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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Another One Bites the Dust....
« on: November 29, 2017, 02:06:49 PM »

If the accused is a conservative?  Oh hell yea!

True, but they are some of the ones that are trying to defeat tax reform because it infringes on their tax deductions, when their taxes have nothing to do with the rest of the country.
They are perfectly justified in taxing themselves, but they have no right to expect the rest of the country to subsidize those taxes.
While I have concerns about the tax plan, as a high earner in a stupid high tax state (CA), I am fully supportive of the removal of the State Income Tax deduction, the only possible way more fiscally responsible government is possible in MA, NY, CA and such is for the citizens to suffer the full cost of their stupid leadership and half-baked ideas.


Spin Zone / Re: Al Frankin should resign
« on: November 16, 2017, 10:07:14 AM »
But wait - he's sorry, and he's a liberal. So that's ok, no harm and no foul.

This is the double standard that passes for ethics.

The good thing about all the hysteria is that it is causing a lot of Democrats to reconsider the whole Bill Clinton affair.  In his case, multiple women also came out under their real names and with plausible stories only to be branded as whores and liars by the entire Democratic party, merely because of political forces.  And Hillary is also taking heat for defending her sexual predator husband and humiliating his victims.

Personally,  I want to see a real trial with real evidence and if Moore is convicted, then he deserve all he gets.  But if he is exonerated, then his accusers and the complicit parties, including the media should have to pay up big time.  And if he loses the election, and is then found not guilty, they should hold a special election that could overturn the tainted one.

Spin Zone / Re: Would you be offended?
« on: November 11, 2017, 08:33:26 AM »
We have whole generations now that are completely disconnected from reality thanks to several factors. The young generations are miseducated by schools that emphasize social reengineering instead of history and the hard sciences, we are pushing the time a young person can work for their keep later and later, we have completely eliminated any kind of physical apprenticeship, entertainment is completely skewed by political agendas as you two just pointed out.

American young people are now three generations removed from the last one that fought and won a war of decisive victory.  Except for the poor, which is another story, most have never remotely experienced any kind of hardship. They are spoiled beyond the imagination of anyone in a third world nation. They have no concept or appreciation of how it has been overwhelmingly male brains and labor that has brought them the lifestyle they enjoy. Political correctness prevents them from being exposed to that FACT.

Despite women in the workforce it is still overwhelmingly men who carry the burden of family support and feminism seems to bitterly hate this FACT, despite the reality is that it is mostly by choice, not discrimination. We now have the second generation of youth raised with the dislogic that white males are responsible for keeping women oppressed while at the same time it is women who are the supportive backbone of a family.

The truth is that males and females are inherently different (another FACT that PC detests) and their contributions to the household are different and equally important. Woman have always excelled at nurturing while men at providing. Despite how today there is much more crossing over between these roles, they still overwhelmingly follow traditional gender lines. (It is still overwhelmingly women who take time off with a new baby and who provide care to elderly parents and who CHOOSE to take part time jobs or sequencing careers.) Meantime men are expected to bring home as big as possible paycheck regularly and reliably come hell or high water.

The difference is today he is not thanked or appreciated for doing that, he is not the hero, on the contrary he is slammed for somehow oppressing women's careers while performing as demanded. Likewise women who actually focus on their natural nurturing role (want to be stay at home mothers) are slammed for upholding the oppression of their own gender.

Young women today have absorbed this sick ideology just from sheer media repetition.

Spin Zone / Re: Texas constitutional amendments
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:23:38 PM »
The career politicians of both parties have no motivation to reduce spending.  The bigger the pie, the bigger their piece.  They only care about their personal wealth, and power which grows with more spending, and bigger government.  In this regard, the Republicans are bigger hypocrites than the Democrats because they LIE about wanting less government, and lower spending.
They're eating their own in Milwaukee County. The liberal County Executive Chris Abele proposed raising a wheel tax from $30 to $60. The also liberal County Board members are having a shit fit, saying their constituents can't afford it, and are saying that before their constituents are told to find it in their budget, the county needs to look at IT'S budget and see where they can cut waste. So of course the first place Abele goes is that he will have to cut Police, Fire, and first responders.

SHAZAAM!  Finally some libs are seeing the problem with spending OPM, as articulated so well by Margaret Thatcher.

Spin Zone / Re: That does it...
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:17:32 PM »
I was just thinking that.  A lot of CCW holders do not carry at church out of "respect" I guess.  Not me.  It is just another soft target for the most part, and if someone had a gun in that Texas church, things would have ended differently.  I wonder if the church has a no gun policy?

Good question.  I really don't understand that thinking. Carrying a gun has nothing to do with lack of respect. Makes no sense to me at all.

Spin Zone / To football players who take a knee
« on: November 05, 2017, 09:25:43 AM »
Not related to the NFL, but related to sports:

NBA player Draymond Green is saying that Mark Cuban, and others, shouldn't use the term "owner" because it implies they own people. Mark Cuban responded by saying that he owns equity, not people and it's wrong for Draymond Green to make that assertion.

We're now at the point where owning a company is offensive because it has the term "own" in it. Aside from that, the word "chairmen" has a legal component to it, such as the "chairman of the board" and is not appropriate for all situations.
Maybe we should start an era where we don't give a shit if people are offended, and instead of asking for an apology, the appropriate response would be to just tell the offending party to go fuck themselves. 

