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Messages - Jaybird180

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Spin Zone / Re: Black classism, white classism
« on: November 26, 2021, 08:47:34 AM »
The desire to survive and a warped sense of perception explains all of the -isms that pit one against another. If one believes that his/her survival is dependent upon the dearth of another individual or group, then the logical (but incorrect) conclusion is to suppress. The suppression takes many forms but it best accomplished when done stealthily and when self-perpetuating.

Those in power laugh when the misdiagnosis is made, for it gives more time to exercise the rule. I am forced to reflect that racism and white supremacy acts in this sense like a honey pot.

Spin Zone / Re: America's Force in Ready- isn't ready
« on: November 22, 2021, 02:37:35 PM »
I might be thinking of something else with the 40k number. My bad.

Spin Zone / Re: Stan, What's Going on in Waukesha?
« on: November 22, 2021, 02:35:14 PM »
Even if he was running from something, he did intentionally run into the crowd.

Meanwhile we anxiously await the nick name Mark Ruffalo will give him.
Not self-defense?

Spin Zone / America's Force in Ready- isn't ready
« on: November 22, 2021, 02:31:53 PM »

For what it's worth, the Marines have maintained an Active Duty force of approximately 43-46,000 for as long as I can remember, so 10k being separated is nearly a quarter of the force. I cannot see how the leadership can get themselves out of this corner without taking one on the chin. You can't quickly replace the intellectual capital, manpower or experience. We "learned" that lesson post Vietnam.

Meanwhile, China, N Korea, Russia are looking at this and laughing.

Spin Zone / Re: If The Vaccines Work, Why Aren't They Working???
« on: November 22, 2021, 08:16:38 AM »
I saw on the news this morning that Faucci is saying that if you attend Turkey Day with your family and everyone is vaccinated, then it's OK to relax your masks, but if you're in mixed or unknown company, mask up. Remember: before he was saying that you needed masks regardless if your vaxxed or not. And before that, you didn't need a mask if you were vaxxed.

So long to Turkey Day everybody. Couple generations and it will be no more.

Pilot Zone / Re: King Air stall
« on: November 19, 2021, 09:15:37 AM »
The spin was aggravated by aileron application. Students are taught not to try to lift the wing with the yoke. This pilot forgot that lesson as can be seen in the video.

Pilot Zone / WWII British vs Axis Engine Development
« on: November 19, 2021, 08:37:19 AM »
I watched this video thinking there are several controversial things that could be discussed and that maybe this should posted in SZ, but alas considering that it starts with an interest in aviation, decided to post it here to share it.

There's some discussion about human weakness/fallibility, possibly skewing national interests, potential for a sub-story about sexism and finally some reality that we are still plagued by the problem today with the author saying that 6% of American GA accidents have a shared root cause (not going to spoil it).

It's 27mins in length, but worth speeding up a bit to watch the whole thing as it's replete with diagrams and citations.



Any military program to vaccinate personnel would have been in anticipation of an enemy using smallpox as a weapon.
That was the justification for the anthrax program, but only a few countries have the capability to weaponize anthrax and they are all US allies. The FBI closed the 2001 (Amerithrax) domestic investigation as an insider job. Anyone that knows about bioweapons protocols will tell you, it wasn't a lone wolf either.

Spin Zone / Re: RUMOR: biden Considering Moving kamala to Supreme Court
« on: November 18, 2021, 09:05:09 AM »
A surprising number of SCOTUS judges had no previous judicial experience:

Jim the Mythbuster

Scientists have debated for years whether to destroy any remaining samples, citing the danger of a mishap that could unleash a disease that has been eradicated since the 1970s.

I take issue with this.

There was a small window of time when I was in the Corps just prior to invasion of Iraq, where I recall there was discussion of full rollout of Smallpox vaccinations. This was just on the heels of the mandatory Anthrax vaccinations (that ~2 years later were proved unlawful). The way I recall, several Marines died after smallpox inoculation and that program quietly went away.

Spin Zone / Re: Buttgig: Roads Are Racist
« on: November 18, 2021, 07:44:52 AM »
I grew up in a middle class neighborhood in a largely Polish neighborhood in the city of Chicago.  I didn’t grow up in the hood, and I’m not sure Jaybird did either.

I don’t buy this systemic bias bullshit. I buy only situational bias.  If you are in a high crime neighborhood, you will likely and correctly get higher police scrutiny. If you are in a relatively low crime area, like my old Polish neighborhood, police had less of a presence, though they still ran patrols.

If I read JB’s situation, police didn’t get involved because they were playing hooky. Police got involved because the mother thought that they were holding a girl against her will. If that happened in my Polish neighborhood, police would be all over that too.  Why?  Because it’s situational.

