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Messages - Lucifer

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Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 08, 2021, 09:20:24 AM »
Trying to make yourself the victim here isn't the answer.  Nobody cares because you've dragged the country through the dirt with unfounded accusations about the election, YOU tried to steal the election that YOU lost and now you've broken into the Capitol building and busted things up. 

Honestly, the best thing Republicans can do right now is shut up and lay low for a while.  But I predict you won't because you've shown an appalling lack of foresight.

 More ramblings of the useful idiot.   It's quite revealing watching your diatribes and rantings after Jan 6th.

 You so wanted a single result that you were willing to follow the narrative of the people seeking to destroy our republic to get it.   Now that the deed is done, you idiotically think these same people are going to go back to operating like a constitutional republic.

 Reminiscent of those who joined the Bolsheviks and the Nazi's to help them gain power only to find themselves being lined up against a wall afterwards.   

Spin Zone / Re: What a One-Party Oligarchy Means Going Forward
« on: January 08, 2021, 09:13:46 AM »

"Too difficult to understand"

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: January 08, 2021, 09:12:20 AM »
Poor Tucker’s walking a fine line. Any bets on how long before he and Sean get booted off Fox?

 It's coming. 

Spin Zone / Re: Republicans show their true colors once again
« on: January 08, 2021, 09:11:15 AM »
Yeah.  You've become fanatical and you're following everyone else off the cliff.

Your positions are so ridiculous that even allies cannot support you.  That's how far off the reservation you are.

 Rich coming from a guy that defines the term "useful idiot".

Spin Zone / Re: The power is in the state's hands to fix this
« on: January 08, 2021, 09:09:32 AM »
So you're too slow to keep up?

 Just having to deal with a guy that is bipolar in his rantings and diatribes.  Constant moving target and incoherent babbling that you're known for.

Writing off the cuff, so I might miss something:  There is distrust of the process.  Poll workers did not follow procedures and in some cases did not follow laws.

 So how was a vote certified if laws weren't followed? 

There are questions about the legitimacy of ballots that cannot be answered one way or another.

 Yet, the results were certified, again, against the present laws.  Before Jan 6th you kept rejecting the premise anything was wrong.  Several lawsuits were filed on that very issue, and you claimed ceaselessly there was no evidence.

There are no standards  for certifying an election, leaving it to the personal biases of the certifying official.  There are no laws that state the certifying official must ensure procedures were followed.

 No that's laughable on it's face, and quite dishonest.  You simply can't be as ignorant as you continue to act.

But ultimately the law prevails...we are nation run by laws.  The officials responsible to do so certified the elections as they are authorized to do by law. 

 OK Mr. BiPolar, here you go again ping ponging the other way.  Can you not keep a coherent train of thought going? 

It was done in a very sloppy manner.  There's no penalties for workers who are sloppy and no standards for officials to decide not to certify an election.

 Yes there are.  Apparently you've never bothered to even look at the facts.  Another laughable assertion.

  There is distrust of multiple aspects of the election and those things can be changed to tighten things up.

 But yet before Jan 6th you couldn't see an issue. 

 Let's cut to the chase.  You got the result you desired with this sham election.  Now that your guy is getting in the WH, you want to "fix" the election problems.  But you simply can't realize that the people who perpetrated this crap on the American people are about in no way going to give up the keys on something that worked so brilliantly.   Why should they?  This firmly solidifies a one party rule they have been aspiring to for the past 50 years.   And now they have precedence by having the courts back them up.

 This was not a one election issue, and this was not about Trump.  Pandora's box has been opened. 

Was there intent to slant the election?  I don't know, but some people believe there was.  However, the intent cannot be proven.  So we cannot include intent because it can't be determined.  I'm sure you THINK you know intent, but you can't even identify an individual, how can you determine intent?

 With our judicial system refusing to look at it, and our investigative agencies refusing to investigate, it's left to the citizens.  And those who seek answers are demonized and smeared by the DCP and their media propaganda machine.   The DCP are now in complete control of the judicial and the intelligence community and the investigative arm of our government.   Do you really believe they want any transparency?  C'mon.

