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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 528 529 [530] 531 532 ... 714
The Foundation itself does a lot of good work.  It is hard to take that away from it.

But the means to that end is not so good.
First, their methods of fund raising is questionable at best, most likely criminal, and likely treasonous.

And also, the Clintons are able to use the fund as a personal stash to further their corrupt ambitions.  It is such a complex financial puzzle that it is impossible to find out where all it reaches and who is controlling all the sub-pieces, or exactly how much money it controls.
A third year law student could make a RICO case and have the Clintons in prison within a year.

That we choose to accept rampant and blatant corruption, a consolidation of power, and rampant illegality as the new "normal" with no ramifications whatsoever is a signal that the end of the United States is near, and why I will probably be voting for Trump in November - to try to forestall the impending decline of America.

I am so, so sad for the mess that I am leaving my daughter.

Spin Zone / Re: a different thought wrt climate change
« on: September 01, 2016, 08:19:33 PM »
There have been epochs were humans could not live on the Earth due to the climate.  Moreover, Venus is about the size of the Earth and within the "goldilocks" zone of orbital habitability.  Biggest difference between Earth and Venus is runaway greenhouse warming on Venus.
It couldn't have ANYTHING to do with Venus being 42 million kilometers closer to the sun, right? 

Spin Zone / Re: Miss you, Ron...
« on: September 01, 2016, 08:11:23 PM »
How far we've fallen in the Oval Office.

Spin Zone / Re: CNN Headline Equates Blacks with Felons
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:51:26 PM »
Because vote fraud is the only pathway liberals have to victory. Democrats have always supported denying people a fair and free election. Look at their history of suppressing black votes, fighting against any means of keeping the voting booth honest and fair, and how any attempt to clean up voting lists is attacked with every lie they can bring out?
It isn't something new. Democrat vote fraud is as ingrained in their party as saluting the flag is in the republican party.
Jimmy Carter was for voter ID before he was against it.

Spin Zone / Trump's Immigration Speech
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:42:28 PM »
I just got done watching it, and thought it was very good.

Spin Zone / Re: The King of commutation
« on: August 31, 2016, 09:38:52 PM »
I would love to hear a Democrat defend this.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 31, 2016, 06:26:01 AM »
As Gary Johnson's liberal leanings become more and more obvious, I think he would take more votes away from HRC.

With luck, he may prevent either candidate from garnering a sufficient number of electoral votes and free up all those electors to vote their conscience.  Not sure how that would finally work out, but at least it opens the possibility of someone that is "not Hillary" AND "not Trump".
I have seen zero evidence and I analysis that the Libertarians would take votes away from the Democrats. None. Shit, I was even calling myself a Conservatarian a couple of years ago.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 31, 2016, 06:23:16 AM »
Well played, sir.  Well played  ;D 
(bold added)
Phew!  Thank you. I was starting to worry about this group.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:52:56 PM »
Gary Johnson just started saturating Southeast Wisconsin with radio ads.  Trump?  Can't remember hearing one. 

Johnson is at 10% and rising.  I see Ross Perot all over again. 

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 30, 2016, 03:04:11 PM »
Again, you are incapable of looking beyond your ideologue snobbishness.
You are a one trick pony. I raise a substantive issue, you go personal. You call JeffDG obese. You are incapable of having any sort of adult debate.

But let's try once again:  what is ideologically snobbish about asking why Trump isn't spending money, or has flip flopped on deportation? 


Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 30, 2016, 02:59:43 PM »
There is a difference between kicking him in the ass when he fucks up, and taking every single damn opportunity to portray him as the second coming of Lucifer (vague reference intended) and Adolph.
I don't have the time or inclination to post every time Trump does something self destructive. Your exaggeration negates the good conversation that I thought we were having.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 30, 2016, 11:35:11 AM »
If you want to talk about pathetic Stan, go look in a mirror.  You are one of the thinnest skin crybabys on this board. 

 Honestly, your butt hurt has gone on for months here. Be a man, grow up and get over it.

Please go and play your video games in your momma's basement. There are adults talking here.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 30, 2016, 11:31:35 AM »

If you want Trump to win (and I know you only said you "might" vote for him", but regardless, if you prefer that Trump to wins (which is the converse of preferring Hillary winning", then bad mouthing Trump, even when he deserves it is counter productive.  There are enough Hillary supporters and staff to take care of that task.

I disagree that it's counter productive. To the contrary, I want people to kick Trump in the ass when he's fucking up, so he changes his undisciplined way.

Look at what has happened with his speeches. He has recently been giving fairly cogent and concise speeches that are having an impact. Why?  Because he has been using a teleprompter, and minimizing the off-the-cuff, shoot-from-the-hip word vomit that has been so off putting to so many people. Outcry mattered, and he changed his ways. If more of his supporters held him accountable for his words and actions, he might just win this thing. But if he continues the undisciplined Hedley Lamarr persona and says whatever is top of mind, he will die of his self-inflicted wounds.

Spin Zone / CNN Headline Equates Blacks with Felons
« on: August 30, 2016, 10:25:58 AM »
Please tell me what voter intimidation has to do with voter ID. You're welcome to look up voter intimidation efforts if you are interested. Remove the wool from your eyes if you believe there is none from the GOP side of the fence. You can start with Philadelphia's 2003 mayoral election, one of the most sophisticated efforts at minority voter suppression/intimidation to ever be perpetrated.

I don't think it's nonsense. If you read some of those cases, you'll find that the pro-voter ID side utterly failed to make the case that 1) there was a need for voter ID and 2) that it would not appreciably disenfranchise anyone. Some folks here, like Bob Noel, believe that we don't have the mechanisms in place to detect fraud, and therefore having to prove that it exists before implementing voter ID laws is not appropriate. We've had some good discussions about that in other threads.
I'm sorry, but you have that bass ackwards. Being in a state which passed voter ID and it has been litigated up the ass, I've read many cases. It is not incumbent upon the state Attorney General to provide the motivation as to WHY a state legislature passed voter ID. It's incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove that something bad is happening with respect to voter ID. And across the board, including a hilariously pathetic case in Wisconsin where it was discovered that the plaintiff who was alleged to have suffered disenfranchisement actually did, in fact, have an ID; she just didn't feel she needed to use it.

Spin Zone / Re: WTF??? Pence escaped? Recaptured?
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:32:13 PM »
There are many gray areas with Trump.  The problem is there are many black areas with Clinton, and some people on this board can't or wont tell the difference, and feel it is more important to criticize Trump at every opportunity than to actually compare him to Hillary.
Stay with the argument.  Does Lucifer or does he not reflexively accuse virtually all Trump critics of wanting Hillary to win?  Mention Trump's flip on deportation, and you want Hillary to win.  Mention Trump's failure to spend campaign money to fight Hillary, and you want to help Clinton measure drapes for the Oval Office. 

Call him on this pathetic habit, and you're "lame." 

I may ultimately vote for Trump, through no small part because of Hillary's accusation of Trump voters as a racist hate group, and her flagrant lawlessness.  But lucifer's pattern, and that of most Trump supporters of implying that critics are traitors and are really supporting the enemy makes those of us who are not yet members of the Cult of Celebrity feel like saying "go fuck yourself and your candidate."

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