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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 28, 2021, 05:13:05 AM »
I did say except for voting Democrat. But you can still support something and vote the other way. I usually vote for the Republican even though I support the opposition on some issues. For example back in 2016 or thereabouts Trump made a statement in support of civil asset forfeiture which I vehemently oppose but I voted for him anyway. I wouldn’t want to be accused of supporting civil asset forfeiture just because I voted for Trump.
To be fair, that’s probably because you knew the democrats were far worse on civil asset forfeiture, and you only had a binary choice for president.

As for Steingar’s militia canard, the problem that we all see is that his position mirrors what four out of nine Supreme Court justices said in Heller, and what anti-gun zealots often use to claim that individuals don’t have the RKBA.

For YEARS Steingar has used the militia argument to imply that ordinary citizens don’t have a RKBA even though he claims he’s happy that bearing arms isn’t currently being infringed. For YEARS I’ve referred him to the intellectual study of that prefatory clause, and for YEARS he’s utterly ignored the analysis put forth by Scalia in Heller.

So for YEARS either:

A.  He truly doesn’t believe it, just like Biden who says he supports the 2A;

B.  He is anti-intellectual and refuses to examine the militia issue that HE himself constantly raises, despite being presented with evidence in the form of historical examination of the issue in Heller; or

C.  He’s just being a fucking troll once again. 

If I said I was pro-life, but worked for years to support Planned Parenthood, pushed to pass laws making abortion as free and easy as buying eye drops at Walgreens, and pushed for public funding of abortion clinics, you would tell me that I’m not pro-life at all. I think it’s the same with the 2A.

Spin Zone / Re: Ending Federal $300 Unemployment
« on: May 27, 2021, 11:37:22 AM »
He wants to double the federal budget to $8.2 Trillion dollars by 2031.  But at least he doesn't say mean things in a tweet.

Spin Zone / Re: Referencing PilotSpin is not permitted
« on: May 27, 2021, 08:25:34 AM »
They have adopted the full on cancel-censorship of the authoritarian left. Actually you can’t even call them the left anymore, they’re just authoritarian, as bad as the worst right wing regimes, just suppressing any and all who dissent from the approved groupthink. A true ideological leftist would never allow billionaire corporations like Facebook, Twitter and Amazon to censor speech. The so-called “left” are traitors to their own ideals.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 27, 2021, 05:50:51 AM »

 But, as always, we are a free and open forum and do not censor anyone.

Of course! I’m not asking you to censor yourselves, just expressing my opinion. I don’t actually want any of you to stop being assholes. It’s one reason this forum is so much better than PoA.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 27, 2021, 04:37:38 AM »
We The People are the militia, knucklehead. As the man said, it's self-evident."

Exactly! Our forefathers were smart enough to realize that an armed citizenship is the worlds biggest and best army. As long as average Americans have the ability to bear arms, it would be suicidal for any foreign power to put boots on our shores.

THAT, right there, is the biggest reason to preserve 2A. Yes, personal defense is good, but defense of our country is the reason the second amendment was put into place.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 26, 2021, 06:13:52 PM »
But that's just it.  Originalists say we're supposed to read it as written.  They have a point, trying to do telepathy on long dead legislators on why they wrote things they way they did is pure folly.  It is written with a preamble about a militia.

Hey look, I honestly don't give a shit.  I research genetics, not your precious 38 caliber security blankets.  I'll never support anyone taking your weapons aways from you, there are some damn good reasons for folks owning them.  And I will never in my life support restricting someone's rights because it makes someone else feel better.  That's bullshit of the purest nature.  If firearms actually presented a clear danger to the non-firearm  owning public I'd feel differently, but they don't and neither do I. If the US firearm community had the brains Odin gave tardigrades they'd amend the Constitution and get rid of the militia clause. Make it nice and crystal.   The really sad thing is there is critical mass to do this. The firearm community is vast, well funded and emotionally driven.  It is a real tragedy that this hasn't happened already.
We The People are the militia, knucklehead. As the man said, it's self-evident."

Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 26, 2021, 06:00:21 PM »
I think that the thing to remember is that the Constitution is there to outline restrictions on the government, not to grant rights to the people.  Under that assumption, the government is restricted from denying the people from their God-given right to bear arms.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is Really Going To Happen?
« on: May 26, 2021, 09:50:15 AM »
I'm afraid I don't even know what that means.  So no one has made a claim of fraud that stood up to a court of law.

