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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 05, 2016, 09:00:41 AM »
Driving back from the airport yesterday I caught an NPR show (paid for with tax dollars) about, among other things, how charter schools are an abject failure.

Of course that's 100% false, but it sounds good in the echo chamber. Naturally the progs on the radio don't want to lose control of the (unionized) NEA Indoctrination Centers.

Charter schools consistently perform better than union run, government schools.  The education is better, pure, and simple.  You are exactly right, the lib/progs don't like them because it undermines the UNIONS.     

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:54:11 AM »
From my viewpoint, because it asserts the undeniable truth of the science without presenting the science.  It universally condemns the questioning.

But I thought the science was SETTLED, and no more debate was allowed? 

Spin Zone / Re: Dead People Voting
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:37:03 AM »
There is no election fraud.

"There IS no improper relationship"

Bill Clinton, on the meaning of IS. 

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:41:50 AM »

Shhhhhhhhh.  Not suppose to say that!   Lincoln was a great President and he only wanted to end slavery!

Lincoln was a criminal who wanted to subdue the South economically so the North would prosper.  He couldn't have cared less about the slaves, and their plight.  Look how long it took him to do the Emancipation Proclamation.  Why wasn't that done day one of the war? 

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:39:34 AM »
I am amazed at the number of people expressing their outrage at the fact that Hillary didn't win based on the popular vote and that feel she should.  Why are we not teaching the Constitution on school?  Why is the importance of the EC not taught?  Why are kids not taught that, in reality, no right exists for them to vote in a Presidential unless extended in their state Constitution?  That really should piss off all of us no matter what side you're on.

Very easily explained.  Kids are not being taught the importance of the EC, nor taught the Constitution because both are counter to the agenda of the NEA, state teacher's unions, and teachers, and administrators in general.  The Constitution is just a road block to them, as well as to the Obama Administration who only enforces the laws they like.  Kids are being taught that the rule of law does not matter, nor do the founding principles of the United States. 

Spin Zone / Re: Trump already winning!
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:26:48 AM »
This is where the liberal mindset fails when it comes to business.  They simply cannot comprehend that a business is formed and operated to benefit the owners and produce for them a profit.  The liberals tend to believe businesses are created to provide jobs for the masses. 

Liberal/Progressives only consider (feel) the surface of issues.  Giving other people's money away for dubious reasons makes them feel good.  They never look at the economic, nor social consequences of what looks on the surface as a "nice thing to do".  Trump's message to inner city minorities was that Democrat control, and rule for the past sixty years has made their situation WORSE.  Rewarding people for having multiple children by multiple men does not help their situation.  Rewarding people not to work does not help their situation. 

Over taxing people, and businesses to have the money go to a very, very inefficient government is counterproductive.    Government solutions to every issue are counterproductive.  The administrative, and waste cost of government is way too high. 

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 05, 2016, 03:39:17 AM »
Same way Lincoln did. Except it would be easier because the lefties don't believe in guns.

You mean by staging Fort Sumter to make it look like the Confederates attacked first?

Spin Zone / Re: Al Quieda thought we would fold
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:59:39 PM »
More Bush crap.  It is really getting old.  Obama?

Spin Zone / Re: My tears are salty
« on: December 04, 2016, 03:09:43 PM »
I am sure many of the bundlers, and donors are feeling the sting of the Hillary, and Democrat losses.  GOOD!  However, Soros, Bloomberg, the public and private sector unions, et al have so many Billions, they don't care. 

Spin Zone / Re: The Jill Stein Scam
« on: December 04, 2016, 12:33:19 PM »
She said this is not about Donald Trump. Then why hold your whinefest at Trump Tower?

When are these idiots going to start doing something productive for the country, instead of repeatedly staging events that make them look ever stupider?

Because all they want to do are things COUNTERPRODUCTIVE for the country because they hate it so much.  Don't you know it is the USA's fault that we have man made climate change, horrible carbon footprint, and a worldwide colonial exploitation policy that uses brown people for profit?

Spin Zone / Re: Trump already winning!
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:55:50 AM »
Global, corporate business is very complex.  However, at least Trump is talking about retaining, and creating jobs in the U.S.  If he can improve the tax code, and reduce onerous regulations to a reasonable level.  Businesses will stay in the U.S. and grow, but it has to make sense ECONOMICALLY.  Businesses go where they can operate the most efficiently as their only reason for existing is to provide value for their owners (stockholders).  They are NOT employment agencies.   

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming = Snow In Hawaii
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:46:08 AM »
We are due for a real cold snap next week.  I guess these losers will have to cancel any man made global warming rallies due to the cold.  MMGW/MM Climate Change died with the election of Donald Trump.  Fossil fuel is still the way to go, and we have plenty of it domestically. 

Spin Zone / Re: Al Quieda thought we would fold
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:44:18 AM »
So Witmo, again, what did Obama do in EIGHT YEARS TO RECTIFY IRAN, IRAQ, and AFGHANISTAN?  Bush is old news.  The worldwide intel CONVINCED ALL THE DEMOCRATS ALSO.

So keep being delusional, and avoiding the obvious FAILURE OF OBAMA and the DEMOCRATS THE LAST EIGHT YEARS. 

Spin Zone / Re: Popular Vote
« on: December 03, 2016, 09:09:22 AM »
When did anyone in the media stop to consider that Donald Trump WON the election by the rules in place in all fifty states. at the time of the election, making the rest of their commentary useless, progressive, prattle?

Hillary won the popular vote because of small metro parts of New York, and California.  When those small areas in two states are allowed to dictate to the entire country, it will be time for another revolution.


Even China cut him more slack than the press, telling.

Because our media is largely more COMMUNIST than the Communist Chinese. 

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