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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 84 85 [86] 87 88 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 11:59:47 AM »
A robbery creates a victim.
Who is the victim in the case of illegal immigration?

The victims are those of us who paid here to come legally, and also those of us that have to pay for a support system for criminals (illegal aliens).  Our costs for health care, education, welfare, etc all go up when illegals use them. 

With regard to the issue of government taxes and benefits - aren't legal immigrants also victimizing citizens and taxpayers of the United States? Other than the paperwork trail there seems no distinguishing difference between legal and illegal immigrants.

Legal immigrants are documented, can be tracked, and even can have their benefits reduced or removed.  As legal immigrants, or citizens, they are entitled by law for those benefits.   

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 09:20:12 AM »
Obama was schooled on communism and embraced it.

Frank Marshall Davis, and Obama's own book, "Dreams of my Father" are just two examples. 

Spin Zone / Re: $1 Trillion Spending Bill Deal
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:26:07 AM »
Could there be a secret deal behind this to get Democrat support for a future bill?
That is the way politics USED to work, and guess what;  it worked.

I doubt it, Mcconnel is too big a pussy.  The Dems are celebrating this bill, laughing at republicans.  Trump is looking for more republicans to be elected or the nix the filibuster.  He doesn't need either, he needs to force the shutdown and take control of the narrative.  He needs to get these liberal senators primaried and get a few of them defeated.  I've always said that these wuss republicans would snap in line if they were smacked on the nose, time to smack them on the nose.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:48:59 AM »
The problem we have is previous administrations refusing to follow the laws, foreigners entering our country illegally and wanting the same treatment (or more) of a citizen and liberal progressives attempting to undermine our entire immigration process.
Democrats don't care about anything other than making more Democrats and being the "champions" for the immigrants is the way to do it. By resettling them all over the U.S. under the Obama administration it made it more difficult to remove them because they were harder to find. The hope was that there'd be some sort of amnesty deal and a pathway to citizenship which would've yielded a significant number more of Democrat voters. The Democrats are playing the long game.

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 03:02:20 PM »
If someone's only crime is entering illegally, they've been able to stay out of trouble and are productive residents says me they're people we want, and we should find a way to keep them.

So the ends justify the illegal means?  Not buying it.  The problem is there is no way to separate the ones that will stay out of trouble, and become productive without first vetting them.  That means going through the legal process PRIOR to entry, not after when and if they commit a crime, or just leach off the system. 

Do you try to prevent a parasitic, or destructive organism from entering your system, or are you careless, and just rely on eradicating them if you see the symptoms?   

Spin Zone / Re: Immigration solution
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:07:58 PM »
I love immigration,  once again you either ignore or miss the point completely.   It is illegal immigration that is the problem.  In your analysis did you consider extreme poverty, hunger and/or oppression might be stronger motivators to emigrate from an area than intelligence?

In order to make it seem like conservatives don't want ANY immigration, the liberal/progressives lump in illegal invasion with legal immigration.  Thus they can make the conservatives look like they are racist, xenophobic knuckle draggers, and instead of having a reasonable discussion just try to make us look bad, and end the argument.  It is a tried, and true primary tactic of the liberal/progressives, and, Michael as do others, use it all the time.   

Spin Zone / Re: Nudnik
« on: May 01, 2017, 10:37:07 AM »
Republicans are individuals and thus may not all have the same view on a subject.  The Democrats march in lock step with the leadership.

Spin Zone / Re: U.S. GDP - slowest growth in three years UNDER TRUMP!
« on: April 28, 2017, 05:11:42 PM »
So what I just heard is that Trumps first quarter was the worst since Obama's....recovery?

Spin Zone / Re: ESPN - the impact of promoting far left ideology
« on: April 26, 2017, 01:23:15 PM »
<slaps forehead> Duh!  Must have gone off on a tangent of logical thinking!!  ;D

I don't care if it is left leaning or right leaning, I just don't want to see, and hear politics when watching/listening to sports.  It is an escape, that's all, and to be bombarded with anything political isn't relaxing.  Just like when Bruce Springsteen gets political at his concerts.  It isn't necessary. 

It just happens it is well known that ESPN, and sports media in general has a liberal/progressive bias, as do many if not most Pro sports leagues. 

So where will y'all go to find that political satisfaction?  I can understand it when your choice of Party/President doesn't turn out as promised.
I don't think the problem is with Trump.  I still have hope that he can whip the establishment Rs in line.  Trump is at least trying to do what we elected him for.  But the fragmentation within the party is playing into the Dem's favor.

Don't let the media spin dissuade you from seeing what is really happening.

So where will y'all go to find that political satisfaction?  I can understand it when your choice of Party/President doesn't turn out as promised.

Libertarian?  Maybe they don't have cookies, but do have pot!  ;)

Possibly a centrist Republican/Democrat?  That way you can criticize both sides (and take heat from both sides)??

I didn't vote for Trump in the Primary, but did in the General.  I am totally on board with him as our current President, and yes surprised I would ever say that.  Not on board with many of the Republicans in Congress, however.  My problem is the Republicans, except for Trump, and a few others, like their cushy, status quo, big government jobs. 

Spin Zone / Re: Border Wall
« on: April 25, 2017, 01:10:50 PM »
One thing to note from the first article is that this is the first installment of the wall, not the cost of the entire wall. Either way, Paul Ryan is a huge part of the problem with the Republicans right now.

Paul Ryan continues to be a huge disappointment.  I used to like him.  With some minor exceptions, he has proven to be an establishment Republican that enjoys the status quo of big government solutions. 

Spin Zone / Re: Border Wall
« on: April 25, 2017, 12:59:23 PM »
One thing to note from the first article is that this is the first installment of the wall, not the cost of the entire wall. Either way, Paul Ryan is a huge part of the problem with the Republicans right now.

Spin Zone / Re: SNOPES Has Become a Joke
« on: April 25, 2017, 10:30:23 AM »
Become?  They always have been.

Spin Zone / Re: Hannity Goes After Debbie Schlussel
« on: April 25, 2017, 08:21:37 AM »
Agreed.  But here recently O'Reilly was really digging in on the Susan Rice scandal.

One of the Murdoch's wives really disliked O'Reilly which weighed in on his ouster.  That and Media Matters really wanted him gone.  It's a huge win for MM and has now empowered them to go after other targets. 

Like I said, this is much bigger than just O'Reilly.

I understand, and it is an indication of the Left's strategy which is to dominate the conversation, and not allow a different viewpoint from theirs.  It is the same as with MMGW, and saying the "debate is over".  We must fight these fascists.   

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