Or you can can continue to bitch about the past like Republicans always do and in two years, you'll be right back here still outraged that they stole the election again.

 Go back to 2016 and read the threads were I firmly asserted I am not a member of the republican party.

 Finally, the DCP needs their useful idiots, and you and them handed them a dream come true.  Be careful what you wish for, and that short term gain you wanted (get Trump out) has essentially destroyed our republic and trashed our constitution.

 Useful idiot indeed.

Spin Zone / Re: Ashli Babbitt
« on: January 08, 2021, 08:17:44 AM »
The media and the left are telling the sheeple that the “attack” (unarmed) on the Capitol was insurrection against the constitutional process of certifying the election and therefore treason. But the protesters see the real treason is the certification of fraudulent vote results. If they are right, then Pence, Pelosi and all the rest who did not contest the results are the true traitors.

The lying media and the Democrats would have you believe it is treason to oppose Biden, or to oppose a certified election result. But no one swears an oath to uphold a person, or an election result. We swear an oath to uphold the Constitution.

We have all been calling these people “Trump supporters”. We don’t call them Republicans or conservatives. Because we must distinguish them from the RINOs and we must include all the Libertarians, Independents and walkaway Democrats that side with Trump against Biden. But “Trump supporters” is a misnomer, needed for convenience because what they really are is a populist uprising. It existed before Trump. Trump just happened to be the man that came along and galvanized what was already a restless undercurrent. He became a focal point and he shone a light on the rotting corruption in DC, and he was an outsider that connected with the Forgotten Man, and so he became the standard bearer. Then he proved himself for 4 years keeping the promises he made.

That’s the only reason they are “Trump supporters” but we really should call the people that stormed the Capitol  “Constitution supporters” (except the leftist plants). Because it was the politicians inside the building that day that were committing treason.

Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 08, 2021, 08:09:40 AM »
So you think these liberals advocating purging of Trump supporters would have welcomed us with open arms and calls for unity and love, if only Trump would have dropped on bended knee and kiss the boot of the occupant of the office of the president elect?  You are fucking delusional.

For 4 years we have been treated as the embodiment of evil - we’ve been called racists, white supremacists, terrorists, stupid, and ignorant cult followers.

Fuck them.  They will give us no quarter, and we will give them no quarter.

Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 08, 2021, 07:37:08 AM »
  Statiscally, I am smarter than about 98.5% of people. 

Spin Zone / Re: Ashli Babbitt
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:57:53 AM »

Spin Zone / Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:54:42 AM »
Intelligence analysts downplayed Chinese election influence to avoid supporting Trump policies, inspector finds

Politicization problems exist in U.S. spy agency assessments on foreign influence in the 2020 U.S. election, including analysts who appeared to hold back information on Chinese meddling efforts because they disagreed with the Trump administration's policies, according to an intelligence community inspector.

Barry Zulauf, an analytic ombudsman and longtime intelligence official, issued a 14-page report obtained by the Washington Examiner to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, revealing his investigation was “conducted in response to IC complaints regarding the election threat issue." In addition, he lamented the “polarized atmosphere has threatened to undermine the foundations of our Republic, penetrating even into the Intelligence Community.”

The intelligence community’s classified assessment on foreign influence in the 2020 election, which will not focus on claims of mail-in fraud or unfounded allegations of voting machines flipping millions of votes, was also submitted to Congress on Thursday. Expected in December, the assessment was delayed as senior intelligence officials clashed over the role played by China, and as director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe sought to include more viewpoints in the final analysis.

“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts appeared hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference. The analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies,” Zulauf concluded, saying this behavior violated analytic standards requiring independence from political considerations.

The ombudsman shared a number of recommendations he said had been accepted by Ratcliffe, including to “reinforce through direct leadership communications from ODNI to the workforce as a whole, and from agency heads to all IC agencies, the importance of protecting analytic integrity and a renewed commitment to analytic objectivity and avoiding politicization in both policy and practice."

