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Messages - SoonerAviator

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Spin Zone / PoA does it again.
« on: December 16, 2019, 10:07:52 AM »
The private pilot community is very small relative to other interests among the population so the same people tend to congregate in just a few forums. And these people get together in real life, have real relationships, so saying, “if you don’t like a policy just go elsewhere there are forums to talk about politics,” does not apply. It’s not an interchangeable set of strangers.

It all started around 1998 or pretty much the beginning of forums in general, when the first forums were started by real life friends and lovers even. Amongst these, there became a division between people who want to discuss politics (on both liberal and conservative side) and people who do not, and those who do not include a subset who want only aviation discussed. The attempt to contain political debate of the first group by the second group has been happening ever since, and it evolved over the years to become ever more restrictive until finally, on the AOPA board 2.0 (the Red Board) the subset who wanted only airplane talk won. That board banned ALL subjects not related to aviation and as a result slowly withered and died.

It was a progression starting with complete freedom of speech and ending with very tightly controlled speech. So pilotspin came full circle back to where we started, with the first group of people who want complete freedom to say anything. And from here, we are watching the PoA board like a replay of history, as it becomes ever more heavy handed in restricting what other people can talk about. And ironically the PoA board had spun off from the AOPA board when it became too restrictive. It’s like watching the United States become autocratic after we spun off from King George.

And it is all an outgrowth of real life relationships. It does not matter that technically so’n’so owns the board so they can set the rules. It’s like this: Picture a family get together. Some like to talk politics but others do not. After dinner they congregate in separate rooms. Daddy and some relatives who want to talk politics are in the living room while mommy and those who don’t are in the kitchen talking about casseroles or whatever. Little Johnny is in the kitchen and says, “President Trump came to my school today!”  And mommy says, “You know the rule Johnny, no political talk in the kitchen!” And she puts him over her knee and spanks him.

Mommy might set the rules in the kitchen but she is still being a controlling bitch. Daddy cares what happens in the kitchen because he used to be allowed to talk politics in the kitchen but now mommy has changed the rules. New people marry into the family and side with one or the other so the groups evolve over the years, but the core dynamic is the same: mommy’s group wants to control and limit what daddy’s group talks about. Remember, in the very beginning there were no separate sub forums. “Mommy’s” group wanted to control speech everywhere. That is the historical source of what you sense we won’t let go; we rightly remember that these people are actually control freaks. That’s why their moderation tends to grow tighter and tighter with time. We’ve run this race before and we’ve seen how it ends. Mommy is never happy until daddy is kicked out of the house and nobody can talk about anything except casseroles.

I answered in the musical thread because you asked a very specific question about music causing a special change in your life and that was very true for me. It’s a good thread.

Thank you Rush.  Again, very much a well-versed response and something I can absolutely understand why the PoA moderation subject would pop up every now and then as you essentially monitor history as it repeats itself so-to-speak.

I did understand how PoA came into existence and that the Red Board 2.0 essentially became “Mommy’s group”.  Whether Mommy happens to be liberal or conservative wasn’t in the least of my concerns or focus for my original question.  Appreciate the feedback.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / PoA does it again.
« on: December 16, 2019, 09:13:35 AM »
I had a reader contact me through an anonymous email I use for my adult books that behaved JUST LIKE sooner aviation.

First he berated me for a plot line that he didn't like.

Then he 'suggested' (it read exactly like an order) an alternative that pleased him.

Eventually I read his bullshit, and responded with a simple question: If you are so convinced that your concept is superior to mine, why not write your own book and show everyone how it's done?

His response was quite demanding and demeaning, as well as borderline viscous.

When I told him to take his comments elsewhere his response was just as pathetic as sooner-boy.

"Well! I was HELPING you write a better novel, by SHARING my skillful thoughts.  I can't BELIEVE you would use  (wait for it)... ISIS style attacks against me."

No kidding. It really was that pathetic, just as pathetic as the whiner here.

Cool story.  Slight problem: I really didn’t “berate” anyone (unless you consider the word “butthurt” to be especially berating . . . snowflakes indeed).  I also didn’t make any suggestions on changes I wanted made.  I also did imply that I had any “better concepts” to convey.  So, you’ve concocted a pretty interesting association which has absolutely no correlation to this thread or my commentary in it.  Bravo!  Adult Fiction is your strong suit!

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 16, 2019, 09:09:27 AM »

 This is exactly what you alleged:

 The highlighted part of your post is pure bullshit and more of your hyperbole.

So this forum would still exist if PoA had kept the SZ?  There’s no hyperbole there.  PoA got rid of the SZ and this site was created to fill that void.  I don’t know how that’s “bullshit”, lol.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 16, 2019, 09:05:54 AM »
Well I was hoping for a bit of honesty about your true agenda, since you started off with a lie about why Spin Zone was removed from POA.  It was not us more conservative posters violating the ROC by posting political content outside the Spin Zone as you accused.  It was the Leftist political bias of the site owner and some Moderators who didn't like right of center views on their site.  No prob.  Their site, their rules, but let's be honest about it, huh?  It is their HYPOCRISY and dishonesty that continues to cause angst among some here. 

