined to block him as does the left. I'm disgusted with them all.  At least the left are open about being snakes. The right are just cowardly cucks.

Spin Zone / Re: Make it stop!
« on: April 16, 2023, 06:18:04 PM »
When the goal is to collapse the economy, they are right on track. Y'all keep using wrong think. Everything they are doing is by design to destroy the country.

It’s like California’s proposed law to set a flat rate for water based on your income.  You couldn’t possibly design a plan that would guarantee a collapse of the water supply better if you deliberately wanted to, which I can’t help but think they do.  Everyone would have great motivation to waste as much water as possible. The poor, because they’re only paying a tiny fixed amount for however much they use, and the rich, because they’re paying so much by God they’re gonna use as much as they can to get their money’s worth. You’ll have people leaving faucets open all day out of spite.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: April 16, 2023, 05:38:29 PM »
The republicans can right the ship, but they are too entrenched with the establishment.   They would rather lose more elections to keep out the non conformist than to win elections with forward thinkers.

 They still let the dims control the narrative.

  Elections are won on messaging.  The average American is desperate for a message of hope and a way out of this malaise that the UniParty has put the country under.

  But the democrat controlled battleground states continue to be an obstacle.

Malaise is an understatement.  And you’re right, the whole problem is just a few battleground states where they’ve established enough creative ballot counting to guarantee an electoral majority.

Spin Zone / Re: Chemtrails
« on: April 13, 2023, 10:49:10 AM »
What do you think is behind the big push to electrify everything? You think the CV "lockdowns were bad, when all vehicles are enabled to be taken offline with the click of mouse, we will have real tyranny.

They’re already doing that with regular cars.  Installing a way to shut them off remotely if you don’t make your car payment.  And of course sometimes the car gets shut down even if you did make the payment.  The technology exists.  All we need is for the government to mandate it be installed in all cars.  Then government can disable your car any time it wants, like the next pandemic lockdown, or say you’re a Republican and want to go to DC to protest the cheating in the 2024 election.

Spin Zone / Re: What if We Did Divorce?
« on: April 13, 2023, 07:18:30 AM »
I would say Man Made Climate Change is the Left's "Religion".  They use it to justify almost everything and as a means to control, subjugate and impoverish the rest of us.  The issue they are clueless about, along with many others, is that they, the Useful Idiots, will ALSO become the cannon fodder by which the Elite further consolidate their power and wealth.

Yes it is, that and the other “woke” causes have replaced religion.  Religion is a basic human inclination.  We have an instinctive need to have something in which to put faith which by definition is a belief not proved by observable reality.  It’s a model we construct in our minds to explain the otherwise inexplicable. That doesn’t mean the model is false, just that it requires “faith” to accept it.

When society loses religion (faith in a higher power), it must construct other models to meet that need, models that are equally unprovable, or in some cases are completely false, such as the idea that gender is not binary.  A cult forms around these ideas and spreads just like any religion.

Climate change, especially the belief that catastrophe is right around the corner, is another such replacement for religious faith.  It is identical to the Christian fundamentalists who insist the rapture is imminent.  Both believe humanity is so evil that it needs to be wiped out and that’s going to happen pretty soon, and we will have deserved it.

Spin Zone / Re: Chemtrails
« on: April 13, 2023, 06:44:41 AM »
Actually, as it turns out contrails can affect the weather.

Let’s say that’s true.  What are you going to do about it?  Ban air travel?  Go back to trains that run on diesel fuel?  Cars?  Electric trains and electric cars that require massive electricity generation?

Ban travel?  (for all except the elite of course)

Completely shut down modern society and restrict all freedom of movement? 

Or just exterminate a few billion people.

Even if there is man made climate change, and there is - the debate is over whether it is a significant amount compared to natural climate cycling - humans can adapt as we have since we first crawled out of the ocean.  In fact, global warming would be very beneficial as it would open up a lot more land for farming.  There are far more deaths every year from cold than warm weather. 

“Climate change” is nothing to fear, even if we are causing it.  To attempt to stop it by implementing energy policy that will drive millions into poverty while the rich continue to enjoy their luxuries and still have dubious impact on the climate is simply misguided at best and evil at worst.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 12, 2023, 12:49:55 PM »
I must be really dense because I have heard that hundreds and hundreds of times, and I still don't believe it.  Sure, there will be some cheating, but the spotlight will be so bright it won't be sufficient. And if it is sufficient to sway the 2024 election, it won't be in 2026 and the pendulum will swing again, as it always does.

It always did but we never had universal mail in voting before. That’s what kicked the cheating way into overdrive and allowed unlimited creation of “votes”.  That genie has not been put back in the bottle and looks like it can’t be.  I see no dedicated effort whatsoever in mainstream GOP to address this.  And like Bob just said, shining the spotlight on it has done nothing except make them thumb their noses at us as they openly ramp up the cheating even more right in plain sight!

