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Messages - nddons

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Pilot Zone / Abandoned and Little Known Airfields
« on: November 11, 2021, 08:24:46 AM »
Since Dr Peter keeps trying to turn this pilot site into an aviation site , I thought I’d share a really great website. You’d be surprised how many of us drive over, live on, or shop at places that used to be an airport. Kind of depressing actually.

I used to live near the Glenview Naval Air Station. That was the first place I knew I wanted to be a pilot, when I saw the Blue Angels perform in their F-4 Phantoms in the early 1970s. This site has a fascinating history of that field.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 09, 2021, 06:57:08 PM »
Did you read the article? Or do you already "know it all"?

It's not about a smart virus but a push for more vaccinations. I think there could be some validity to the article but I attribute it to different practice. I happen to believe that masking and Social Distancing are effective and that even if 1% effective, that in a pandemic it matters because spread is exponential.
Every NFL and every College Football stadium is full to capacity, every weekend for the last 8-10 weeks. People aren’t masked, and certainly aren’t socially distanced.

There has been not a single accusation of one of these games being deemed a “super spreader” event.

Do you honestly think masking and social distancing are effective, and that it matters? 

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 08, 2021, 01:13:56 PM »

No shirt no enshrined in policy governing the running of restaurants, aka a mandate.
Masking was done by (many States') Governors Executive Order. It is by definition a lawful order. You've stated your objection to the order. Noted.

Social distancing is advice given to the public that some cops tried to enforce against large gatherings, also given by Executive Order. Again, by definition Governor's Orders are lawful unless overturned by State Judiciary or lawmaking.

This is the system we have buddy. Are you saying that EOs in general are unlawful? You're picking and choosing which laws you choose to follow, which is a form of anarchy.

That's not a government mandate, that a business decision that you disagree with. Forumlate a better moniker and then we can stop missing each other.

Not speaking for Lucifer, but yes, most EOs are unlawful. There’s a reason for the Constitutional lawmaking process. It is done by the people’ representatives.

EOs by design ignore that process. They are designed, if necessary, to interpret laws, but not make new laws. This they aren’t called “laws.” 

Many governors’ EOs were found unlawful, including Wisconsin’s governor’s shut down and mask mandates. Why?  Because Wisconsin law ONLY allows the executive to declare an EO for a state of emergency for 30 days or less. He can have his little shutdown for 30 days, but anything more Han that MUST follow the legislative process.

I’m disappointed that so many fellow citizens think that EOs are law, notwithstanding that in most cases  they are textbook tyranny, yet call opponents of unlawful EOs as practicing tyranny.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 05, 2021, 11:03:46 PM »
Which is why Trump’s four years wasn’t just a blip, it was critically important.
Yep. He advanced more conservative causes than any president in my lifetime.

Pilot Zone / Re: Proposed medical rule for commercial balloon pilots
« on: November 04, 2021, 05:27:53 AM »
We have to keep paying federal paper pushers. After all, there aren't many jobs that actually produce something concrete in the U.S. anymore.
I just don’t know how they have time to make rules on medical issues when we have such pressing safety-of-flight issues like using gender neutral language.  Have you seen how thick the FAR/AIM is?  That job will take years!

Spin Zone / Re: VA Governor Race
« on: November 03, 2021, 01:45:06 PM »
Does it matter?  I’ve always said he might be a narcissist doing all this solely for his own glory. I don’t care what his inner motivations are. For four years he proved himself, kept his promises, did what is best for the common man of America. If he wants to Make America Great Again just so Donald Trump can take credit for it, fine by me.
It matters if he decides to run again. I’m not turning against him because of his ego. I like his ego.

But if his ego compels him to run in 2024, he will win the primary, lose the general, and cheat us out of having someone like DeSantis for 8 years. Should he win, we would only get him for 4 years, and the Trump hatred would likely bring us another radical socialist president as backlash.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: November 02, 2021, 05:18:00 AM »
They all do.

But just because words were posted does not make them science. Some vaccines are extremely effective. Some are not.
No they don’t. You created a straw man by asking lucifer to answer a question not present in his original post.

Spin Zone / Re: FAA and inclusive language
« on: November 01, 2021, 07:29:06 PM »
Obviously they’re falling behind finding a tranny to elevate to director.
Thanks a lot. I spit up a little bourbon on my iPhone when I read that. Lol

Spin Zone / Re: Video capture of a meteor
« on: October 31, 2021, 10:05:57 AM »
Incredible.  I keep waiting for one big enough to wipe out almost all life on the planet… again.
A smaller one centered on a 64 square mile area next to Virginia and Maryland would be a nice start.

Spin Zone / Re: PETA Says Remove “Bullpen” From Baseball
« on: October 29, 2021, 09:10:49 AM »
They have the same problem with Robin Thicke’s song “Blurred Lines”. They say it’s rapey.  I don’t see it at all. It seems to me to be about men trying to convince women to have sex and mostly failing, and it’s the women holding the power. Robin even gets his face kicked by one of the women.

The topless version (WARNING NOT SAFE FOR WORK):

You’re welcome. ;D
Speaking for most of us men here, “thank you, Rush!”

This one is for real, surprisingly. Racine Sheriff is claiming election fraud, election commission says it ain't so.  Hope someone gets to the bottom of it.
The Election Commission used Covid as an excuse to break voting laws. They had zero authority to do that. Only the Wisconsin Legislature can create law. 

Spin Zone / Re: Why I’m not getting the vaccine
« on: October 26, 2021, 09:43:08 PM »
CDC says 166, still a very small number
I wonder what the child suicide rate is for that same period.

Spin Zone / Re: Rachel Levine to be sworn in as four-star admiral
« on: October 25, 2021, 03:28:48 PM »
This whole billion genders thing is totally new, came up in recent years with the extreme woke diversity cult.

I refuse to participate in their delusions about gender. I have no responsibility to deny biology and science so someone feels better about themselves.

Spin Zone / Re: Guaranteed to Piss Off Liberals
« on: October 25, 2021, 11:00:41 AM »
Some (not all) of the libs I know are having some regrets about Biden.
But NONE of them believe the election was stolen.
And NONE of them wish we still had Trump instead of Biden.

Then they truly are idiots.

Re: the election, to not see the violations of state election law due to “Covid,” to not see how Zuckerberg’s non-profit operatives literally took over vote counting in numerous precincts, to not see how key battleground precincts simply ALL simultaneously STOPPED counting and kicked observers out, only to find MASSIVE swings towards Biden when we turned out TVs on in the morning, is to simply be reveling in their own ignorance.

To not see how we were at relative peace, we were truly energy independent, we gained a more level field on our trade imbalances, we held our allies to their obligations under NATO and the UN, we held inflation at bay, we had control over our supply chain, and we had control over our borders is truly a special kind of ignorance. But hey, at least we didn’t have mean tweets.

I don’t think Trump should run in 2022, but God Damn!  We would be in a much, much, much better world today if Trump was still president.

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