Now you come here and perpetuate their hypocrisy and dishonesty and don't reveal your true agenda which is to criticize right of center posters due to YOUR political leanings.  Nice try.  I'm not buying it.

I think you might need to step away from the talk radio shows for a bit.  Agenda?  I have no “agenda” whatsoever, you assume facts not in evidence.  I also didn’t criticize any particular posters about what “side” they were on.  AT NO POINT have I mentioned anything about right-or-left viewpoints as having anything to do with the recurrence of threads mocking PoA censorship.  I simply asked why it was a recurring topic at all.

Perhaps I don’t know the “inside story” on why the SZ was killed off, but I don’t see how saying that there was spillover into the forums with politics and that it contributed to the elimination of the SZ is “a lie”. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 16, 2019, 08:19:34 AM »
I asked the questions above several days ago. Is there a reason they were just ignored?

You asked me to recall specifically who was involved in the dissolution of the spin zone over a year or more prior?  You want me to provide a list of infractions and evidence which, by everyone’s own knowledge, is deleted and white washed by the PoA mods?!  Sure, let me send you the missing minutes from the Nixon tapes as well while I’m at it, lol.

There was spill over into the main forums with political banter and the mods (liberal agenda or otherwise) decided they didn’t want to allow which led to the SZ being killed.  It’s a general statement that I can’t believe that I’d have to try and support with evidence. 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 11:14:09 PM »
Sometimes we don't get the answers we want.  Why do you care so much?  Are you just going to talk about POA your entire time here?  It seems that you are the one so obsessed with it.  Are you just a Progressive butt hurt about conservatives, and their viewpoints?  Nothing to add but POA, POA, POA? 

There are tons of subjects here, and threads here discussing all kind of things beyond POA, yet you choose that.  Why?

I can't believe I'm having to re-type this so many times:  I found it odd/curious that the subject itself seems to pop up so often here.  It's like someone is sitting in wait for them to "moderate" something they don't agree with and then come over here to post that "it happened again".  I comment on other subjects from time-to-time, but I mostly just lurk.  I chose this ONE PoA thread because it stood out to me that I'd been seeing several threads over the past year about virtually the same thing.  So I posted to ask why it comes up so much.  Apparently that is somehow akin to liberal propaganda and whatever fringe absurdities it's been labeled as so far. 

Not true. PS was created not because some of us couldn’t adhere to the “forum rules.”  We left because they closed the SZ, in large part because rules were selectively and arbitrarily applied.

I haven’t participated in this thread much because I’ve never been a back to POA since they dropped the SZ, and I couldn’t care less about them.

But I agree with lucifer; if it bothers you that people are ridiculing the moderation and moderators sufficient for you to come on this thread and make that an issue, isn’t that equally petulant?

But that's just it, it doesn't "bother" me at all.  I have stated such numerous times in this thread.  I just posted because I didn't understand why there was so much preoccupation with the PoA moderation when this site was essentially created as a release from all of that.  Members here are allowed to roast the mods at PoA on a stick ad nauseam for all I care.  I don't know any of the mods personally, and probably couldn't name 2 mods there if you had a gun to my head.  I participate in several forums, aviation and non, and wouldn't bother "defending" any of them from those that wish to speak their piece.  Again, at the risk of repeating myself for the millionth time (which I attempted to let die several pages back):  I am not advocating for anyone to stop threads about PoA moderation (or any other subject matter).  I found it odd that this particular subject comes up so much in a forum group that is relatively small, so I posed the question/commentary that there seems to be some wounds that people won't let close.

 I don't see how that can be misconstrued, but apparently my ability to convey thought into written word is insufficient here.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 10:55:12 PM »
I really don’t think that talking about POA is any different from talking about any other subject.

There are some interesting things about POA as they relate to our experiences there and here. It’s kind of interesting that basically, on POA, you can’t talk about POA and its policies and posters, but on Pilotspin we can talk about POA and its policies and posters freely. That’s a sweet irony, and pointing out irony is interesting.

We have some friends who are smart, interesting conservatives with whom we always have great conversations about ANYTHING AT ALL. No limits. We call ourselves “sanctuary friends.” We even invented a holiday that we celebrate together called “Sanctuary Friendsgiving.” Our conversations include pointing out now and then how we feel about the liberals in our lives and in our country. We point out the direction things are taking, and how we feel about it.

Similarly, it’s interesting here to point out things we notice about POA, such as their startling policy (that I had never noticed before) of removing locked threads entirely. Deplatforming and silencing those who dissent from The Narrative in many venues is a disturbing sign of our ever tightening media bias and control, and it is .... interesting to talk about.

We are all here because POA shut down the Spin Zone, and we wanted to continue freely conversing about anything.

I will posit that it is absolutely vital for human flourishing to have the freedom to talk about anything, including your ability to talk about anything. Change my mind.