Ratcliffe, a former Republican congressman from Texas, signed a three-page unclassified letter on Thursday, also obtained by the Washington Examiner, in which he contended that “from my unique vantage point as the individual who consumes all of the U.S. government’s most sensitive intelligence on the People’s Republic of China, I do not believe the majority view expressed by the Intelligence Community analysts fully and accurately reflects the scope of the Chinese government’s efforts to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections." The ombudsman report, Ratcliffe added, "includes concerning revelations about the politicization of China election influence reporting and of undue pressure being brought to bear on analysts who offered an alternative view based on the intelligence.”

A senior intelligence official told the Washington Examiner that “inside the IC, we’re going to have to wrestle with the issues outlined in this report and the revelation that our own internal umpire basically said Ratcliffe was right and some of our career people, even CIA management, were politicizing China intelligence.”

This comes four years after an assessment on Russian meddling in the 2016 election, which is still contested by some, and the backdrop of the debate is laden with rising concern about China's influence over U.S. lawmakers, a massive SolarWinds hack assessed to have been likely conducted by Russia, and the chaos on Wednesday as supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol and attempted to stop Congress from counting the electoral votes certifying President-elect Joe Biden win.

Congress worked late into the night and the early morning, certifying Biden's victory just before 4 a.m. on Thursday. Following the decision, Trump said he would commit to an orderly transition of power on Inauguration Day.

A source familiar with the process of creating the 2020 assessment told the Washington Examiner that one reason for the delay in submitting the assessment to Congress, in addition to the internal debate, was a desire to get past Wednesday to ensure the report was not exploited for political reasons during the debate over the Electoral College votes counted by Congress. The source cited concerns about how politicians, such as outspoken Trump critics like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, might exploit the report, but also sought to avoid allowing conspiracy theorists such as Trump-allied lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood to make misleading claims about it that would make their way to Trump for him to latch on to as he refused to concede.

The ombudsman’s report added: “Russia analysts assessed that there was clear and credible evidence of Russian election influence activities. They said IC management slowing down or not wanting to take their analysis to customers, claiming that it was not well received, frustrated them. Analysts saw this as suppression of intelligence, bordering on politicization of intelligence from above.”

Zulauf said that “due to varying collection and insight into hostile state actors’ leadership intentions on domestic influence campaigns, the definitional use of the terms ‘influence’ and ‘interference’ and associated confidence levels are applied differently by the China and Russia analytic communities.” He pointed out that Russia analysts could rely on a formal definition document, but “there is no parallel document for China,” and so, “the terms were applied inconsistently across the analytic community."

In his letter, Ratcliffe said that “it is clear to me that different groups of analysts who focus on election threats from different counties are using different terminology to communicate the same malign actions” and “similar actions by Russia and China are assessed and communicated to policymakers differently, potentially leading to the false impress that Russia sought to influence the election but China did not.”

The ombudsman said that “the most egregious example" of attempts to politicize intelligence "is the talking points provided alongside the written introductory statement delivered by, but not written by" National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director Bill Evanina in March 2019. Zulauf also pointed to Evanina’s July and August statements, saying Evanina “said that he assumed they represented coordinated IC views,” but the ombudsman concluded that “they in fact did not represent fully coordinated IC views.”

The ODNI under then-acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell provided an unclassified fact sheet briefed to Congress in March, stating that “the IC has not concluded that the Kremlin is directly aiding any candidate’s reelection. … This is not a Russia-only problem.” In July, Evanina released a statement contending that “we’re primarily concerned with China, Russia, and Iran."

The August assessment warned that Russia was “using a range of measures to primarily denigrate” Biden, noting that Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach was working to undermine the former vice president. Evanina also said Iran sought to "undermine" Trump and divide the country ahead of 2020. In addition, he said that “we assess that China prefers that President Trump ... does not win reelection" and that China "has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020" and “recognizes that all of these efforts” could affect the election.

