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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 27, 2017, 11:27:33 AM »

The MSM knows they can sway the stupid electorate. And, coupled with the idea that all Trump voters are mouth-breathing apes, they see themselves as shaping the new 'democracy'. If anyone thinks it's not working, look at the presidents approval rating. He hasn't had a serious gaff like BO since the election, but you would think by watching CNN that those questioning his sanity are maybe right.

 You mean like all those polls that showed Hillary was headed for a landslide?   See, that's the problem, polling organizations have no clout or respect anymore, most people are laughing at any poll put out by the MSM.  And the MSM has an agenda which they don't even try to hide, so of course they are going to put out tainted polls to slam Trump.

 Huge credibility gap now, and people are paying attention.

Try checking out a blog from outside the US. Consensus(of the great unwashed who only get CNN) from non-US places is that Trump is a deranged buffoon. The peer pressure to support him is far too great for most lemmings. His election win in 2016 was a very thin margin where he lost the popular vote against a much-hated and little-respected woman, who was facing multiple investigations during most of the campaign.

 I generally don't follow blogs especially from deranged progressives.  My friends that live in various parts of the world are giving me a different perspective than what you are getting.

 In fact Trump's trip to Asia was a great success.  The MSM didn't report that because they don't want any information out that makes him look good.  But the news from the region (reliable, not deranged progressive) was very favorable towards Trump.

If the Dems put up someone who is moderately clean, has limited baggage, and is spineless enough to be led by the nose, they have a good chance against any of the Reps, and a very good chance against Trump. His baggage now exceeds his accomplishments to most in the US.

 The dems can't unload the alt left progressives that have hijacked the party.  And they can't unload the Clintons either.  As long as those two elements exist with the DNC they will continue to run coastal Alt Left progressives which means they don't have a prayer.  The mainstream democrats in the flyover country don't have a say in the party any longer.

 The lesson from 2016 is people in the flyover country are fed up with the establishment in both parties.

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 27, 2017, 10:22:39 AM »
Well for one thing, part of the reason Trump won is that so many Democrats stayed home.  But they hate Trump so much they will all be out voting for anyone with a D beside their name next time.

And if the R's don't get tax reform passed, after fucking up Obamacare repeal, then all Rs will be in trouble.  Including Trump.  Especially if the economic boost we have seen because of the hope for tax reform comes crashing down.

If Trump doesn't accomplish something worthwhile, besides appointing a few good judges, he will be in deep doo doo.

 And this is how Ryan and McConnell see a glimmer of hope in getting rid of Trump, by totally fucking up everything and ceding control of congress back to the progressives. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 27, 2017, 10:19:08 AM »
How would your scenario above be any different than the 2016 election?  I see virtually no one who voted for Trump, even grudgingly, abandoning him in favor of a fictitious GOP opponent or any democrat candidate.

 His scenario is extremely flawed because he's leaving out several key elements, much the same as the MSM.

The extreme negativity that the MSM is pushing is not actually hurting Trump, it's actually hurting the MSM as it finally shows their true agenda.  And as the average American, those left in the fly over country see this it only emboldens them more to support Trump.

 Same with the Alt Left Radical Progressives, as they go further and further off the deep end in feeble attempts to smear Trump they are only exposing themselves.

 And the establishment republicans?  After watching their self centered lame attempts to govern and run congress, why would the majority of conservative voters want to see the republican party attempt to nominate yet another establishment republican?  The election of 2016 should tell anyone all they need to know about how people feel about establishment politics.  And the result of 2020 is not going to be "Oh crap!, let's get Jeb to run!" or "Geez, maybe we can get Mitt?"

 If the republican party tries to get an establishment type nominated to push out Trump it will blow up in their face.

 Lots can happen in the next 12 months and many dynamics can change, but I seriously doubt that Americans are going to start embracing the establishment again.

Spin Zone / CFPB Official Sues Trump Over Leadership Pick
« on: November 27, 2017, 07:11:00 AM »

The progressives will just try to use the courts and activist judges to control the President on every decision.  This is getting ridiculous beyond belief.

 And as I pointed out previously, ths is why the alt left progressives are so desperate to get control of the senate as the President has been appointing lots of judges, which further damages the progressive agenda.  And they know the President is on the cusp of appointing another, if not two more, Supreme Court judges which will alter the court for decades.

Spin Zone / Re: Pervgate is in full swing for the Dems
« on: November 26, 2017, 07:59:56 AM »
When a conservative or republican is blindly accused, without any evidence, then they should be immediately removed from office or bow out of a campaign.

But when a progressive or liberal democrat has been caught, with evidence or even paying off the accuser, then they are "an icon in our country!"

