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Messages - Rush

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 05, 2023, 07:23:18 AM »
If you think I’m not aware of these things, you haven’t been paying attention. But I’m not going sit around and pout, naval gaze, and throw in the cards like a lot of people here.

Will DeSantis be accepted in the DC bubble?  I have no idea.  Will Trump ever get one ounce of cooperation in the DC bubble?  You’re naive if you think he can get anything accomplished.

I’m not throwing in the cards. I said Styx said he isn’t voting for a R if it’s not Trump, I didn’t say I wouldn’t.  Only that I understand Styx’s reasoning.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 05, 2023, 05:39:18 AM »
Y'all are having trouble grasping the concept that the country is lost now. We're sending out military hardware to Ukraine as well as our money. The oil producers are thumbing their nose at us and driving up prices. The U.S. dollar is losing its status as the world's reserve currency. It's been a good run, but it's all over now.

Trump brought it back in 2016.  He could do it again, but he won’t be elected because elections are now completely controlled by the Uniparty.  No I didn’t say Dems.  The GOP was largely responsible for the 2022 red trickle.  The Dems and RINOS will never allow Trump or any true patriot if the people to come to power again.  If a Republican is ever elected president it will be a RINO but I doubt even that will happen.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 04, 2023, 05:17:22 PM »
I'm just going to chill and do this.  Whiskey and whiskey flavored chocolate.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 04, 2023, 02:15:20 PM »
That is the weakest argument I have ever heard.
DeSantis has a record which I am proud of.

And right you should be, as Governor of FL he’s great.  What’s that got to do with draining the DC swamp?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 04, 2023, 05:46:18 AM »
We have had that "will too" "will not" "will too"  "will not" "will too" "will not" "will too"  "will not" "will too" "will not" "will too"  "will not" . . .
argument so often is has become meaningless.

We will just have to wait to see what the election brings.  But if people (Rs)  don't vote because they think there is no chance, they are creating a self fulfilling prophesy, and RELINQUISHING THE ELECTION TO THE DEMS without a fight.

If people vote for Trump in the primary, and he wins, then we deserve whatever we get in the general.
And I'm very afraid this will happen because dems have learned that if they crossover in the primary and vote for the worst R, they can put him on the ballot then beat them in the general.

That is not cheating per se, but it is a vile, disgusting and legal tactic that has been proven to work (IMHO)

Well I did it.  I registered as Democrat just to vote against the most vile candidate in the Dem primary.  Can’t remember when or who.  However that was just me, I wasn’t part of an organized widespread effort to, for example, visit campuses and convince thousands of mush minded students to do it.  That’s one of the most despicable things the left does, is recruit and brainwash the impressionable young before they mature enough to think critically (and the extreme right too for that matter, Hitler’s brown shirts or religious cults).

The problem with the idea that you’re relinquishing it to the Dems if you don’t vote for a not-Trump candidate is that the not-Trump Republican is part of the Uniparty anyway so there really is no difference.  We have all been saying for years that the only difference between the Dems and Reps is the Reps are pushing us to socialism slightly more slowly. 

Neither the Dems nor the Reps have done anything to reign in the alphabets (deep state).  At least Trump started limiting the damage by requiring reversing two regulations for every one new one.  At least he recognized the problem and attempted to openly address it.  He is the only one to consistently articulate the swamp as the core problem and to have not been sucked into it himself.  I have zero faith any other Republican won’t be drawn into the coven as soon as they get to DC and become all about protecting the coven as opposed to what’s good for you and me.  And that includes DeSantis. 

So what’s the use of voting for them?  Although I grant that if you are facing retirement like Stan says, maybe you will take the Republican slower march to disaster hoping you die before the final fall off the cliff.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: April 03, 2023, 07:11:09 PM »
I think we need to clarify I was talking about the general election.

I sense that there are some people like Styx who will stay home on general Election Day if Trump is not the nominee.

If someone else (DeSantis or someone else) is the nominee, not voting for THAT person in the general would make someone an accomplice in handing the general election to the democrats.