Zulauf said that “analysts claim that NIC leadership consistently watered down conclusions during a drawn out review process, boosting the threat from China and making the threat from Russia sound not too controversial” and that “NIC officials pointed to ODNI senior officials as intervening in the changes.” But the ombudsman said Ratcliffe “just disagreed with the established analytic line on China” and quoted him insisting that “we are missing China’s influence in the U.S. and that Chinese actions ARE intended to affect the election.” The ombudsman said that “ultimately the DNI insisted in putting material on China in, and was aware analysts disagreed,” and “as a result, the final published NICA, analysts felt, was an outrageous misrepresentation of their analysis.” Zulauf said Ratcliffe acknowledged that “many analysts think I am going off script,” but “they don’t realize that I did it based on the intelligence.”

The ombudsman revealed two national intelligence officers wrote an “NIC alternative analysis memo” in October “which expressed alternative views on potential Chinese election influence activities" but stressed that “these alternative views met with considerable organizational counter pressure.”

“ODNI has to ensure that alternative views are expressed, even when they differ from the majority. A healthy challenge culture in the IC can foster differences of analytic views and ensure that they are shared in intelligence products,” Zulauf concluded. “In my discussions with him, DNI Ratcliffe agreed with the concerns expressed in the alternative analysis memo.” The ombudsman emphasized the analytic standard that assessments be based on all available sources of intelligence.

“The analytic ombudsman says Ratcliffe wasn’t being political — he was being honest that China intelligence was being suppressed for political reasons,” the senior intelligence official contended to the Washington Examiner.

“It is evident that what began as a mischaracterization of IC analytic assessment by ODNI officials escalated into an ongoing widespread perception in the workforce about politicization and loss of analytic objectively throughout the community on the topics of Russian and Chinese election influence and interference,” the ombudsman assessed. “No ODNI official has stated that reviews or edits of election threat intelligence were phrased in a way that was explicitly political in nature. Rather, from the ODNI leadership perspective, officials were seeking a way to deliver intelligence in a way that the Trump Administration would consume it.”

Ratcliffe contended that “the majority view expressed in this ICA with regard to China’s actions to influence the election fall short of the mark” and that “alternative viewpoints on China’s election interference efforts have not been appropriately tolerated.” He said the yet-classified ICA “gives the false impression” that the national intelligence officer for cyber “is the only analyst who holds the minority view on China" and that “placing the NIO Cyber on a metaphorical island by attaching his name alone to the minority view is a testament to both his courage and to the effectiveness of the institutional pressures that have been brought to bear on others who agree with him.”

“In 1962, a National Intelligence Estimate stated that the Soviet Union was unlikely to place missiles in Cuba. Then-CIA Director John McCone forcefully disagreed with the analysts, and later ordered the U-2 reconnaissance flights that discovered that missiles had in fact been deployed,” Ratcliffe concluded. “In that same spirit, I am adding my voice in support of the stated minority view — based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure — that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections.”

The Trump spy chief provided a glimpse into the internal intelligence community debate in December during an interview with the Washington Examiner.

“You have analysts that have been here from the Cold War era and are used to it being Russia, or in the last 20 years, it has been about counterterrorism — and again, I’m not minimizing those — but the greatest threat that we face and a greater amount of our focus needs to be on China," Ratcliffe said.

Spin Zone / What a One-Party Oligarchy Means Going Forward
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:38:44 AM »
What a One-Party Oligarchy Means Going Forward


“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”

President Trump issued that statement early Thursday, and Democrats were quick to follow.

Joe Biden said those who stormed the Capitol were “domestic terrorists. It’s that simple.”

Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer called for Trump’s immediate removal under the 25th Amendment, calling Trump “a very dangerous person” who committed an “act of sedition.”

Joining Schumer and Pelosi was Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, on the grounds that Trump is unfit for office and to “ensure the next few weeks are safe for the American people.” Pelosi also supports a resolution by Democrat Cory Bush to expel from Congress unnamed Republicans who allegedly enabled Trump.

He had the temerity to interrupt the previous president’s plan to transform America into a one-party oligarchy, and that launched the left’s jihad against him. In four years, in the face of furious opposition, President Trump achieved more than anybody thought he would, and Trump’s middle-east peace accords drew widespread praise.

