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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: PC doesn't even come close. This is idiocy.
« on: November 21, 2016, 11:10:42 AM »
I keep waiting for the prog tipping point.

At the moment they seem to be propped up and kept media visible by a bunch of clueless millennials, many of whom did not vote, rioting because they want $15 an hour to pretend they don't like the choice of those who did vote. There is a DNC power vacuum because they put all their eggs in the doomed HRC basket. They are clawing and chewing and twisting over every hire Trump makes. Progressives are wolverines half dead but still hissing and snapping in the steel trap that locks them into a slow and bloody exposure of their lies. They manifest the very thing they are decrying: hate.

The more they rant and lie, and desecrate our naton's flag, and block highways, and destroy property, and plot their attempt to drown out the inauguration, the more Trump voters they create.

How long until this unsustainable gas bubble explodes?

Spin Zone / Re: Is everyone tired of the bickering?
« on: November 19, 2016, 08:23:07 AM »
Is everyone tired of the bickering?

Yeah, I'm tired of the bickering.

But mostly, I am tired of the lying, the mischaracterization, and the scare tactics used by the left.  I'm tired of the slanted "journalism" (and I use the term loosely).

And a bit off topic, it's not that I'm tired of the protesters; it is just that I am so saddened by their ignorance and lack of understanding of our political system.  I know many young people that give me hope for the future, but then I read about things like "cry rooms" and "toddler therapy" and I just get sad.

Spin Zone / Re: Sanders: "I’m going to make Mars a progressive planet."
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:03:56 PM »
This thread is starting to remind me of POA.  :( one has made a dick comment yet.

 And a mod hasn't jumped in and threatened to close the thread because she disagrees with it.

Spin Zone / Re: How could we split up the country?
« on: November 11, 2016, 06:35:29 AM »
We need to weaken the Federal government so state's rights matter again. That was the concept of the U.S. in the first place.  United States not one big Oligarchy.  Still, people can vote with their feet. If you want to live in La La land, move to CA, OR, WA, MA, CT, RI, HI, MD, NY, VT, IL, MN, etc.  There are many ultra progressive states in which to choose.  But, stay in the metro areas, as if you wander out, you are fair game, even in the Progressive states.  :)
These are key points.
It wouldn't immediately divide the country, but neither would it rip it apart.  Allow States to tax or subsidize that which they feel is important.  Allow States to regulate businesses and our lives as much as their residents feel prudent.  States that choose wisely will grow and prosper and more people will move there.

We still need a Federal Government for inter-state policies and for national defense, but the function of the Federal Government should be more of an enabler for the various States and less of a controlling authority for them.  As for financing the Federal Government, rather than taxing all individuals the Federal Government should collect fees from each State, but the States should be responsible for the method they choose to raise those funds.

We would see some States go the Socialist route, and some States go the Capitalist route, but most would choose policies somewhere in between (ie, the Bell Curve).  Each system would be given teh chance to succeed or fail on it's merits and as a Citizen of this Union of States, I could choose to live and work under the system I prefer.

Spin Zone / Re: Why have States?
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:29:30 PM »
Discussing and debating the EC seemed reasonable, regardless of which side your opinion falls on.  Why some people have to behave so immaturely with threads like this is disappointing.

You don't want to rationally talk about something, fine.  But grow up a little.

You still wearing your shorts too tight?

Spin Zone / Re: Why did she lose?
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:52:42 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: Why did she lose?
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:24:15 AM »
Could it perhaps been because of the DNC platform?


 She lost because:

1) 8 years of Obama.  She kept saying she wanted to continue his policies.

2) She is a terrible politician. She is not her husband.

3) Lack of personality.  She is cold, calculating and insulates herself from the world. Her disdain for people is very apparent.

4) She's self adsorbed. It's all about her. This was suppose to be hers as in a coronation.

5) Lies, Lies, Lies, and even more Lies.  She's not even a convincing liar.

6) Calling Trump supporters "deplorables" and other unsavory names.

7) No accomplishments after 30+ years in government. As First Lady she kept the WH embroiled in controversies and scandals. As a junior Senator she accomplished very little.  As SOS she was a walking disaster as her and Obama's foreign policy destabilized the ME and lowered the US standing in the world.

8 ) Couldn't motivate her base.

  I could go on and on.  The DNC got snookered into nominating her (rigged nomination) and after 8 years of the worse president in history they needed some new energy, not a rehashed tired sick old woman.

Spin Zone / Re: Thousands protesting Trump victory.
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:28:14 AM »
The saddest thing about the cupcake/snowflake generation is that they believe democracy means they get to have their voice heard and nobody else gets to have their voice heard unless it agrees with them.
Typical spoiled brats.