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 25, 2017, 01:44:08 PM »
Trump is a strategic thinker. He sees big themes, and is somewhat bereft of tactical thought. He set his mind to running, and winning the office, and he's accomplished that. Now - he's very frustrated(no wall yet, no ACA reversal, no end to sanctuary cities, etc). If I may be so bold, he's gone beyond president, and it now gives him time to look at the big picture, and that includes keeping the presidency in the hands of the Rs. Since the MSM has never written a good word about him, this has poisoned much of the electorate and set them at odds about re-election. Pence is keeping his skirts clean. You almost never see Trump and Pence together. This is a strategic plan. About Feb or March of 1919 Trump will announce that he is not seeking re-election. Who knows what excuse will be given, but you will the see the emergence of Pence and the 'great unifier' of the GOP who will rally around Pence. All the people on the right who have not embraced, or endorsed Trump(to their detriment), will elevate Pence to the holy grail of the GOP/RNC. Pence will get all the support of the right that Trump never received.

As long as he's not damaged by the Trump admin, and doesn't make a huge gaff, he'll be the next president. The left has no one on the horizon that is worth talking about. Schumer is a lock for the nomination, and he's got so much dirty laundry I can't imagine Trump not going after him with both guns blazing. If you want to see some nasty, mean-spirited campaigning, just wait until Trump is unleashed against Schumer.

That Thanksgiving weekend must really be good for you!   I see you’ve done away with the egg nog and gone straight bourbon.   

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 25, 2017, 10:20:07 AM »
Just curious, why do you think this?

Because it’s the wet dream the progressives and the MSM want everyone to believe.

Spin Zone / Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
« on: November 25, 2017, 06:35:37 AM »
For those keeping up with what's really going on in politics, without the fake news obscuring it, the following article shows why the progressives are in such a panic to destroy the republican held senate. I did find it odd that CNBC would even acknowledge what was happening, but IMO they are trying to rile up the progressive base.

That long period of confirmation obstruction has given President Trump a huge number of seats to fill; twice as many as President Obama's also large number of vacancies when he took office in 2009. The Christian Science Monitor reports this is likely the most vacancies for a president to fill in 40 years. And the Trump team hasn't been wasting much time.

 This poses a great danger to the alt left progressives as it deminishes their role of legislating from the bench. 

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 23, 2017, 09:00:47 PM »
Then he will withdraw. Trump will not run in 2020.


 And we were told there was no way he could win, that he would drop out after being nominated, that he would drop out if it looked like he was going to lose, he was only running to get Hillary elected, yada, yada, yada.

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 23, 2017, 08:45:52 PM »
Pence. Trump will not run again.

Trump will run again.  He's already filed the paperwork.

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 23, 2017, 02:49:51 PM »
A lot can happen in the next 12 months so saying this or that, or who will run is just a wild guessing game at this point.

But what we do know:

Biden will be 78 years old by the next election.  I seriously doubt the dems want a person this old running.  And Joe Biden will just be another 4 years of an Obama type presidency.  As more and more people are realizing BHO was a failed presidency.  And don't forget all of the "Pervy Joe" photos and videos of Biden running his hands all over various women.

Hillary:  She is desperately trying to salvage her name and attempting to find an excuse, any excuse of why she lost an election so horribly.  If she could just blame something or someone and get the chance just once more.  However more mainstream dems are realizing just how badly she has fucked up their brand by hijacking it.  And she has enough baggage to fill a freight train, so don't look for a "Hillary 2020" campaign, it's not going to happen.

The coastal progressive liberals have the same old tired politicians and are offering nothing new to the American people, instead their only message is "Resist".  With the exception of the Alt Left Progressives, the mainstream dems in the flyover country are not going to put any of these whackos in charge.

The Republicans:  They have fucked up any chance of putting an establishment type Republican in the WH anywhere in the near future, which is a good thing.  They have demonstrated that their clientele are the donor class and lobbyist and they are only interested in promoting what is good for them.

 The next twelve months will be interesting.  Watch the mid terms closely and I personally believe many establishment types will be finding themselves out of office.  If this holds true, then we can expect either Trump will easily go for reelection or yet another populist outsider will take the helm.

Spin Zone / Re: Who will be the next President?
« on: November 23, 2017, 08:38:07 AM »
Hitting the eggnog early today?

Spin Zone / Re: Pervgate is in full swing for the Dems
« on: November 22, 2017, 05:00:01 PM »
Pfft. My neighboring state is two steps away from Che Guevara's Cuba, with a touch of Mogadishu for some flavor. Franken won't be pushed out by the voters IMO.


 But it's fun watching this blow up in the dems faces.  It's also fun watching them in a lame attempt to justify the actions of their own.

Spin Zone / Re: David Cassidy(singer, songwriter) gone west
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:27:58 PM »
I think Brian Johnson was an upgrade from Bon Scott (and I get flamed for that opinion from the purist AC/DC fans), but I'm not sure the band will survive Axl Rose replacing Brian Johnson.  Not a big Axl Rose fan.

Agreed.  Axl Rose is a douche bag. 

AC/DC: One helluva band.

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