Spin Zone => Spin Zone => Topic started by: Lucifer on November 25, 2017, 06:35:37 AM

Title: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Lucifer on November 25, 2017, 06:35:37 AM
For those keeping up with what's really going on in politics, without the fake news obscuring it, the following article shows why the progressives are in such a panic to destroy the republican held senate. I did find it odd that CNBC would even acknowledge what was happening, but IMO they are trying to rile up the progressive base.


That long period of confirmation obstruction has given President Trump a huge number of seats to fill; twice as many as President Obama's also large number of vacancies when he took office in 2009. The Christian Science Monitor reports this is likely the most vacancies for a president to fill in 40 years. And the Trump team hasn't been wasting much time.

 This poses a great danger to the alt left progressives as it deminishes their role of legislating from the bench. 
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: LevelWing on November 25, 2017, 11:56:03 AM
To compliment this, National Review has written an article (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/453757/gop-tax-bill-should-expand-federal-courts) on expanding the federal judiciary for a variety of reasons. Recently, they were criticized and this is their response:

Quote from: Steven G. Calabresi & Shams Hirji
National Review]In fact, it is a court-unpacking plan. It counteracts Democratic court-packing under President Carter and a Democratic Congress in 1978, which increased the size of the federal courts by 33 percent; and it counteracts the partisan effects on the judiciary of Senator Chuck Schumer’s shameful filibustering of lower-court federal judges under the younger President Bush and his abolition of the filibuster of lower-court federal judges under President Obama.

Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Mr Pou on November 28, 2017, 06:35:12 AM
It's funny, during the election everyone considered Trump to be a buffoon yet below the camouflage he was running a masterful campaign. Everyone thinks Trump the buffoon president, yet below the camouflage he is getting some good things done.
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Lucifer on November 28, 2017, 06:47:05 AM

This sheds better light on why the progressives are panicking and trying to take over the senate through smear campaigns.

 If they manage to oust Roy Moore, expect even more of the same.  If they can't win through elections they will win by sex smears.
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Number7 on November 28, 2017, 08:24:07 AM
The steam is running out on the racist label and now the sexual harassment label because too many sleazy liberals are getting caught in those nets. Roy Moore will win by about seven to ten percent, and the progressive communists will jhave spent millions just to lose, again.

If Jeff Sessions continues to block any prosecution of Obama, Clinton, Holder, Comey, Lynch and their ilk, and continues to ignore the conflicts of interest with regards to Mueller, the only choice will be to fire both of them.

John McCain will totter off to senility and retirement, as will Bob Corker, and likely one, or two other far left republicans, helping balance power in the Senate and give Donald Trump some chance at pushing through his agenda which will stimulate the economy and insure all the non-progressive republicans win in 2020.
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Lucifer on November 28, 2017, 09:16:45 AM
Problem now with Alabama is a third candidate is going to do a write in campaign.  Of course he has no chance to win, but he will split the vote which could potentially give the election to the democrats.

Hopefully the voters in Alabama will see through the charades and shananigans and put a stop to this. 
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: LevelWing on November 28, 2017, 10:34:10 AM

This sheds better light on why the progressives are panicking and trying to take over the senate through smear campaigns.

 If they manage to oust Roy Moore, expect even more of the same.  If they can't win through elections they will win by sex smears.
That article is flawed beyond belief. The Supreme Court is one of the main arguments people cited to electing Trump to begin with, and he was elected and seated Gorsuch. Now Pat Buchanan wants to use the same argument to get Roy Moore elected, and that's silly.

First, if Moore loses, the Senate will shift from 52-48 to 41-49 and since there are at least two Republican senators (Collins and Murkowski) who already have a tendency to vote against the Republicans to begin with, this isn't exactly a huge shift. Second, he argues that this will be critical to getting another justice, or perhaps more, seated on the bench. Gorsuch was confirmed with a 54-45 vote (source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/07/us/politics/gorsuch-confirmation-vote.html), which included Collins, Murkowski, and 3 Democrats. The fact that Grassley wants to get rid of the blue slip rule is evidence that Trump's nominees can get confirmed. Let's not forget that the election isn't even for a full term. The seat is up for actual election in 2020 which is almost a 100% bet that it'll go to a Republican if Jones wins.

While he mentions Thomas being confirmed, he fails to mention that he was confirmed by a Democratic controlled Senate.

He's trying to justify why an accused child molester should be elected to the U.S. Senate and attempting to provide Republicans with a justification to abandon their morality.
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: Lucifer on November 28, 2017, 10:42:47 AM
That article is flawed beyond belief. The Supreme Court is one of the main arguments people cited to electing Trump to begin with, and he was elected and seated Gorsuch. Now Pat Buchanan wants to use the same argument to get Roy Moore elected, and that's silly.

First, if Moore loses, the Senate will shift from 52-48 to 41-49 and since there are at least two Republican senators (Collins and Murkowski) who already have a tendency to vote against the Republicans to begin with, this isn't exactly a huge shift. Second, he argues that this will be critical to getting another justice, or perhaps more, seated on the bench. Gorsuch was confirmed with a 54-45 vote (source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/07/us/politics/gorsuch-confirmation-vote.html), which included Collins, Murkowski, and 3 Democrats. The fact that Grassley wants to get rid of the blue slip rule is evidence that Trump's nominees can get confirmed. Let's not forget that the election isn't even for a full term. The seat is up for actual election in 2020 which is almost a 100% bet that it'll go to a Republican if Jones wins.

While he mentions Thomas being confirmed, he fails to mention that he was confirmed by a Democratic controlled Senate.

He's trying to justify why an accused child molester should be elected to the U.S. Senate and attempting to provide Republicans with a justification to abandon their morality.

 You reply was going well until the last paragraph.  Yes the man has been accused in the media, not under any law. No law suit has been filed, no arrest has been made. It’s simply a 40 year old allegation with holes big enough to drive a Mack truck through.

The problem letting the establishment and progressives get away with this it will only intensify until they get control of the senate.  Once that happens the Presidents judicial picks will be stonewalled unless he puts a progressive in. The courts are already stacked with activist judges and the progressives are losing their minds knowing a Republican Senate, using the rules of Harry Reid are putting conservatives back on the courts.

 And it would be absolutely foolish to think a democratic controlled senate would ever approve a Trump conservative SC appointment.
Title: Re: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
Post by: bflynn on November 28, 2017, 12:41:23 PM
I think you have made a mistake - this IS the result of not challenging the establishment and progressives before now. They have done this before and gotten away with it. But this time I think they made a mistake because it just doesn’t feel true. A man likes to date young women and is a perfect gentleman, asking permission from parents, etc, but then picks up a 14 year old and rapes her?  It doesn’t compute to me.

Fact - we know there are people lying about him.  We know there are people slandering him. And we know that a accusation of something that happened 40 years ago is basically worthless in terms of any identifiable truth.

The reason t be concerned with this is not whether or not conservatives can be confirmed, that is just your wish. The problem is that this results in an environment where nobody wants to run because of the lies that will be told about them. It is election by gossip rather than by policy.