Spin Zone / Win - Lose
« on: November 10, 2016, 06:35:26 AM »

I'm laughing at the people who are so fixated on who "won" the popular vote

Let's use a sports analogy

In Football, one team will win the turnover margin
In Football, one team will win the time of possession
In Football, one team will have the most 1st downs
In Football, one team will have the most yardage
In Football, one team will have the fewest penalties

While all of that might be important to varying degrees, at the end of the game, the only thing that counts is which team has the most points.

Spin Zone / A thought for the other side...
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:30:11 AM »
Posted this to my FB since I have friends and family who are reeling today...

I want to take a moment and share a thought with and for my friends and family who wake up today in a world that seems upside down and at odds with their beliefs, hopes and aspirations - this too shall pass. I fully expected to wake up exactly where you are, with real fear in my heart for the future of our nation and her people - I have been living this, each and every day, for more than a decade. My beliefs, values and philosophy have been under assault for roughly 12 years - simply because of the party or candidates I support I have, directly and indirectly, been called names I would have never expected, I have been accused of things that are unspeakable, and this is where we the people have to bridge the gap and reject the rhetoric of divisiveness.

I strongly believe that it is not only possible to disagree on policy and still be friends, it is needed. Rejection of a policy position is not rejection of the person who holds it. Disagreement about a belief is not a value judgment of the person who believes it. We must be able on all sides to separate this in order to escape the destructive effects of identity politics and be able to see the good in all Americans regardless of their positions.

I believe that the most important word in the name of our country is united. We are united as a people not because we hold the same exact beliefs or values and march in lock step, but because we are united in a system that provides the most opportunity ever provided, in a system that, when it is functioning, allows for disagreement and course corrections by recognizing the strength that flows from all of us, not any singular group.

I know from personal experience that today is painful but I hope that those who are wondering what this all means can reject the manufactured caricatures and seek to find common ground, since there is far more where we agree then we are being told by a partisan media.

Donald J. Trump was never going to be a 'good' candidate in any traditional mold, and what he has done, and his primary and lasting achievement IMO, regardless of what happens now, is that he has put the flame torch to the keep of the political-media establishment, and has if not permanently at least temporarily put the entire power structure on its' heels and I believe, as I have maintained throughout this election, that THAT is what is most desperately needed for all Americans.

Spin Zone / Suicide Watch at MSNBC
« on: November 09, 2016, 09:05:11 AM »
After Trump's speech I turned on MSNBC.

Oh my God.  Apparently, Trump won because ALL of us white voters are racist misogynists, and a Trump victory has unleashed us to drag our womenfolk by the hair to our next Klan rally.

The defeated Leftists are going to go scorched earth.

Rachel Maddow wanted is to think about all the people who will be living in fear with a Trump presidency - Muslims, immigrants, hispanics, women.

Lawrence O'Donnell embarrassed himself and should surrender his man card for saying that half the country is crying right now -"literally crying" - in fact he received a message from a college dormitory where EVERYONE is in tears over this.

It was glorious.

Spin Zone / Re: Presidential Election Results
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:55:43 AM »
Once the corrupt comedian, Comey is gone, and Loretta Lynch with him, maybe we can rebuild trust in our law enforcement apparatus. Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin have to be indicted. Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama and a score of others need to feel like the noose is tightening around them for their crimes.

Spin Zone / Re: Remember 2009
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:50:17 AM »
Obama was an arrogant, far left, radical activist, who used the Office of the Presidency to Fundamentally Transform the U.S. into a communist, banana republic. Trump doesn't have to be arrogant like Obama, but must persevere to reverse all that he did, and also create an environment for capitalist, private sector, economic growth.

Agreed, but there should be no wavering relative to the wants and wishes of the left.  The citizens of the United States gave full control of the country to Team R last night.   No more progressive light.  Capitalism and and the ideal of a smaller government need another shot at salvaging this great country.  The war was as gracious winners Team R needs to heed the wish of those who put them in office last night.  This is not the time for white flags and group hugs.

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:45:43 AM »

Trump has promised to appoint justices in the Scalia mold.  That is our only hope.  This is a major hit to the anti American, PC, Progressive movement.
Ted Cruz should sail through a nomination for SCOTUS. The rest of the Senate can't wait to get rid of him.

I rarely use the "C" word, as I find it far more vulgar than the "F" bomb. I reserve it for very few cases, and have said it rarely in my life. But, let's face it, Hillary is a classless "C".

Dammit!!  It was her turn!  She was owed this!   Those deplorables did this!

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