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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Joke Thread: Post 'em if ya got 'em
« on: May 21, 2020, 04:48:56 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: How interesting
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:28:59 AM »

C'mon, be fair.  NBC, and New York Times should get honorable mention. 

Spin Zone / Re: Get Back to LIVING!
« on: May 14, 2020, 09:13:33 AM »

Here is what I believe happened:

1. From initial reports both the severe case rate and the death rate appeared higher than they actually turned out to be, and Fauci et al had already done a lot of planning for severe pandemics, coming up with new tools to fight a truly deadly pathogen. The ideas of social distancing had been conceptualized. And so this appeared to be the time to try them out.

2. Trump took their advice and might have believed the Dems would actually come together to address this crisis in a rational way, and a short shutdown to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm hospitals seemed a good thing. Evidence: everything Trump’s team did to build extra facilities, bring ships in, and so on, to provide beds, ventilators, etc.

3. After 2 or 3 weeks of shutdown, and the stock market crash, it began to occur to the Democrats, including Fauci and all the Dem governors, that the shutdown could actually cause economic damage. It was no leap for them to see that this could hurt Trump’s chances at reelection.

4. Hence began the extensions and the moving of goal posts, despite all the new data coming in that this doesn’t look much more deadly than the flu, and that social distancing is only really needed in about 5% of the counties in the whole U.S., and that in fact, we are compromising our herd immunity by staying shut down which actually increases the risk for a second wave. But the appeal of destroying Trump wins.

5. The devastating effect of the stimulus packages on the Federal budget, providing a reason to “blame” Trump, and the bonus of prepping people for accepting universal income, universal healthcare, less pollution and a more austere lifestyle, gives the left incentive to promote socialist utopia goals, and to prolong the lockdown to maximize the pain, and the chance they can use it against Trump in November.

This has become a triggering event, bringing to life the simmering ideological divide we’ve been under for decades. It’s no longer about the virus and hasn’t been since the first two weeks of the shutdown.

Excellent analysis Rush.  All true as well.

We went from "Flattening the Curve" for a few weeks to now "waiting for a cure" which may NEVER come.  RISK ASSESSMENT?  It should have been downgraded right away.  Are we now a society that accepts NO RISK???  Seems to be.  Yet we drive, fly, ride motorcycles with no helmets (yet wear masks, yes I have seen that with motorcycle riders multiple times), etc.  We accept many, many other risks as a society, but not THIS ONE.  Why? 

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:18:37 AM »

You must have missed the post where I pass along the well known factoid that when you flush, microscopic droplets containing yes, even fecal molecules, are launched to distances up to 6’ away. Poor Anthony can’t get that shocking piece of news out of his head, and probably has thrown away his toothbrush, bought a new one and keeps it in an airtight case.

If it makes you feel any better Anthony, I myself was ruined by similar news when somebody did a story on hotel rooms involving a black light.  I’ve never been able to relax in a hotel room quite the same since.

Totally threw away everything in there and sterilized the bathrooms!  Yes, I can't stand hotels either.  Ewwww!   

Spin Zone / Re: Started in Michigan
« on: May 12, 2020, 07:51:15 AM »
Yet the conservatives that are eligible to vote will bitch and complain, yet can't be bothered with voting.

 I'm hoping this is a wake up call for Michigan and other states who are seeing what it's like when they allow a select few to install these tinpot dictators into office.

Many people know what happened, so I think we will see a groundswell of voter turnout by conservatives next election.  If we don't, we are fucked. 

Spin Zone / Re: Past Pandemics
« on: May 11, 2020, 02:11:26 PM »
The 1968 Hong Kong flu epidemic extended until 1969-1970.

Woodstock was in August 1969 where 500,000 people were most definitely not social distancing.

Yeah, but they were self medicating.   ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Please take my argument apart
« on: May 09, 2020, 03:43:22 PM »
Exactly.  My BIL is a German, and his father served on the Eastern Front.   If you were asked if you supported the Nazi Party, the answer had to be yes, it was not optional.

Yeah, but the Eastern Front still wasn't as bad as facing Rush's Six Foot Fecal Spray!        :o

I am forever mentally scarred.

Where they wearing a mask?

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Dept drops charges against Michael Flynn
« on: May 08, 2020, 07:49:58 AM »
The implications of this are terrifying. That we shut down the entire nation when the majority of cases were in only a handful of cities and when such a reaction would never have occurred to us ever in the whole history of mankind should tell us that something has gone very wrong in our society. Too much information spread too fast before it was completely understood led to mass fear and hysteria, the birth of the internet and mass online shopping enabled the shutdown, and a powerful government bureaucracy to “study” diseases with nothing to do but think up social engineering experiments to “control” a pandemic without even considering whether we should. Humans and pathogens coexist and always have; the great majority of germs are actually good for us, and when we confront the bad ones, we evolve defenses against them.

We have exchanged naturally dealing with a disease for authoritarian control over our every move without even any proof that it’s if any benefit and clear overwhelming evidence of destructive consequences, and yet there is every indication that this could become the norm. It’s unsustainable. How much damage before we wake up and realize what a colossal mistake this was?

Worst of all that went wrong in our society that this could happen is complacency: a couple of generations so far removed from real hardship and so mal-educated that they can’t grasp the concept of losing constitutional liberties, and so mislead by a biased media that they eagerly follow the pied Piper all the way into Hell, and won’t realize what they’ve done until the food stops arriving at their doorstep.

Spot ON!!! 

Men were the hunters.  Women were the gatherers.  I think.

I think you're right.  I meant those who work the fields, although women did that starting a long time ago in some places.  Gathering = SHOPPING.  And many women certainly have the shopping gene!   ;D

Spin Zone / Re: Justice Dept drops charges against Michael Flynn
« on: May 07, 2020, 07:41:04 PM »
Time to abolish the FBI and fire everyone.

Maybe not abolish it, but fire everyone above a certain level and start over.

Caption this Photo!!!

Melania - "I can't wait to get out of here and get that massage I have scheduled with Ramone the pool boy."

Trump - "Heh, I accomplished more in three years than you did in eight.  In fact I totally removed your entire "legacy" also.  Oh, and HILLARY LOST!"

Obama - "I don't give a damn, I get to frolic with my "boy" Richard Branson in the water off his yacht.  Beats the bath houses!  And I don't even have to carry anyone's luggage too often!"

Michelle - "Damn....... if it weren't for those MEDDLING KIDS".....

Spin Zone / Re: Something not Covid-related
« on: May 07, 2020, 06:23:26 AM »
The Smartcarry was the Thunderwear to which I refer. Unless they are two different brands.

I have found two different types of cops. Those who don’t believe citizens should carry, and those who do and actually like you if you have a carry permit because it means you’ve been background checked and are very unlikely to be a threat. It’s possible PA has more of the former and NC more of the latter.

I think you're right.  I know some cops at my gun club and I ask them that, and their response is "People that have passed background checks commit crime too".  I respond by saying, "but at what percentage?  Who is MORE LIKELY to commit a crime???"  Crickets......     ::)

Spin Zone / Re: Something not Covid-related
« on: May 06, 2020, 08:18:32 AM »
When I carry, it's always condition 1. One may not have time and/or a hand free to rack the thing.

I consider a gun without a round chambered to be unloaded. 

Spin Zone / Re: The virus wasn't enough
« on: May 04, 2020, 01:03:58 PM »
Nuke them from space.  It's the only solution.

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