Oh, wait. That era lasted from about 1776 to 1988 or so.

Spin Zone / Re: Why Should We Care About Crackpot Professors?
« on: November 05, 2017, 09:23:33 AM »
What fucktards. This bitching about gerrymandering is out of control. It's a good thing democrats don't use that tool to maintain power.

Oh, wait. Check out the crazy shape of congressional districts in northeast Illinois. Democrats gerrymander much?

Remember, Dems always accuse the opposition of exactly what they themselves are doing.

Spin Zone / Re: Cato Institute on State of Free Speech - Very Sad
« on: November 03, 2017, 07:53:24 AM »
When you have teachers, and university professors preaching their enlightened, evolved form of "civilization" then this is what you get.  I wish they could live a few months under real totalitarian, communism, and see what misery really is like.  Over the past forty plus years the left has successfully usurped Education, and the Media to create generations of indoctrinated.

The funny thing about progressive professors who are in love with communism fail to realize one fact:  when a communist regime takes over one of the first groups to be removed, either through elimination (execution) or banishment (concentration camps) are academics. 

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: November 02, 2017, 04:44:49 PM »
I've come to a few conclusions.

1) Govt, can only be a crutch. It cannot be the ultimate, and complete solution.
2) Self-worth and self-motivation are needed to fix sociological issues.
3) Those attributes need to be instilled at an age well before early teens. From K-5 are the most crucial years of development.
4) The natural family unit, no matter the color of the people in it is the best case for early child development. (this is in complete contravention of 'it takes a village')
5) Hard work are both four letter words, but they pay off in the long run. (ask me how I know).
6) Of all the nations on the planet, the US is by FAR the best case and best place to advance from nothing to wealth and happiness. We are the penultimate location for a rags-to-riches/fame potential. (ask me how I know) (see 95% of NFL minorities)
7) Too many people are whining about the minutia of every day life. Which tells me that all their Maslowian needs have been met, and some are actually spending their free time finding ways to be insulted/upset/denigrated. Wait for some real damage before opening the pie hole and complaining.
8 ) If one wants to help others, then help them directly. A persons time is far and away the most precious resource. Go somewhere, do something, with some people. If you help them even a little it's moving the needle in the right direction.
9) Never, ever call LEO unless there is imminent peril that one cannot handle by themselves(like spouse abuse). LEO is rarely a solution for anything and often makes simple problems worse, or more complex.
10) If someone else called LEO a) affirm a defense; "I didn't do whatever you are investigating" b) Say the word "I want a lawyer". Then stop talking to anyone, including cell mates, CO/guards, police, DA, etc. They are not your friend.

I will call these the 10 commandments. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: November 02, 2017, 09:34:19 AM »
There is no solution until you go to the root causes and fix them.

Unjustified racist feelings on the part of cops is not one of the biggest root causes. Cops are going to "profile" consciously or not, morally right or not, legally or not, and whether or not they are inherently racist, as long as blacks are statistically more likely to be a criminal.  That's never going to change until you fix why blacks commit more crime in the first place.

Why are blacks statistically more likely to be criminals?  That's where our focus needs to be.  Focusing all our attention on training cops to treat everyone equal is just trying to treat the symptom, and not very effectively, and ignoring the disease.  The disease is a threat to all of us.

Spin Zone / Re: Another Snackbar Truck Attack, in NYC
« on: November 01, 2017, 09:00:21 AM »
If you're referring to the "travel bans" that Trump keeps signing, David French had an excellent take on this during his Liberty Files podcast in episode 22. Worth the listen if you have the time.

Not just travel bans, but more secure borders and a better vetting process for those we give visas to.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 29, 2017, 11:05:55 AM »

Any other ideas how they could respectfully show their cause?

My problem isn't so much that I disagree with what they are trying to say.  I just completely disagree with the way they are saying it.  Poking me in the eye doesn't do much to help me see their point of view.  But I do think they are being total hypocrites and are doing nothing to address the real problems.

Yes, I have an idea. Take it outside your JOB location. Do whatever you want, however you want on your own time. When you have the jersey on, it's game time. Focus on that, and leave the politics for later.

Spin Zone / Re: To football players who take a knee
« on: October 29, 2017, 06:35:05 AM »
I just got into another "mini" fight with my Hot, Crazy, Smart wife.

I said I had no sympathy for those millionaire jocks that want to insult the Flag and Country that I love to point out a social problem.  She got really pissed and said that mistreatment of blacks by cops is wrong and good for those players for taking a stand.  I just sort of shut up and bottled it up.

But I got to thinking about other ways they could demonstrate their poor little hurt feelings.

-They could refuse to take the field for a few minutes before the first kick-off.
-They could all take a knee on their first possession of the game.
-Or my personal favorite, they could invite (free tickets to) about 50 cops and 50 poor black kids to stand on the sidelines with interlocked arms.  Maybe 50/50 on each sideline for a total of 200 cops and kids.

Any other ideas how they could respectfully show their cause?

My problem isn't so much that I disagree with what they are trying to say.  I just completely disagree with the way they are saying it.  Poking me in the eye doesn't do much to help me see their point of view.  But I do think they are being total hypocrites and are doing nothing to address the real problems.

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