As for your last paragraph, you could look at this both ways. I TOTALLY think the Dems want Trump to be the nominee, because they know they can beat him.

Oh okay I see what you mean. You’re right, Styx said again today he won’t vote for anyone but Trump now.  He gave a very good argument why, at least from his point of view.

I’m not sure I agree the Dems want Trump to be the nominee.  I think they’re very afraid of him.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: April 01, 2023, 02:57:17 AM »
Presidential campaigns are expensive.  The money has to come from somewhere.

Various PAC's are formed to "help" the candidate, and depending on who's putting the money in, it usually comes with strings attached.  People or organizations that make huge contributions aren't doing it for nothing.

Keep an eye on who's making the contributions.  Also, keep an eye on how much support the RNC is giving the candidate.

One of the two biggest reasons I favor Trump.  He is beholden to no one.  The other reason is his proven performance 2017-2019.  He was the ONLY president in my lifetime who made it his JOB to keep his campaign promises.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump indicted.
« on: March 31, 2023, 10:56:09 AM »
No, because I would actually prefer Nikki, and possibly a few others.  But I think they all have even less chance than Trump.  I'm promoting DeSantis, not because I am a sycophant but because I think he can win.  If I had any suspicion that trump could win the general, I would happily vote for him  Even if he can only give us 4 years.

The Trump cult consists of people that will vote for Trump even though they (should) know that they are sacrificing the election and will give us 4 more years of Biden/Harris.

False.  Voting for Trump is not “sacrificing the election”.  It’s going to be stolen even if DeSantis is the candidate.  Do you really think the Dems will allow DeSantis to win?  The racist, homophobic, transphobic, book banning Nazi?

Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: March 31, 2023, 06:40:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Vivek Ramaswamy
« on: March 30, 2023, 07:18:50 AM »
I hope y'all will watch this. Tell me that Trump or DeSantis or Haley or ..... understand this stuff as well as Vivek does and can explain it as he does.

Peterson has the most amazing interviews.  I watched a chunk of it.  They’re too long for me most of the time, I have to find a chore that fits the timeframe.  I mostly stick to 15-20 minute videos.  Peterson is great for when I mow the yard, it’ll last the whole hour and a half without me having to stop, get out my phone and put on another video.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 29, 2023, 06:28:22 AM »
"If Trump strokes out".
It is a distinct possibility that this, or something worse, may happen in then next 5 or 6 years.
Alphas, especially older ones,  have more heart attacks and strokes, and Presidents (and Presidential candidates) have a lot of stress.

I’m not going to not vote for him just because he might stroke out while in office. That’s what a VP is for.

Spin Zone / Re: Trump v DeSantis 2024
« on: March 28, 2023, 05:33:23 PM »
I’m not upset with DeSantis.  I just said I understand why Trump would be.  I’ll vote for DeSantis if he runs and wins the primary or if Trump strokes out or something.

Spin Zone / Re: The Weaponization of FedGov
« on: March 28, 2023, 10:22:29 AM »
It was a blatant message.  Testify about weaponizing the feds and we will openly weaponize the feds against you.  What are you gonna do about it? 

And the Republicans will do nothing.

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 27, 2023, 05:01:18 PM »
Well to totally confuse matters the police chief said “woman” when asked by the reporter, “She identifies as transgender man or women?”

That answer implies male to female but I’m pretty sure the chief meant she WAS a woman, as in XX.

Jessssssuz   We need to quit this gender shit it is wrecking language.

At 8:35

Spin Zone / Re: Nashville school shooting
« on: March 27, 2023, 04:27:46 PM »
It was not a woman.

Pretty sure it was a biological woman who wanted to be male.

Edit:  I saw a headline:  “Nashville shooter identified as 28 year old woman.”

In 2019 we would have know that to mean the police identified the shooter as a 28 year old woman.

Today, we don’t know if they meant the shooter “identified” as a 28 year old woman.  But maybe was actually a 17 year old male.   >:(

But yeah, a female that was using he/him pronouns.  Probably pumped full of testosterone.

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