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Topics - acrogimp

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Spin Zone / Where are the Pro-Kasich, Pro-Cruz posts?
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:15:41 AM »
As seems to be happening in the campaign, Trump is garnering almost all of the conversation.

Where are the posts extolling the virtues of Governor Kasich or Senator Cruz?

Why should we vote FOR them?


Another great article from Camille Paglia.  She remains one of my favorite classical Liberal writers, much like my own sainted mother although she would vote for Satan if there was (D) beside his/her name.

Paglia has, IMO, a better sense of what is going on than most, and she has a good way to explain it.  I disagree with her assertion that Trump and Hillary are equally flawed but a great read nonetheless.  I don't understand how someone as intelligent as she is can be a Bernie supporter but still enjoy reading her stuff.


Spin Zone / Piers Morgan... Donald Trump is Right :^O
« on: March 23, 2016, 05:35:37 PM »
Another article from conservative commentator Wayne Allen Root about none other than Piers Morgan coming to a staggering realization that Trump might be on to something.

Trump told me countries must tighten their borders in light of these terror attacks, especially to anyone related to an ISIS fighter in Syria.

Is he so wrong?

He told me he wants law-abiding Muslims to root out the extremists in their midst, expressing his bafflement and anger that someone like Abdeslam was able to hide for so long in the very part of Brussels he had previously lived.

Is he so wrong?

He told me America must make it far harder for illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. and thinks European countries should follow suit.

Is he so wrong?

He told me he believes there are now areas of many major European cities which have become poisonous breeding grounds for radicalized Islamic terror.

Is he so wrong?

I didn’t feel I was talking to a lunatic, as many seem to view Trump.

I saw a guy, a non-politician unfettered by PC language restraints, who is genuinely furious at the devastation which ISIS is wreaking, and seriously concerned for the security of his fellow Americans and indeed, the citizens of Europe.

How obvious does it have to be for Piers Morgan to get it?


Pot, meet kettle.

Literally LOL'd when I read it.

I think she is a talentless and petty hosebeast personally who is only reaping the crap she has sown for years, so call it some schadenfreude but couldn't happen to a nicer (not) person.


Spin Zone / Trump lists Foreign Policy Team
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:01:47 PM »
Surprisingly even-handed article. 

Trump has provided a little more detail outlining a non-interventionist foreign policy and names a few of the folks he is consulting.  I am personally a bit more hawkish than what he is outlining but I appreciate the focus on cost and responsibility sharing around the globe.

Trump began the hour-long meeting by pulling out a list of some of his foreign policy advisers.

"Walid Phares, who you probably know. PhD, adviser to the House of Representatives. He’s a counterterrorism expert," Trump said. "Carter Page, PhD. George Papadopoulos. He’s an oil and energy consultant. Excellent guy. The honorable Joe Schmitz, [was] inspector general at the Department of Defense. General Keith Kellogg. And I have quite a few more. But that’s a group of some of the people that we are dealing with. We have many other people in different aspects of what we do. But that’s a pretty representative group."

Trump said he plans to share more names in the coming days.

Kellogg, a former Army lieutenant general, is an executive vice president at CACI International, a Virginia-based intelligence and information technology consulting firm with clients around the world. He has experience in national defense and homeland security issues and worked as chief operating officer for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad following the invasion of Iraq.

Schmitz served as inspector general at the Defense Department during the early years of President George W. Bush’s administration and has worked for Blackwater Worldwide. In a brief phone call Monday, Schmitz confirmed that he is working for the Trump campaign and said that he has been involved for the past month. He said he frequently confers with Sam Clovis, one of Trump's top policy advisers, and that there has been a series of conference calls and briefings in recent weeks.

Papadopoulos directs an international energy center at the London Center of International Law Practice. He previously advised the presidential campaign of Ben Carson and worked as a research fellow at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington.

Phares has an academic background, teaching at the National Defense University and Daniel Morgan Academy in Washington, and has advised members of Congress and appeared as a television analyst discussing terrorism and the Middle East.

Page, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and now the managing partner of Global Energy Capital, is a longtime energy industry executive who rose through the ranks at Merrill Lynch around the world before founding his current firm. He previously was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he focused on the Caspian Sea region and the economic development in former Soviet states, according to his company biography and documents from his appearances at panels over the past decade.