The Georgia case is a lawsuit that has stood up and the judge has already agreed the plaintiffs have shown discrepancies exist in the counts. Here’s the rough outline:

It started when several election workers in Fulton county Georgia noted large batches of mail-in ballots without folds on non-standard paper. They signed affidavits to that effect.
A voter integrity group filed a lawsuit asking to see the ballots, as allowed by the Georgia constitution and law.
After weeks of litigation, the judge ordered the county to release a copy of the low-res scanned images of the ballots to the plaintiffs.
After examining the images the plaintiffs reported to the Judge that the count of ballots did not match the count the county officially reported. There were other anomalies such as obvious duplicates.
The judge then agreed to allow the plaintiffs access to the actual ballots so they could be examined directly and scanned at high resolution, but with the restriction that only county employees could handle the ballots and run them through the scanners. Plaintiffs were also to pay county expenses.  The plaintiffs’ forensic experts, a special master assigned by the judge, and a few other state and county officials would be there to over-see the forensic analysis. The main objective is to determine the source of the discrepancies as well as any other evidence of fraud.

Biden won the state by only 11,779 votes and the number of mail-in ballots for Fulton county alone is around 150,000. The plaintiffs claim a ~21% ballot count discrepancy already exists - easily confirmed or refuted. So significant fraud or (charitably) incompetence almost certainly occurred.

Spin Zone / Re: What Is Really Going To Happen?
« on: May 26, 2021, 09:18:59 AM »
I'm afraid I don't even know what that means.  So no one has made a claim of fraud that stood up to a court of law.  That isn't that great a bar, by the way.  Even Trump's AG, who was a huge believer in expansive Executive power and bent over backwards to please his boss, said there was no evidence for fraud.

On the other hand, every time Trump looses he claims fraud.  He claimed it when he didn't get his Emmy award, he claimed it for Obama's election, he claimed it after Tom Cruz beat him in the Iowa caucus and he claimed Hillary Clinton was rigging the election right up until the night he won it. This is a very very clear pattern of behavior with him.  Why anyone would give it the least bit of credibility is beyond me.

What’s Trump got to do with it?  I knew there was fraud before I went to bed in the wee hours of Nov 4 when multiple swing states all simultaneously stopped counting and blocked Republican watchers the minute Trump’s victory was obvious.

My conclusion was supported when I read the Antrim MI forensics report on the Dominion machines.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 25, 2021, 11:03:19 AM »
That’s a good term for the affliction that liberals can’t trust themselves, and certainly can’t trust anyone else to exercise their freedoms.
That's exactly right.  He is warning us that he will use his concealed weapon to harm others without provocation.  If he's willing to break one law, what's preventing him from carrying concealed wherever he's at now?  And then doing the same thing?  Clearly that's a red flag, law enforcement has to be notified, and he has to be relieved of any firearms he has in is possession now.  It's for the children.

Spin Zone / Texas passes constitutional carry
« on: May 25, 2021, 08:12:08 AM »
Right to bear arms.  If we're going to ignore the stuff about a militia, bearing arms means carrying them with you.  Can't prevent folks form doing it, it's in the Constitution.  You guys should keep in mind that I myself could move to Texas and carry a concealed weapon. Unintended consequences and all that.
Have your ever read anything about the Second Amendment? 

The Militia clause is a prefatory clause that announces a purpose, not a limitation, of the operative clause. 

Even Wiki gives you a decent digest of the District of Columbia v Heller decision. You should read it.

And why would you being able to carry concealed in Texas be an unintended consequence?  That’s an intended consequence if I’ve ever heard one.

We’ve been told the objective was to “fight terrorism.”   On 9/12/01 I was all on board with that.  Over the ensuing years I began to realize that’s a vague goal and never attainable. I started to get a little Vietnam deja vu. Getting Osama bin Laden was, to me, supposed to be the end. Yet we didn’t come home.

Now I realize that Islamic terrorists are not nearly the biggest threat to the U.S.  The biggest threat is the radical left, their corporate and media allies and their useful idiot sheeple. The biggest defense against Islamic terrorism is a strong economy, secure borders and a cohesive society, all the things the Democrats are destroying.

Spin Zone / Re: now the complaint is the CDC was too quick
« on: May 24, 2021, 05:19:42 AM »
Neighbor had an outdoor party yesterday with a live band. Nobody wore a mask. Food buffet, people sitting closer than 6’. WAY more than 10 people. People hugging and shaking hands.  Pretty much back to normal!   

Spin Zone / Re: now the complaint is the CDC was too quick
« on: May 21, 2021, 09:59:11 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: May 21, 2021, 05:10:42 AM »
I like

"Trust science, just not political science"

"People who believe in more than two genders are science deniers."

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