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Messages - President in Exile YOLT

Pages: 1 ... 182 183 [184] 185 186 ... 232
Spin Zone / Re: Prophesy
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:15:44 AM »
Here's a whole list from just one comedy show

Interesting. It's only other black people. White people aren't allowed.

Spin Zone / Re: Prophesy
« on: May 31, 2016, 05:12:47 AM »
I bet there is an episode of the Simpsons where they actually have Trump in it as a character. I personally can't wait for South Park to get a hold of Trump.

Yeah, after a comedy desert (can't make fun of the black man) for the last 7.5yrs, we could use some laughs.

Those engines up there would cause a significant pitch moment about the CG if you were to ask me.

Give that man a ceeegar.

I don't understand why anyone would want to keep using 19th century technology with all the misery it causes when it was well understood over a hundred years ago that the electric motor was a far superior way to propel a vehicle? Imagine if every elevator in America had to depend on a gasoline engine to go up and down. Thankfully long dead engineers saved us from that potential nightmare!

Problem is you have to GENERATE and STORE the electricity that runs the motor. What's the end to end efficiency? Solar is a loser in most of the industrialized world.

Spin Zone / Re: Primed To Fight The Government
« on: May 28, 2016, 07:58:13 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 28, 2016, 06:24:05 AM »
Just wanted to chime in on this. I'm currently a graduating senior at an extremely liberal university in Northern California. No, I'm not majoring in gender studies (I'm actually on track to become a CPA), but I've taken my fair share of classes with professors that have gone completely off the rails.

During my freshman year of college I was required to take a social justice writing class. In all honesty, the class was relatively interesting and I learned quite a bit about formulating arguments. Similar to your story, the professor sent us an email at the end of the quarter asking us to submit our own grade and to write a short justification. Even though I scored very high on most of the writing assignments and scored very well on the end of the year project, I gave myself an A- to be humble. Guess what...I ended up with an A-.

Now I know an A- isn't a bad grade at all, but after speaking with other people who had taken that class, it seems like she ended up giving most students the grade that they requested. Looking back on this, I should've put down A+. I probably would've gotten it....

In the interests of "social justice" you should have said you earned an A but think you should be given a C so that someone without White Privilege can get a C also, even if they deserved an F.

Spin Zone / Re: NRA endorses Trump
« on: May 28, 2016, 05:17:52 AM »
In the field of risk avoidance, you consider the probability of a situation in relation to the severity of that situation.

So take a situation:
Appointing liberal supreme court justices?
Attacking the 2nd A (and the 1st andothers)?
Raising taxes?
Appointing liberal heads of the various agencies (IRS, EPA, DOJ . ..)
  or any other position that is important to you.

What are the odds that Hillary will do the wrong thing?  (I submit 100%)
What are the odds that Trump will do the wrong thing?  (I submit, Less than 100%).

Where is the confusion coming from?  I think it is all just emotional, but I always thought that was a liberal trait.

#NeverHillary   ;D ;D ;D


If you look back at interview videos fro 25 years ago Trump is amazingly consistent with his "platform" today.

Look at the center of thrust. Now look at the presumptive center of mass and the arm of the motor mounts.

Torque calculations are left as exercise to the student.

Ummm, I don't think "energy storage" is the challenge with this "design"

" Instead of mounting them conventionally, on the wing or fuselage, I put them in my design atop the plane’s V-shaped tail, where the airflow is cleaner."

Spin Zone / Re: So It Was Soros
« on: May 27, 2016, 08:17:05 AM »

I approve too,
but how old are those guys now?

As old as Hillary and Bernie?

Spin Zone / Re: Fair and Impartial Jury?
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:04:11 PM »
Define "any reason". Cops can be held civilly liable, if not criminally (circumstances dependent) if they make a bad arrest. Besides the fact that a headlight out can be a safety issue, it can also lead to other things such as a drug arrest, someone having a warrant, etc.

Cops are almost never disciplined by their peers and superiors, much less held civilly liable. In the most public cases, if there is a decision in favor of the complainant, the municipality (i.e., TAXPAYERS) pays damages. The cop isn't held personally responsible. Worst case is they get moved to another police dept, like pedophile priests being sent to other parishes and no one knows their history.

The headlight thing is called "pretext" and it's an excuse to go fishing "Mind if I have a look in your trunk?"

Spin Zone / Re: Students Too Busy Demonstrating To Study...
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:34:31 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Fair and Impartial Jury?
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:31:33 PM »
That's idiotic.

Cops make arrest/don't arrest decisions every day, based on best judgment of whether there exists probable cause to affect an arrest. As often as not, it sways towards not arresting.

I assume you're just mouthing your anti-cop prejudice, and have nothing to back up your absurdities.

Come on, Eddie, you and I know it's a world of cops and "scrots". Not a cop, you're a scrot. "Headlight out" pullovers are chum in the water. Anyone can be arrested for any or no reason, and frequently are. Cops are virtually immune to prosecution for "making a mistake." You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride, right?

Pilot Zone / Re: Looked at a Skylane lastnight
« on: May 26, 2016, 11:17:21 AM »
Save your pennies for an overhaul.

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