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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: SCOTUS Kills Affirmative Action……
« on: July 01, 2023, 09:35:22 AM »
You would be CORRECT. it is codified Racism and Sexism.
Because the race hustlers would never allow it to end, they violate the law and it ends up being discriminatory itself and thus illegal.

Liberals never accept a win. They demand subservience, acceptance, and celebration. That is their downfall.

He pled guilty to a pair of tax-related misdemeanors. The felony gun charge was subject to a pretrial diversion, whatever that actually means. I think what it means is he won't be charged with a felony weapons count, but what he still has to do to avoid said charge isn't all that clear.

The sad thing is a lot of poor people plead guilty for stuff they didn't do just to avoid the timed money needed to deal with courts.

The most serious tax evasion crimes Hunter allegedly committed occurred when he didn't pay taxes on his considerable Burisma 2014 income and income in 2015. But the DoJ allegedly interfered in the IRS investigation, slowing it down, until the 5 year statute of limitations ran out. So he did get away with fraud. (He used the commonest tax-dodge on the books: claimed the money was a loan, not income.)

There were about a zillion witnesses who said otherwise.  Most of the "affidavits" weren't worth the paper they were written on, and all the lawsuits were merrily laughed out of court for lack of evidence. 

The reason they're going after Trump is they have very solid evidence that he committed some fairly serious crimes.  Still, he is a citizen and deserves the assumption of innocence until proven guilty just like any other citizen.  I just hope that someone as famous (or perhaps infamous) as him can get a fair trial. Celebrities have been in and out of courtrooms for many years, and jurors seem to be very sober about their responsibilities, at least in my experience.

Lucifer responded better than I could, except I’ll say that in my experience jurors are very biased.

There were about a zillion witnesses who said otherwise.

  A statement like that just affirms you are a buffoon.  Hint, want to prove a point or win an argument, stick with facts.

Most of the "affidavits" weren't worth the paper they were written on, and all the lawsuits were merrily laughed out of court for lack of evidence. 

  Affidavits when executed are fully legal and are used daily.  The evidence was never allowed to be admitted into court by the use of lawfare and legal jujitsu, demanding legal thresholds that were unattainable.

  Simply stated, when dealing with these activist judges, they wanted to make sure no evidence was admitted and no way discovery could be introduced.   What was laughable was how these judges made mind numbing decisions with no basis in reality.

The reason they're going after Trump is they have very solid evidence that he committed some fairly serious crimes.

 Again, you haven't a clue and are relying exclusively on radical left wing media for information.  These charges are unbelieveably weak, and the intent on them is not a conviction (because they don't have evidence) but more precisely is to smear the ex president with hopes of (a) deminishing his base, (b) giving the state controlled media ammunition against the ex president, and (c) hoping various states will exclude Trump from their ballots.

  What is happening is election interference on a spectacular level.  Marxist such as yourself approve of these measures because your policies suck so badly this is the only way your ilk can maintain power.

  It has absolutely nothing to do with law and justice.

Still, he is a citizen and deserves the assumption of innocence until proven guilty just like any other citizen.  I just hope that someone as famous (or perhaps infamous) as him can get a fair trial. Celebrities have been in and out of courtrooms for many years, and jurors seem to be very sober about their responsibilities, at least in my experience.

  Fair trials are hard to obtain when prosecutors are leaking material to the radical media routinely.  They know they don't have a case, see above.

Spin Zone / Re: Insect lollipops
« on: June 30, 2023, 07:41:00 AM »
And cook the steak medium well.  No pink.  Raw is for cannibals.  And don't even get me started on sushi.  (Tried it for the first and only time because a date insisted.  Ug.  It didn't help that I thought the green stuff was actually food.  Nope.  DO NOT eat a chunk of the wasabi.)  Food should not look like the animal it came from.

Pink on the inside but NO RED STUFF RUNNING ALL OVER THE PLATE.  Blech.  If blood gets into my veggies I won’t eat them. 

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 30, 2023, 07:09:04 AM »

Spin Zone / Re: What the actual fuck is this?
« on: June 29, 2023, 10:59:54 AM »
Physical appearance through hairstyle and clothing signals something. There are times and places that demand a certain decorum or you are being very disrespectful.  Being a representative in government is one of them.  That the Democrats now openly flaunt society's conventions is very telling.  The purple hair and gawdy outfit is a "fuck you" to the dignity and sobriety of the office and to the American people.  Fetterman does the same thing with his hoody and shorts.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 29, 2023, 10:50:00 AM »
I don't think anyone will ever be able to answer that to everyone's satisfaction.
But it's enough for me to realize that man contributes to some extent, and we should try to diminish that amount.

I love the outdoors.  I love swimming in the river and the ocean.  I love mountain hiking.  But everywhere I go I see litter and pollution.  I was hiking a remote trail in Alaska three years ago and I saw plastic water bottles and plastic shopping bags thrown around.
When the Intracoastal waterway has a particularly high tide, I pick up all kinds of plastic from the banks when it recedes.

Why can't people do something about that?

When I was a kid living in South Philly (around 60 years ago) we would go over the Penrose and the Walt Whitman bridges to and from New Jersey.  Even as a kid I watched all of those smoke stack along the river belching black smoke and I wondered how long it would take to fill the whole sky with that shit.

When I was in my '20s living in South Georgia I worked at the Pulp & Paper mill.  Boy that job stunk.  Literally.  We had a new director of operations come in began a drive to clean up our smoke stacks.  One of the processes involved filtering the smoke and recovering chemicals that had been being pumped into the air.  I don't have details but I do remember a headline in the local paper saying that the Pulp Mill was saving thousands of dollars by recovering those chemicals, and the stink improved and our cars didn't need washing every day any more.  More like that could be done.

