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Messages - LevelWing

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Pilot Zone / Re: I'm sick. Friend just lost his Bonanza to a hangar fire
« on: December 16, 2018, 07:58:37 AM »
Very nice. I hope it all works out. Post some pictures once he gets it if he's fine with it.

This is it.  He brought it home last week.  Unreal.  I will get to fly it over Christmas.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:42:35 AM »
Because the government winds up paying for it in the end.  Like I said, when the pain gets bad enough or when they find you unconscious on the floor you wind up in the ER.  If you haven't the cash government pays.  Since they're paying anyway says me they should be able to stipulate the how and why.  ER can't turn anyone away.

No, the government doesn't pay for it.  WE PAY FOR IT.  The government does not create any wealth, it only takes wealth, but I agree we need to manage care for those that can not pay for it in a more efficient manner.  The ACA does NOT do that. 

Spin Zone / Where's JeffDG?
« on: November 17, 2016, 11:23:04 AM »
JeffDG is alright. I was for Ted Cruz from day 1, and I think he supported Cruz also, but I could be wrong. I also pushed back against Trump from his entrance into the race, and was against him from Conservative and personality grounds. Both of those criticisms remain valid. 

Jeff was as against Trump as lucifer was for him. Sometimes it got heated and ridiculous, but it was like that with lucifer and me as well.   

Where we split, however, is that I left the never Trump movement once it was clear that Hillary the Criminal would escape her crimes for political expediency.

The split became a permanent divide when that bitch called my friends, and indirectly me, irredeemable deplorables. Well fuck her. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I began to support Trump. I didn't fund his campaign or have a yard sign, but I supported some of the things he stood for. And since his victory, I've been pleasantly surprised.

I will still hold his feet to the fire if he goes libtard on us, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right now.

So, Jeff couldn't get there. So what. He usually raised valid points, though at the end it sounded counterproductive, as most never-Trumpers sounded at the end.

Spin Zone / Re: Win - Lose
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:08:11 AM »
They're about the EC being outdated and counterproductive.  Everyone would like to think their votes count, but with the EC that has never been the case.  That's one of the things the founding fathers got very wrong.

The major population centers (large metro areas) already control entire states, and are all Democrat.  Look at New York state.  Democrat NYC metro area dictates everything to largely Republican upstate New York.  If we abolish the EC, this situation would get even worse.  It would be mob rule, and instead of a Republic, we would be a straight Democracy which is NOT what the Founding Fathers wanted as they knew mob rule would be destructive. 

Spin Zone / Memorial Day
« on: May 30, 2016, 07:34:05 AM »
To everyone here:

As you spend this Memorial Day with family, friends and loved ones, take a few moments to reflect on the saccrifice that many have made to provide for the freedom and prosperity that this nation has. 

Spin Zone / Re: Gun control
« on: May 21, 2016, 05:04:51 PM »
This is the only kind of gun control we need:

Spin Zone / Re: Of The Two EVILS...
« on: May 10, 2016, 01:03:16 PM »
Much better written that I could do.  Read the whole thing, but I'll excerpt a few key points.
As an American, my greatest allegiance is to liberty. As long as there is liberty, no task is insurmountable, no challenge too overwhelming. As long as there is liberty, anything is possible.

The true north of my compass has been, and always will be, liberty. I owe it to those who have come before me and those who will come after. I will act to safeguard liberty no matter what personal price I may be forced to bear.

Liberty is my litmus test. I weigh all actions of my government and those who seek office, against it. The ledger of freedom is incorruptible; its pages open for anyone to examine, and most importantly - to learn from.

But in the opinion of some of our fellow Americans, we have not been quick enough. Rather than continue to fight, a plurality of voters in the Republican primary has decided to drop an atom bomb on Washington, D.C. That atom bomb is Donald Trump.
And so I come to my explanation. When I apply my litmus test of liberty to Donald Trump, he fails - completely.

In fact, he has not only failed to ever stand for liberty, he has repeatedly worked to undermine it. From supporting an assault weapons ban, the seizure of private property via eminent domain, the restructuring of libel laws, and socialized medicine (just to name a few) - throughout his entire adult life, Donald Trump has repeatedly championed the power of the state.

Our Founders realized that the normal course of history is despotism – the control of the many by the few. That is why the Founding documents sought to constrain government. They also counted on Americans to choose wisely those whom we sought to install in office. Too often we have failed in selecting the best among us.

Donald Trump is not the best among us, neither is Hillary Clinton. They are both incredibly flawed human beings whom we should be equally ashamed of.

Neither would advance the cause of freedom. Both would take us – not to that shining city on a hill of which President Regan spoke - but into the murky valley beneath. Never have I seen America faced with having two such poor choices for president.

With the lessons of history as my guide, I see in Donald Trump the character flaws that are the hallmarks of despotism. In Hillary Clinton, I also see multiple character flaws, but I see them as a belonging not to a potential despot, but rather to a conniving, self-serving, progressive politician who believes in lining her own pockets and enlarging/increasing the state and its power.

The two are reprehensible – but completely different. One threatens to further enlarge the state, the other, potentially (a la Napoleon), to become it.

Growing up, a wonderful nun repeatedly told me that kindness could only be expected from the strong. When Donald Trump mocked the disability of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski – he showed himself to be not only weak, but also lacking in compassion.

Trump’s position that he is a Christian, but has never asked for forgiveness – coupled with his incessant bragging – not only further shows that he is weak, but that he also lacks humility.

My greatest concern about Donald Trump, though, isn’t a trait he lacks, but a dangerous one he poses – in spades. Authoritarianism.

Confident people do not bully and demean others. That is the realm of the weak and insecure. Confident people also do not threaten others, especially not their fellow citizens.

Donald Trump has told us to just wait and see what he does to Jeff Bezos once he gets into the White House. He has told us the American military will do whatever he tells them to do no matter what their reservations. He has promised to prevent American companies from moving outside the United States, regardless of what they believe is best for their businesses.

In other words, Donald Trump has clearly told all of us that he will use the power of the presidency to force people to bend to his will. This is not liberty.

Let me be clear that I don’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton. I also don’t want to vote for Donald Trump. My preference is to write-in or vote third party. I think they are both terrible for our future.

As a Constitutional conservative, I take solace in, and guidance from the words of Alexander Hamilton, who in the election of 1800 said, “If we must have an enemy at the head of government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible.”

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