That's a perfectly poignant response.  Much appreciated, and maybe me being naive, was what I was expecting when I first posted about my curiosity with why the subject comes up so often.  I can understand that there would be a loose attachment to PoA and having the ability to comment from afar about the goings-on can be fruitful even if mostly in jest/mockery.  I will reiterate that I am in no way against the freedom to talk about anything and everything here, I just picked up on a subject that seemed odd to frequent so much on what is typically more of a political discussion forum even though it's obviously wide-open for any topic.

By the way Sooner, I love your music thread thread on POA! I listened to quite a few of the songs shared there the other night. Many artists I hadn’t heard of before.

Thanks!  I have found some new music to dig into as well.  I'm glad the thread got some decent responses and kind of gave some interesting color to many of the forum members.  Especially with musical choices I wouldn't have anticipated given my perception of their personality otherwise.

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 08:57:03 AM »
If this topic is so incidental to you, why do you keep beating it?

One would think you can't let it go...

I’m only responding when addressed directly.  It’s usually how conversations go.  I was perfectly happy to cease posting when I mentioned that “I said my piece”, but was addressed further.  I mean, certain subjects I would understand why they would come up numerous times on this forum (dem Vs repub, trump vs Hilary, high wing vs low), but the PoA thing just strikes me as odd.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 06:38:50 AM »
The number of threads is completely irrelevant.  "chastising" and "ridiculing" aren't the same thing as "whining".

To use your own words, I'm not sure where/how it's getting lost in translation.

I'm fine if you want to describe it as chastising instead of whining.  So, my question, which still hasn't really been addressed despite so much conjecture over motives or adverb choice . . . why the obsession with mocking/ridiculing/etc. PoA so much?  It still seems like butt-hurt, to keep kicking the dead horse.  Maybe it's just the PS version of Cirrus drivers?  :dunno:

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 05:34:54 AM »
I agree to an extent, but nobody is forced to read threads, or posts about POA.  So if it "bothers" anyone for any reason they can ignore them.  If people want to "vent" about POA, then they are free to do that here.  I usually don't but it is a valid example of internet HYPOCRISY, but their site their rules, so I really don't care what they do. 

Nobody should feel self conscious, nor ashamed to post about POA or any subject here, and that's what makes PS different.

It doesn't bother me; at all.  I'm also not implying that anyone should avoid or be ashamed of posting about PoA (or any other subject).  I just find it curious why there is a recurring thread that pops up about PoA.  It just seems like there's a grudge/sour grapes that people just can't let go of.  Just strikes me as odd. 

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 15, 2019, 05:31:09 AM »
Eppy, 99 times out of a hundred, I agree with you.  But occasionally, I think we see something differently.

The way I see Sooner in this exchange is, he doesn't care what POA does, and he is curious about why so many people here seem to care so much.

I disagreed with their decision to get rid of the spin zone.  So I came over here to do essentially the same thing. 
Most of the people over there seem to like it over there.  So I too am curious about why some people here still seem to hold a grudge.

Precisely what I'm getting at.  Not sure where/how it's getting lost in translation. 

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 14, 2019, 07:47:20 PM »

Apparently you and I don't speak the same language.
Well, you can decide if 12+ individual threads circling around chastising PoA forum moderation is enough to constitute “whining.” I’ve said my piece about what I have observed and why I find it odd that it comes up so frequently here.  I’ll refrain from further comment on the subject since I’ve quickly exhausted my level of concern about it, lol.

Trump is a douche and the Dems are dirty pirate-hookers.  Now I’m back the middle where I started the day!

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 14, 2019, 07:42:09 PM »
"Pass the gravy, please"

"Fucking TRUMP!!!!"

Lol. That’s probably all it would take in some family circles.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 14, 2019, 04:53:03 PM »
I fail to see how you come up with this mischaracterization.

I believe you are grossly misrepresenting why POA members came here.

There are no less than a dozen threads in the Spin Zone specifically for whining about PoA. That was after a very quick search, and doesn’t include posts in other threads which aren’t specifically for PoA-bashing.  Those are facts, not mischaracterizations, which is what led me to comment on this one in the first place.

PoA closed the SZ after some people couldn’t play nice.  Some still wanted to chat politics with other flying-types, so here we are.  I don’t see how that is a misrepresentation, although I’m sure there’s a more complex backstory to how it ultimately came to be.

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

Spin Zone / Re: PoA does it again.
« on: December 14, 2019, 04:36:15 PM »
Did you really get that SoonerAviator was "bent out of shape"?  I think that's kind of a stretch from what he said.

I find it curious that PS spends so much time critiquing and criticizing POA, but I am certainly not bent out of shape about it.  In fact, I participate in it occasionally when I have something to say on the matter, but they have their rules and that is fine.  If I want to say something that violates their rules, I come here.  No big deal.

That’s essentially what I was highlighting in my original comment.  I don’t really care if those here want to create a weekly “How PoA Hurt My Feelings” thread, makes no difference to me.  I was just curious why there seemed to be so much focus on what PoA members do or how their mods react.  Especially on a site which essentially was created by PoA members who ran off when they couldn’t adhere to the PoA forum rules (SZ spilling into regular forums). 

Sent from my iPhone . Squirrel!!

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