I know it's true that the climate has been changing for as long as there has been a climate.  Change isn't the real problem.  It is rapid change that kills.  And I have no doubt that man is speeding up that change, even though I have no idea how much.

How much poison would you take knowing that enough will kill you, but you don't know how much that is?  Would you keep taking that poison until someone could tell you exactly? (Bacon fat doesn't count).

I agree with you about trash.  People who throw trash around are scum, never taught manners. I HATE people like that.

Air pollution from industry has been greatly reduced through better technology. My husband installed pollution control equipment on boilers all over the U.S. and China, that a small company he worked for invented.  RFK Jr is correct when he says "let the free market solve climate change, NOT top down control".

Of course, at some plants the Chinese waited until my husband left then turned off the device because the Chinese DGAF.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 29, 2023, 10:00:57 AM »
Michael literally can not see the forest from the trees. How much climate change is natural and how much is man made? When someone can answer that I'll consider doing more research but until then this is OBVIOUSLY a scam by government and corporations to further control and subjugate the general populace.
Exactly.  And so what?  Climate is going to change whether we like it or not.  Climate is going to change whether we "do something!" or not. Things are getting warmer in places.  All that means is that it will be hotter in the south, and crops that are currently being grown in the central / northern US will now be grown in the northern US / southern Canada.  The coast will move inland.  Deal with it.  Take the money being used to try to stop the tide from coming in and spend it on relocating the most vulnerable.

But there is NO WAY we can stop the climate from changing.

Spin Zone / Re: Did your ancestors own slaves?
« on: June 29, 2023, 06:48:23 AM »
Why are we not concerned with slaves in our current societies?   African nations have slaves, so do middle eastern countries.  China has slaves, as well as other Asian countries.  Same in South America. 

The US has none, and hasn’t had any since the mid 1800’s, but yet we seemed obsessed with ancient slavery by those who are trying to profit from it.

C’mon democrats!   Call the Chinese out!   Start massive protest at Chinese embassies!
THIS!!!  Why are we so concerned with past sins and not doing something about slavery TODAY?  History (real history) looks very favorably on Great Britain for ending slavery.  Why not make history and do something about slavery in Africa, China, Asia, and on and on.  It's endlessly frustrating that people are looking into the past to find something to be all riled up about but choosing to turn a blind eye to problems right next door.

Unlike "climate change" this is something that we can actually do something about to improve people's lives.  Unfortunately this does not profit the political class or the elites.

Spin Zone / Re: one of the quickest thread deletions I've seen
« on: June 29, 2023, 06:42:33 AM »
But if we have everyone surrender their rights, and give more money to the governments, they can control the weather
That's actually not far off from the truth.  The government controls the narrative.  They can easily say "Look!  All your taxes reversed the horrible climate emergency and things are getting better!  Give us more money so we can make more change!"  Presto!  Weather control by government.  And nothing in reality has actually changed.  Just like now when they say things are horribly bad and getting worse.  Just a few months ago it was freezing cold.  Now it's very warm.  Give us money and I'll make it colder in just six months.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 28, 2023, 08:10:10 PM »
As with Covid, so goes “climate change.” The very programs the corrupt government enacts “for our benefit,” will destroy us.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 28, 2023, 05:49:02 PM »
Greta Thunberg this week deleted her 2018 tweet  saying we’d all be dead in five years if we didn’t stop driving cars.

Today the mayor of London and King Charles started a new climate clock that shows we will perish by 2030 if we don’t  do something that costs large amounts of money but actually does nothing. Seven years gives them and their handlers a long time to stoke fear and grift money.

Gas stoves weren’t enough, I’m sure you’ve seen now that they’re coming for wood-fired pizza ovens.

WEF wants to reduce car ownership by 75% but it’s for the climate, not to control your movement. Right.  Everything that somehow isn’t due to racism is due to climate change and must be curtailed and controlled and eliminated.

Hell, the weather map on my phone is hot orange with warnings for temperatures that are normal here and completely survivable…I did just fine here in these exact temperatures growing up and we had no AC most of that time.

This is just a small sampling of the push to use climate change as the thin end of the wedge of totalitarianism. It’s a cult. It’s fear stoking and it’s making a lot of people miserable and a few people rich.

I could go on and on. The climate is changing and always will do so as others have noted here. Believing humans are a major factor affecting the climate is not provable. It has not been proven, only ginned up as a flimsy thesis for political and grifting purposes. See various alarms raised by “science” since 70s … first it’s cold that will kill us, then heat, what next? Cold again? Climate fear is a religion and a way for people to have a little bit of identity they crave and to virtue signal. And of course suck money from public coffers.

If we perish it will NOT be because of the climate but rather of despots and bombs and sickness and power grid attacks and food supply attacks. See Dutch farms being seized and shut down for “climate change.” Farms. Food.

Finally, anyone having lived through the last three years paying attention will NEVER AGAIN just trust “science.” Science has blown its wad.

We have much more to fear from cold than heat. If we survive, history will record that there was a time when people feared the very climate that allowed them to live and kept their world functioning.

Spin Zone / Re: one of the quickest thread deletions I've seen
« on: June 28, 2023, 04:14:56 PM »
But if we have everyone surrender their rights, and give more money to the governments, they can control the weather

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: June 28, 2023, 04:06:27 PM »
I can show picture after picture of boat houses along the intercostal that were built in the 30’s, and pictures of them today that show the same mean water levels. 

Tides vary depending on many factors.  Joe’s dock flooding is due to tides, not rising sea levels. 

Weather is the motion of air, and the driving forces behind it are heating and cooling of the oceans.  This has been happening for thousands upon thousands of years, and will continue to happen for thousands more.   Man plays a very small if not insignificant part. 

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