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Messages - President-Elect Bob Noel

Pages: 1 ... 450 451 [452] 453 454 ... 458
Spin Zone / Re: How do they sleep at night?
« on: January 21, 2016, 09:34:57 AM »
Trillion Becky, it's trillion.
fixed.  Still wondering how it freaking doesn't seem to bother anyone in charge.

OPM.  ironically, OPM spelled out loud is very similar to opium.  Very very addictive.

Discuss pros and cons.  :o
Sounds like a question for POA.

nah, the topic is too interesting for POA.

who cares?

They both fly and that is the important thing.

Spin Zone / Re: Thermo-nuclear North Korea
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:39:45 PM »

This could also explain why we were so wrong in the first part of your post, (which I cut out for brevity).  Our Western minds can't seem to grasp what makes them do or want the things they do or want.

worse, many people don't understand that different people have different motives and values.  Many people cling to the belief that people (and leaders) in other nations think the same way they do.

Spin Zone / Re: Will This End the Clinton Candidacy?
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:37:35 PM »
What the State Department considers classified is considerably different than what the Defense Department considers classified.  Given the polarization of the whole thing I really sit on the fence.  That said, the scandal is old news and doesn't seem to have slowed Clinton down one iota.

and you say this based on your extensive experience with State Departement and DoD SCGs, right?

and why am I not surpised that you don't care about hillary's illegal activities.

Spin Zone / Re: Not A Hint of Voter Fraud Again
« on: January 20, 2016, 04:31:52 PM »
how stupid is someone that gets caught voting multiple times?

Spin Zone / Re: Single payer healthcare
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:33:19 AM »
ACA allows only a small segment of Americans to have a catastrophic plan.  Logically, catastrophic plans make the most sense.  The idea of insurance is to save you from financial catastrophe.

Why ACA took that option away, I don't know.  It's no longer an option for us, should we lose our current insurance; we don't fall in the teeny demographic of people ACA allows to have it.

ACA is a nightmare unfolding.  Where it leads, we have speculated here; certainly, it is presently another toxic and dysfunctional Obama legacy that is gazed upon lovingly by the Unicorn contingent. 

What will wake them up?

nothing.  Each and everyone is a skxawng.

Spin Zone / Re: Observations on NBC's Democrat Debate
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:31:15 AM »
Medicare for all!!!!  Weeeee

So you are obviously happy as an individual to over pay for healthcare.

Insurance companies are ripping us all off and you are fine with that.  And before someone says the old "we have the best healthcare in the world" line, WE DONT. 

Only people who feel good with the current healthcare system are those laughing at the amount of money they squeeze out of the rest of us

So you obviously are happy about the POS obamacare crap that doesn't address health care costs.

Spin Zone / Re: Thermo-nuclear North Korea
« on: January 19, 2016, 09:35:39 PM »
Iran would do it to as a means to strike the west. The Iranians can probably disguise it well enough to not trace it back to them, or at least to the point to be able to deny it. I don't think North Korea is in this for growth, unless it's the South. Iran wants to expand their influence. Iran selling the technology, even a degraded version of it, achieves their strategy of growing their influence and striking at the evil west.

How does "striking the west" covertly serve their interest in any way?? I'm at a loss here. If nobody knows they are at the heart of this attack, how does it help? If everybody knows they are the source of the attack, how does it help?

Who are they going to sell this tech to?? They don't have loads of friends and anybody in the region would likely want to use this tech against them. If some Palestinian group were to somehow find a way to get a nuke to Israel, everybody would know where it came from. Tehran would be radioactive and uninhabitable the next day.

Iran and North Korea want nukes to keep people out of their countries and be regarded as big shots in their neighborhoods. That's all there really is to it.

I think you are assuming that the leaders of Iran and North Korea are rational and have some of the same values you have.  I'm not particularly interested in assuming that your view of their motives is correct.

Turn it around a bit - consider your view of the US invading Iraq.  How did that serve the US interests?  And yet, it happened, didn't it.

A NK supported nuke attack on the US or Israel could serve their interest by weakening an enemy.  Even if it wasn't known that NK was involved, it would still weaken an enemy.

Spin Zone / Re: Will This End the Clinton Candidacy?
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:13:04 PM »
Of course not.

The clinton buttkissers will trot out their old strategy of saying it's old news.

btw - I doubt anyone of the POA folks who were defending clinton's use of the email server will admit that she screwed up.  I doubt they will have the integrity to admit they were dead wrong.

If I had done what clinton did, not only would I lose my clearance, I believe I would be jail.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:35:05 AM »
Again I say that none of you would sling this trash in person. Hide behind your keyboards.

You've been here for how long and have decided to characterize the entire zone so quickly?

you are exhibiting characteristics of a troll.

Spin Zone / Re: My God, Did POA Just Become as Boring as AOPA?
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:19:04 PM »
As for myself...


well, that's what happens when you use an out-of-date version of Firefox.

You need to be at 43.0.4.

Spin Zone / Re: Single payer healthcare
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:29:21 PM »
Having spent 35 years with a "single-payer" system, I strongly advise against it.

oh but the the really smart people inside the beltway will be able to do it much much much better.

Anyone want to bet their life on that?

Spin Zone / Re: Will 2016 be a "Cataclysmic" year for the stock market?
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:52:41 AM »

As far as home defense in the case of the world ending, well... maybe.  I'm pretty confident that I could defend my home from a single or pair of assailants.  Against a mob of 5 or more, determined and equally armed, my chances go down astronomically.  My home isn't built of pre-stressed concrete and steel, it isn't a bunker and a group of assailants are going to win in the end.


Maybe get some ideas from Dustin Hoffman's character in "Strawdogs"   ;-)

Not a bad idea!  Maybe "Home Alone" might also be a good resource!  ;D


nope - Home alone was defending against a couple of guys.  Strawdogs was against a mob.

Spin Zone / Re: Somalia Bans Christmas - "Has nothing to do with Islam"
« on: January 17, 2016, 06:51:57 AM »
I think you are missing the point.

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