I’m fatigued by so many people turning STRAIGHT to race when Occam’s Razor says it’s something simpler like the higher existence of crime.
You seem hell-bent on proving that your way is the only and correct way of seeing things. Sorry to disagree with your version of the world, but this is how injustice persists. People of good-will who do nothing, claiming they see nothing.

Actually, I did grow up "in the hood". And Crystal's mom, I'm not in her head, but was likely convinced there was something nefarious going on but it certainly didn't rise to the level of a lights and sirens multiple police car chase. Why did the police take this response?

Now that my memory came back from so many years ago (and the battery in my solar keyboard), Crystal would have been a Sophomore that year while most of us were Juniors. Crystal was such a good student that she graduated as a Junior with us the following year. All of us graduated and went on in our lives, many of them I'm keep in touch with via social media and they're doing well in life (of varying degrees).

Why did they (police) allocate such resources? Nobody was killed, nor was there drugs or alchohol (or even cigarettes) involved in our group. Looking back, I don't think anyone would have even gotten naked that day either (LoL), though I was invited by the girl who would later become my girlfriend (for about a month or a little more, an eternity at that age- LoL).

Rush- The man referred to as Colonel, wasn't my father but a retired Greek-American military officer who was one of our teachers. He was a strict disciplinarian, growing up poor himself in the Bronx, but he didn't tell the school officials about that day, probably knowing they'd flip out. I'm sure the investigation started with Crystal's mom walking across the street to the school.

If anyone had a reason to complain it was Mary's mom, who was at work while her teenage daughter used her home to host other teenagers. It was teenagers doing what teenagers do, but it didn't warrant the response we got (from the police).

Spin Zone / Re: Buttgig: Roads Are Racist
« on: November 17, 2021, 03:16:30 PM »
I’m saying virtually everything is within grasp for someone who wants better....

Throughout our lives our personal discipline gets challenged, at every corner.  Whether it’s having an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other shoulder, we are all faced with the options of immediate gratification or deferred gratification.  Human free will doesn’t disappear just because some circumstances are tougher than others.

I went to a Catholic high school. My sophomore year we were playing a night game at Hanson Stadium, a Chicago public school stadium in Chicago. After we showered, we were supposed to sit in the visitor stands and watch the varsity play the next game. During the varsity game, a dozen teammates walked around the track to the far side to exit the stadium and get some booze, since some of them lived in that neighborhood. I walked with them. About 20 yards before the gate, I stopped and turned around. It wasn’t a moral decision, but it was a fear of getting caught, and the ramifications of that.

When we got back to our school, our AD Fr. King lined us all up and chewed our asses for about 30 minutes. We were all punished, and had to show up on Saturday (usually an off day after a game) and run for miles as punishment. But the dozen got it worse. They were kicked off the team.

Everything is a choice.

While everything is a choice, we are sometimes not in control of the outcome of those choices, which sometime are disparate.

I hooked school twice in my life. I got caught both times and didn't get to execute the second one, just barely made it out of the door before being caught by "The Colonel".

The first one, I was invited to hang out with "the cool kids" who would go to Mary's house. Crystal's mom thought her daughter was with us and demanded that we open the door to get her daughter. AFAIK, Crystal was an A-student.

Most of us were doing well in school, none were trouble makers, but it was a social class in our inner-city school with the bad reputation. Consequently because of that reputation, school administration, et al usually came down with both feet on any infractions. I also was made 2 years prior to serve a week's in-school suspension for (self-defense) fighting.

Back to the story: Crystal's mom was SERIOUS and somehow the cops were called. I recall running through an open field, moving around buildings and hiding in an effort to not get caught, while I was thinking about the possibility of losing any opportunity to apply to "The Academy" if I had an arrest record.

Somehow the names of those involved made it back to the Colonel and he exacted his form of discipline on us, which was merciful enough to not damage any of our futures. I'm sure it would have been different had the cops caught us or the school administration knows

Spin Zone / Re: Buttgig: Roads Are Racist
« on: November 17, 2021, 02:55:01 PM »
So by your admission, you are not aware there were past laws that discriminated against other groups, you think you, native Americans, and the Chinese are the only ones.   

Wearing blinders is no way to look at discrimination.
Answer the question or move on

Spin Zone / 2 Men Convicted of Killing Malcolm X to be Exonerated
« on: November 17, 2021, 02:18:31 PM »
Altogether, the re-investigation found that had the new evidence been presented to a jury, it may well have led to acquittals. And Mr. Aziz, 83, who was released in 1985, and Mr. Islam, who was released in 1987 and died in 2009, would not have been compelled to spend decades fighting to clear their names.

“This wasn’t a mere oversight,” said Deborah Francois, a lawyer for the men. “This was a product of extreme and gross official misconduct.”

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