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Topics - Little Joe

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Spin Zone / Are liberals right? No significant voting fraud?
« on: January 27, 2017, 07:10:35 AM »
I support Trump's decision to investigate voting fraud.  Even if he is wrong and the investigation doesn't show any significant amount, we still need to know.  And I think it is proper for the winner of the election to initiate the investigation.

Spin Zone / I guess Trump really is a misogynist!
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:27:59 AM »
He hired a woman to be a secretary.

Secretary of the Air Force that is.

Spin Zone / B2s strike ISIS
« on: January 20, 2017, 08:29:20 AM »
The article refers to the colossal price of the mission, but it only gives a few examples.  I wonder what the whole bill was to kill 80 ISIS targets?

The price tag of Wednesday's mission was colossal.

The pair of B-2s flew for 34 hours at an operating cost of approximately $130,000 per flight hour. That comes out to roughly $4.4 million a piece or $8.8 million for the duo. Additionally, there were roughly 15 aerial refueling aircraft involved in the mission, not to mention the cost of 100 JDAMs.

This is how ISIS will beat us if we don't wise up.

Spin Zone / Obama's greatest legacy
« on: January 20, 2017, 06:41:11 AM »
I read this somewhere recently. I think it was an opinion piece in the local paper that was probably from a syndicated columnist, so you may have already read this.

Obama's greatest legacy is that he gave us:

President Donald Trump.

Spin Zone / Yeah, those were legitimate philanthropic donations!
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:25:49 AM »
as soon as Clinton lost the election, many of the criticisms directed toward the Clinton Foundation were reaffirmed. Foreign governments began pulling out of annual donations, signaling the organization’s clout was predicated on donor access to the Clintons, rather than its philanthropic work. ???

Spin Zone / Georgia Tech Climatologist Chooses 'Career Suicide
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:11:57 AM »
A deciding factor was that I no longer know what to say to students and postdocs regarding how to navigate the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science," Curry wrote. "Research and other professional activities are professionally rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions approved by a politicized academic establishment —. . .

I choose to believe someone from Ga. Tech if I am goinng to believe anyone.

Trump tweeted this:
I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.

I guess I need to reconcile his question with his decision to forego the daily intelligence brief.

Spin Zone / The market will crash if Trump gets elected . . .
« on: January 06, 2017, 12:25:18 PM »
How many times did we hear that during the election.  I heard or read it many, many times.  I read people on this forum and others say they were voting for Hillary because they thought the market would tumble if Trump gets elected.  I personally know 3 or 4 people that didn't vote for Trump for that reason.  Even I doubted whether voting for Trump would lead to a market crash.  After all, if all the "experts" on TV were saying so, there must be something to it.

But deep down, I didn't believe it.  Oh, I thought there might be a temporary dip, but as his policies kicked in, we would see real growth again.  But that didn't happen.  There was no temporary dip (except for a few hours before the results were announced).  Just the promises of lower taxes and less suffocating regulations has created new investment and jobs and market returns.

So my question is:  How many people did NOT vote for Trump because of the bearish market predictions if he won?  Or put another way, how many more votes would Trump have have gotten if that rubbish hadn't been pushed by the MSM, including MarkZ's paramount of virtue, CNN.

I think that one piece of "fake news" had more impact that the hacked DNC emails did.

Spin Zone / I hadn't heard about this attack on 2A rights.
« on: December 28, 2016, 08:06:41 PM »
I don't know anything about the web site so I can't vouch for it, but:

Obama Administration Yanks Second Amendment Rights from SSI Recipients

Spin Zone / Unfaithful electors . . . Don't vote for Hillary
« on: December 19, 2016, 02:36:39 PM »

Washington electors vote for Powell, Faith Spotted Eagle

Per Fox News' Robert Shaffer

Hillary Clinton has only received 8 of the 12 electoral votes in Washington State. The unfaithful electors voted for former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell, while one voted for Faith Spotted Eagle -- a native American activist.

This makes the current tally:

256 Trump

143 Clinton

3 Powell

1 Faith Spotted Eagle

Spin Zone / could we see a real Godzilla?
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:09:15 AM »
Radiation from Fukushima is showing up in California.  It is only at trace amount, but it was 5 years ago and 5,000 miles away.  What might have been effected in between, and how?  Sounds like a sequel to "Godzilla" would be appropriate now.

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