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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 87 88 [89] 90 91 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 10, 2017, 04:18:09 PM »
I counted at least two messages from Trump:

(1) "If you must kill civilians, do it by blasting their bodies to bits the way civilized people do, not by using chemical neurotoxins."
(2) "Policy? Policy!? I don't need no stinking consistent policy!"
You're a piece of work Jim.  I think I heard there were 6 people killed in that strike, and they were not civilians.

But go ahead and live your fantasy.

Academics seem to always redefine history to suit their corrupt concept of political correctness, then add a dash of smug stupidity in an attempt to shut down either intelligent refutation, or simple truth.
Steingar appears to be all in on both.
The triple- zero IQ is working overtime.

Faculty lounge bong is firing 24/7.

Socialism: Charity at the point of a gun.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 09, 2017, 11:58:05 AM »
I head an interesting theory that Putin was pulling all the strings even back to the chemical attack which allowed the US to make an impressive yet relatively inconsequential attack in Syria to help appease both the war mongers who dominate both governmental leaderships as well as squash the Russian ties critics all while bolstering Trump's position in the world standing.


Kind of like pro wrestling, where one guy will get the other "over".  Their fights are fake, and the conflicts are made up, mostly, but they are often an outgrowth and exaggeration of real issues between the wrestlers.

I'd say this is plausible, though I've no idea if it's true.  Putin may benefit from having Trump (hence the U.S.) seen as strong again.  Maybe better to have two world bullies with an uneasy peace together, than be the only one, with all the little guys plotting how to get the better of you. After all, history has shown that when the U.S. and Russia are allies no one can defeat us.

But to admit this is not to say there's any chance Putin "hacked" the election.  That's ludicrous. I think he's much happier dealing with Trump than he would have been Hillary, but he didn't bring this about.  The fault of the election is 100% the Democrats. They put up a horrid candidate and they abandoned much of their key demographic (rust belt).  Putin had nothing to do with any of that.

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:48:13 PM »
While I approve of anything bad done to the monster than is Assad, the Mango Mussilini's missiles may make more malady than magnanimity.  Us at odds with the Russians benefits ISIS.  And the last thing we need is to be drawn into another foreign quagmire.  I would say that I hope the Cheeto Jesus knows what he's doing, but I am afraid I already know the answer to that one.

You do know that Mussolini, like Hitler, and Stalin was a brutal, murdering dictator, right?  Also, you do know that Jesus was a non-violent, caring, and very, very honest, and benevolent man, right?  So to reference Trump in the same paragraph as Mussolini, and Jesus is a bit ironic, no? 

The key to dealing with ISIS, and any terrorist, or terrorist state is to be forceful, not compromise, nor try to appease like Obama did.  Of course the Russian will object.  So what?  Nothing is going to happen between us, and them except Putin's respect for the U.S. just went up several notches. 

Spin Zone / Re: President Trump Bombs Syrian Poison Gas Bases
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:32:51 PM »
While I approve of anything bad done to the monster than is Assad, the Mango Mussilini's missiles may make more malady than magnanimity.  Us at odds with the Russians benefits ISIS.  And the last thing we need is to be drawn into another foreign quagmire.  I would say that I hope the Cheeto Jesus knows what he's doing, but I am afraid I already know the answer to that one.

I guess the best thing would be for President Trump to emulate Obama and draw a line in the sand and keep backing up when Assad crosses it.
Nothing like weakness, incompetence and cowardice to make your enemies fear you....

Spin Zone / Re: Gorsuch and the Senate Battle
« on: April 06, 2017, 03:12:12 PM »
Change the Senate parlimentary procedures. That takes a 2/3 vote.

The procedure that allows this is not new. It is part of the long standing senate parlimentary procedue.  What we know as the nuclear optin was first threathened in 1917, in 1975, 2013 and now it appears that politicians have finally become fanatical enough that it will be used.  The option has been there for over a century. There is no on and off.

Isn't it sad that wikipedia is better informed than the entertainment media?
1917?  I didn't think the filibuster was around that long.