Trump never got his day in court, so by all indications the president of the United States has no standing to present evidence of election fraud. The illegitimate Joe Biden now reprises the ancien régime of 2008-2016, and that should have 74 million Trump voters appraising the forces arrayed against them.

Long before they caved to election fraud, federal legislators were representing the Washington establishment to their districts, not the other way around. As the late Frank Zappa put it, those folks up in Washington just look out for number one. And number one ain’t you. You ain’t even number two. Powerful precincts of the establishment deployed against Trump supporters, and that will surely ramp up under Biden.

The Department of Justice spearheaded the coup attempt against Trump and despite a mountain of evidence declined to file any charges against key players Comey, Strzok, McCabe et al. The DOJ is basically the pro-bono law firm of the deep state, and not a friend of freedom moving forward. Neither is the vaunted Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Like the KGB, the FBI takes the man then finds the crime, and the bureau is not adverse to “wet” operations.  For example, in 1992 the FBI deployed military force against a single family, and FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Vicki Weaver through the head as she held her infant daughter. Attorney General William Barr sprung to the defense of the FBI sniper, not his innocent victim. So no surprise that in 2020 Barr looked the other way at election fraud.

In 2020, while leftist mobs burned buildings and murdered police officers such as David Dorn, reports of FBI response were hard to find. Note that it was the U.S. Marshals, not the FBI, that took down leftist thug Michael Reinoehl, who murdered Aaron J. Danielson, smeared as a “far right supporter.”

Joe Biden has described Antifa as “an idea, not an organization,” a concept echoed by FBI boss Christopher Wray last September.  Wray has kept rather quiet about the murder of former DHS whistleblower Philip Haney last February. Those who pushed back on Islamic terrorism during the Trump administration should be now be watching their back. Like Kamala Harris, Joe Biden will not speak the names of the terrorists’ victims. That hardly enhances the safety of the public, also subject to other powerful forces.

The composite character president, formerly known as Barry Soetoro, deployed the IRS against conservative groups and individuals. Joe Biden has every incentive to do likewise, and the powerful IRS is hardly his only weapon.

Under the prevailing regime of white coat supremacy, citizens can be stripped of their basic rights with impunity. New York state is considering Assembly Bill A416, under which the governor can “order the removal and/or detention” of persons who are or “may be” a danger to public health. They can detained in an “appropriate facility” until the “department” decides to turn them loose.

With no apology to Dalton Trumbo, this could be the beginning of the American concentration camp. Note also that Dr. Anthony Fauci is extending lockdowns until late 2021, possibly longer, and the racist vaccine distribution system menaces elderly persons of pallor. The left automatically consigns this group to the oppressor class, and they will get no respect from the establishment media.

Recall that Neil (rhymes with puto) Cavuto of Fox News broke away from a press conference on election fraud. The news must now be examined for what it conceals, which can be considerable. The New York Times set the standard by concealing Stalin’s terror famine in Ukraine. Modern counterparts look the other way at BLM-Antifa violence, or pass it off as “peaceful protest.”

The ancien régime headed by Joe Biden is hostile and the reactionary forces formidable.  On the other hand, a patriotic movement is on the rise, rededicated to the God-given rights to life and liberty, and as David Horowitz says, “is prepared to defend them.” As President Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.

Spin Zone / Clint Eastwood First Star to Call Out Pro-Criminal Left
« on: January 08, 2021, 06:27:45 AM »
Clint Eastwood First Star to Call Out Pro-Criminal Left

"I know what you’re thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

2021 will mark 50 years since Clint Eastwood laid down that challenge as Inspector Harry Callahan, also known as Dirty Harry because he takes on any dirty job that comes along. In this 1971 film, the “Scorpio Killer” is on the loose in San Francisco, and Callahan must track him down. Sounds simple, but fans and critics have lost sight of the high concept.

Dirty Harry is the first movie to call out the pro-criminal left and openly defy political correctness. For example, in the early going Callahan gets a new partner, Chico Gonzalez (Reni Santoni), a sociology major at San Jose State. “Sociology?” quips Callahan. “Oh, you’ll go far.”