There have been no consequences in the district where the 2020 vote total was greater than the entire population- including children.  No consequences in 2022 AZ where the voters in red counties were turned away because of “printer malfunction”.  No serious investigation into Dominion.  No cases prosecuted on the hundreds of witness affidavits of observed ballot tampering, videos of running one ballot through multiple times, videos of ballot harvesters instructing nursing home residents what to mark, etc. etc.

What good has the spotlight done?  I’m hoping that at least Republican poll workers can now be alert to fraud in 2024 but I have no confidence there’ll even be any.  The Dems in those few cities have a lock on administering the election and they will double down in 2024 now that they’ve seen they can get away with it.

I hope to God I’m wrong.

That whole piece is a lie.  It has nothing to do with democracy. They were bullying the other side, not allowing the other side to speak their turn, disrupting the formal process and acting like ASSHOLES.  That's why they were ejected. MSNBC is making up fiction.

Spin Zone / Re: Biden’s BIZARRE messaging
« on: April 11, 2023, 05:43:57 AM »
So sick. America used to be an exemplary beacon of freedom and progress and functional civilization and now look at us.  The rest of world sees us as a degenerate sewer.

Spin Zone / Re: Trans and Blackface
« on: April 10, 2023, 06:59:24 PM »
Me too. Little Black Sambo was featured prominently in the decor and on the menus.

Wow.  There’s some real racism in that link.  It is true that raw IQ scores are lower, on average, in blacks, than whites, and it is true that that means at the upper tail end there will be proportionately more genius level whites than blacks (and even more Asians) but I doubt it’s a thousand to one. 

It may be true that evolutionary genetics plays a role in behavior and IQ but there are a lot of complex reasons why Africa hasn’t developed like other continents.  One very large reason is Africa, compared to Europe, has very few good ports and navigable rivers.  It was impossible for technology and higher civilization to develop there the way it did in Europe, largely due to geography.  It’s also argued that a cold climate requires higher intelligence to survive.  Equatorial jungles supply everything you need to live without having to deal with killing cold and a long winter of nothing growing.

People also evolve along with the foodstuffs in their environment.  When we forcibly moved Africans to temperate zones, and fed them European/American diets heavy in grains, this was not the optimal diet for equatorial races and in my opinion contributes to black underperformance on IQ tests to this day.  Removing them to higher latitudes reduces their vitamin D absorption and there are no doubt other impacts of not living on your own ancestral lands.  It’s true for whites also, we don’t do well in the jungle.  We get malaria to which blacks have evolved greater resistance.

There are probably other factors I’m not thinking of at the moment.  But the reality is that blacks and whites are more alike than different and these IQ average differences mean nothing when it comes to individuals.  Thomas Sowell is absolutely genius. The worst thing we can do is write off black kids as having no potential and for example cancel advanced classes in schools because “racism”. 

People migrate in modern times very fast, not slowly like 500,000 years ago, giving us time to adapt. But adapt we eventually will, mostly through interracial mixing. Exchanging genes is the best way to share evolutionary advantages with each other.

Spin Zone / Re: The Restrict Act
« on: April 10, 2023, 05:04:12 PM »
I haven't taken the time to read the act, but have seen some Tweets saying that it make using VPN's illegal.

My understanding VPNs aren’t technically illegal but it will authorize the government to investigate, snoop and spy on you for using a VPN if it thinks you are visiting sites that pose a “foreign risk” or might be doing forbidden activities such as “election interference”.  Which covers a lot of territory. 

It is similar to the Patriot Act in the sense of broadening feds powers to dig into your internet activities but far worse even than the Patriot Act.

Spin Zone / Re: While we are being distracted...........
« on: April 07, 2023, 07:47:37 AM »
They all seem to ignore that all communist (also socialist) countries devolved into murderous dictatorships where the population is in horrible poverty (for example, North Korea).  But they also all insist that this time we'll do communism right and everything will be rainbows and unicorns.  We're seeing the devolution of the USA right now.

It’s because they do not understand basic economics.  Like AT ALL.  They have absolutely no clue where stuff comes from and how it gets to people who consume it.  They think all food and healthcare just magically appears and can be equally distributed among everyone.

They have no idea what money is and how it works.  They think you can just print up money and give it to everyone and then everyone can buy whatever they want and need.  They have no concept of things like money supply and how it’s related to price.  High prices are the result of greedy capitalists and nothing else, they think.  They do not understand supply and demand.  They think if you outlaw price gouging then you can buy the thing at a low price.  No idea that what that does is create shortages.

Communism when attempted always results in catastrophic shortages for everyone except the elite leaders. But they’ve not been taught history or if they have they were told lies about why it failed. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 05, 2023, 05:26:06 PM »
We are witnessing in real time the collapse of our republic.

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