Some good resources IMO and while again, not as hawkish as I am, I find the outline of a non-interventionist foreign policy where we seek some contribution or skin in the game from our would-be 'allies' and partners to be refreshing.  I also find his suggestion to focus on our own needs and challenges to be a good idea.


Spin Zone / Why It's Time for a Trump Revolution
« on: March 20, 2016, 06:51:48 PM »
A few interesting points raised, from a Democrat/Liberal point of view.



You are welcome.


Spin Zone / Interesting Math Primaries vs General Election
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:45:00 PM »
For those who want to look to recent historical info when determining the potential for a particular candidate to do well I offer the following:

Essentially, the primary turnout seen to-date this year which is a measure of voter engagement/excitement is almost an exact reversal of that seen in 2008.  Restating, looking at 2008 the Democrat turnout for primaries was 19.5% with 11.0% for the Republicans - this year it is 17.3% (R) to 11.7% (D) showing a substantial enthusiasm gap.  This time in '08 general election polls (Ides of March) were split between McCain (as much as +6) and Obama (+1 to +2).

It is my belief that this enthusiasm gap, properly managed by a campaign, could be yuuuuuge but is not readily captured in current polling.

Of great interest to me is that Ted Cruz accuses the supporters of the guy he is losing badly to so far as being 'relatively low information' and 'not very engaged' - this would seem to fly in the face of the facts when all appearances are that the Republican turnout shows a high level of engagement (record high in fact). 

And it is in this highly engaged and extremely well reported environment that Trump has, in fact, accumulated the most Primary wins, the most actual votes, the most delegates and is the only candidate to-date to actually reach the minimum win threshold  necessary to be considered for the nomination.


Spin Zone / Howard Kurtz - Why Can' the Media Stop Trump
« on: March 17, 2016, 08:13:43 PM »
Another interesting opinion piece that should be an eye opener for those who think the media made and can destroy Trump.


Spin Zone / Interesting Opinion Piece
« on: March 16, 2016, 08:18:41 PM »

Wayne Allyn Root calls on Cruz to drop out and join Trump to rout the establishment and beat Clinton. 

Interesting take and some questions that should provoke some thoughts - especially with respect to Cruz's failure to win a single contest last night.


Spin Zone / Big Fighter/Turkey Airplane Porn
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:07:55 PM »
Tomcats Forever!!


Spin Zone / The Forgotten Americans / Silent Majority
« on: March 15, 2016, 10:39:59 PM »
Good quick read that explains some of the issues driving this unusual primary cycle.


Spin Zone / George Soros is John Kasich's 6th Largest Donor?
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:08:40 PM »
Politics makes strange bed fellows indeed.  To clarify, MoveOn.Org's George Soros' Soros Fund Management is the 6th largest PAC contributor for Kasich.

I could not even process the claim in my head the first several times I read it.

Wow.  I mean, um, wow.


Spin Zone / Cruz giving ammo to his opponents
« on: March 14, 2016, 08:02:57 AM »
First off, I want to state that I am a practicing Roman Catholic and I believe Faith has an important part in not just our private religious lives but it also informs our public self in terms of moralilty and right and wrong.

So, that is why I am concerned to say that this is the kind of thing that Cruz will face if he becomes the nominee:

If anything qualifies as showing a lack of political intelligence it will be every appearance like this he has ever made.

God said kill the gays, and now let me introduce Ted Cruz - seriously.  This is the danger from Cruz's ill-formed strategy to give the finger to majority of the Party and focus on the Christian Right.  It is, unfortunately, populated by a precious few guys like this, who say things like this - and this will be on non-stop adds from PAC's with 'no connection to any candidate or candidates' campaign' wink-wink-nudge-nudge, 24/7 with ominous music and Nazi imagery for months before the election.

I suspect there may be things in Trump's history that will be cringeworthy but I'd be very surprised if there is anything like this, and this will prove to be the tip of the iceberg for Cruz given his approach to this campaign.

Cruz supporters be warned, your candidate is damaged and will be providing ammunition directly to the opposition.


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