Callahan tells the mayor of San Francisco (John Vernon) that Scorpio will kill again “because he likes it,” not because he is poor and oppressed, mentally ill and so forth. In Dirty Harry, criminals are responsible for their actions and the police are responsible for protecting the public.

While chasing Scorpio (Andrew Robinson) in Kezar Stadium, fellow cop Frank DiGiorgio (John Mitchum) wants to help but can’t climb a fence. “Go on out and get some air, fatso,” says Callahan, who wounds the killer with a blast from the .44 magnum.

“Please! No more! I’m hurt! Can’t you see I’m hurt?” Scorpio says. “You shot me! Please, don’t, don’t! Let me have a doctor, let me have a doctor. Please, get me the doctor! Don’t kill me!”

“The girl, where is she?” Callahan says.

“You tried to kill me!”

“If I tried that, your head would be splattered all over this field. Now, where’s the girl?”

“I want a lawyer,” the killer whines, “I have the rights to a lawyer!”

Callahan is more concerned about the rights of victims, particularly their right to life. That put Dirty Harry at odds with liberals and leftists who championed the rights of criminals. By 2020, the left had taken that reversal to new depths. Consider San Francisco, where the streets are now plastered with excrement.

The district attorney is Chesa Boudin, spawn of Weather Underground terrorists and named after Joanne Chesimard, a cop-killer and fugitive. As Katy Grimes explains in the California Globe, Boudin was “magically elected after four days of counting ballots.” Boudin will not prosecute public defecation, but he also “believes in freeing criminals while prosecuting police and ICE agents for doing their jobs.”

Boudin’s predecessor George Gascón rode more than $2.5 million in George Soros’ funding to displace anti-crime Jackie Lacey, an African American, as district attorney in Los Angeles. Gascón wants to eliminate cash bail and do away with enhancements for violent crimes, including prior felonies.

Gascón and Boudin would doubtless free Scorpio on some technicality and prosecute Inspector Harry Callahan, who would also be subject to cancel culture. For their part, the people should understand the more nefarious dynamic that drives the pro-crime left. As in Orwell’s Animal Farm, rats are comrades, victims of unjust capitalist society. More important, they are willing to inflict violence on those who resist the leftist agenda.

In 2020 Black Lives Matter and Antifa did not challenge powerful establishment forces such as the FBI or National Guard. Instead they targeted the most vulnerable, innocent civilians, small businesses, not to forget churches and synagogues. Primary targets include any person who sees any merit in their nation, civilization or self, with special hatred for elderly people of pallor and police officers.

In the 1973 Magnum Force, Callahan went after dirty cops, and Eastwood played Dirty Harry in The Enforcer, 1976, Sudden Impact, 1983, and The Dead Pool in 1988. In due time as a director, he turned to cinéma vérité.

In 2015, Islamic terrorist Ayoub El Khazzani boarded a French train determined to kill as many people as possible. American passengers Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler and Alex Skarlatos disarmed and tied up the terrorist then saved the life of the man he shot.

“By their courage, they saved lives,” proclaimed French President François Hollande. “They gave us an example of what is possible to do in these kinds of situations.” In 2018, Clint Eastwood cast the Americans as themselves in The 15:17 to Paris.

Eastwood also spotted the FBI’s attempt to frame security guard Richard Jewell for a bomb at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Eastwood told that story in the 2019 Richard Jewell, a film that exposes the same tactics Comey, Strzok, McCabe et al deployed against candidate and President Trump. So nearly half a century after Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood was still throwing down with the bad guys, even if they wore suits and worked for the FBI.

To tell you the truth, in all this excitement, it’s easy to lose track of Clint Eastwood’s long career. Did he appear in more than 60 movies, or was it only 59? Clint Eastwood turns 91 on May 31, and it’s time he got the recognition he deserves.

Spin Zone / Re: I got my stimulus money today!
« on: January 07, 2021, 08:20:34 PM »
If we did we'd run into you there.

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