More importantly, if McConnell wants to keep it for legislation, that tells me it should be abolished for that as well. Let's get something done for once.

Spin Zone / Re: North Korea; great response by Tillerson
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:46:38 PM »
Sure they do.  This is the MO for NK, sabre rattle, make threats and get the western world to send them more aid, mainly food.

NK is starving because the little chubby boy dictator is feeding his army at the expense of his population.  He relies on that food.  If the west gives him the finger, he has problems.
It's the same cycle its always been with North Korea. Launch missiles or conduct missile tests, get the regional forces to come to the table to negotiate. The "negotiation" ends up being strongly worded statements, aid to the North Korean people and a promise by the North Koreans to stop their nuclear program. Fast forward a few months or a year and we're back to the start of the cycle.

Spin Zone / Re: North Korea; great response by Tillerson
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:21:44 AM »
Steingar just wants Tillerson to do what Obama's SecStates would do - issue a strongly worded condemnation, draw a line in the sand, do nothing, and then endorse an anti-Israel resolution in the UN.

Spin Zone / North Korea; great response by Tillerson
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:01:24 AM »
We have finally given a response to North Korea that I l love:

The statement from U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson totaled 23 words: "North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment."

Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 04, 2017, 11:13:37 AM »
You guys are amazing.  The Russians create a giant refugee crisis by overruling our proposed intervention and then bombing civilians in Syria.  Once the refugee crisis hits the EU they do everything they can to destabilize it including rigging local elections.  And now that there's intel that perhaps they had a hand in rigging our election all you guys want to do is indite whoever leaked the intel.  The Russians interfered in our election and you guys don't give a crap because your Cheto Jesus won.  I never in my life would have believed that the GOP could be soft on the Russians.  We might have won the Cold War, but Putin is winning the peace.  You guys are such stooges for the Russkies, its unbelievable.  And they're going to win, too.  They're going to keep on rigging elections, they think Democracy is some sort of joke and you guys are the punch line.  You really think the world will be more secure with an ascendant China and destabilized EU?  Because that's what the Mango Man is giving you. 

An Independent Prosecutor is a damn good idea.  Let him or her investigate the leaks along with what got leaked.  Give the counsel a broad mandate, get at the truth.  This story sin't going away any time soon.  Were Trump the least bit intelligent he'd bet out in front of it, but I don't expect that to happen ever.  Perhaps his minions in Congress can stall long enough for the story to die, but I have doubts.

The saddest thing is I bet there is really nothing to it at all.  I bet the cover-up is far worse than the crime.  Flynn will only be the first victim, which is a real shame.  From the sounds of it I don't think he did anything wrong.  I wish they'd give him his immunity.  I'd like to hear what he has to say.
I think both should be investigated.  Liberals think only the stuff that will hurt Trump should be investigated.

Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 03, 2017, 09:55:47 PM »
The potential truth of this story appears to rival Watergate, only there is no Woodward and Bernstein because the bad actors aren't Republicans.

Fucking pathetic.


Spin Zone / Re: Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 03, 2017, 12:45:32 PM »
This must be "fake news".  I searched and and saw nothing about this.  Surely if this were true they would be reporting it.

Spin Zone / Susan Rice Ordered Unmasking of Trump
« on: April 03, 2017, 11:54:31 AM »

At what point will people start going to prison for this public corruption?

Trump can start draining the swamp by having our Attorney General start charging public officials with corruption and sending them to prison. That would include Rice, Huma Abedin, Lois Lerner, etc etc.

Typical Washington comity says to let such thing go so they aren't characterized as political witch trials, ala some third world shitholes. Fuck that. Someone needs to start paying the price for political corruption.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: March 31, 2017, 05:44:10 AM »
Conservacrats would rather people die in the streets for the crime of being poor.

You really believe that shit your liberal handlers feed you don't you?  And I bet you regurgitate it to your students too.

That would be funny if it weren't so sad. :( :( :( :(

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