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Messages - Lucifer

Pages: 1 ... 76 77 [78] 79 80 ... 156
Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 16, 2021, 05:53:35 PM »
OVID "can be" a serious disease.  It is highly contagious.  Some people that get it suffer very few effects.  Some people suffer serious effects.  Hopefully, new treatments will reduce the seriousness, but I also hope that the vaccine reduces the spread of the disease.

COVID-19 is not highly contagious.

from the CDC:  "Information from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic suggest that this virus is spreading more efficiently than influenza, but not as efficiently as measles, which is highly contagious."

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 16, 2021, 12:13:23 PM »
Actually, people have been working on gene therapy vectors and mRNA therapeutics for a long time.  They've been used in animals for ages.  The actually vaccines were quickly developed, but that's only because you need nothing more than the sequence of the virus in order to develop them.  Like I said, whatever side effects you get from the vaccine (most vaccines have side effects, just like most medicines) is chicken feed compared to what COVID does to you, and we really haven't finished the book on that one.

I truly believe I've had it already and it was a day or two of a low grade fever and mild cold symptoms.  I've been around thousands of people since to no ill effect.  I feel great and I am not going to put that at jeopardy at this point.

The show's theme song is my ring tone.

I am old enough to have seen the show when it debuted.  Has to be one of the greatest TV theme songs of all time. 

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 15, 2021, 05:32:35 PM »

Spin Zone / Re: RAW data, covid vaccine side effects
« on: March 15, 2021, 10:42:41 AM »
The list of people I don’t trust:


I haven’t seen anybody not on that list talk about it, but I understand how to assess risk so I’ll do it myself.
Add scientists to the list, ever since a significant number of them have climbed into bed with bureaucrats, politicians and journalists to advance their agenda.

The first time I heard “The science is settled” I knew we were doomed.

Spin Zone / Re: Useless trivia
« on: March 15, 2021, 09:47:10 AM »
one "loyal" out of fear

the wanting to kick him out

(notice it is perfectly possible for neither group to want democracy)

and pay no attention to the crowds cheering when madass was overthrown.

There is a theory that many if not most in the M.E. do NOT WANT Democracy as it is foreign to them.  They prefer the ease of being led, governed and told what to do.  You know like Democrats.  Our efforts to install "Democracy" even though we aren't one ourselves has largely been a failure around the globe.  Maybe an intentional failure to prolong these wars for the MIC.

Spin Zone / Re: RAW data, covid vaccine side effects
« on: March 15, 2021, 09:21:32 AM »
Whatever the risks of the vaccine, I'll be cash money they're orders of magnitude lower than the risks of the virus itself, which include death and lingering disease.

I wish we could get a true handle on what the risks actually are. For example, we keep hearing about the case fatality rate. That’s not actually the relevant number. The relevant number is the crude mortality rate, the actual risk of you dying from covid, not the risk of you dying if you get it.

This varies of course with age, socioeconomic status and health.

On the other side is the risk of the vaccine which is hard to sort out. Going through the raw data it’s easy to see some cases where deaths were purely coincidental. Others where it’s pretty certain the vaccine was the direct cause of death (anaphylaxis). But many in between where it is unclear, and reported deaths do not include autopsy results, it’s actually going to be a long time before we know the true vaccine associated event rate, if ever. And then there are long term complications of the vaccine we have no idea about right now. Same is true of the virus.

It’s an individual choice based on all kinds of factors.  If you are very young, the true risk of death or long term consequences from covid is virtually zero. Maybe you should forgo the vaccine. If you are older, or have health conditions, it’s pretty clear the risk from the disease is much greater than the risk from the vaccine, based on available information at present. It might be prudent to get the vaccine.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: March 14, 2021, 09:36:21 AM »
Stolen from Beechtalk:
"In Science one would rather have Questions that cannot be answered than Answers that cannot be questioned."

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 14, 2021, 09:17:57 AM »
I take it to mean you are to be pitied because you got yourself into a bad situation through your own stupidity.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 13, 2021, 01:01:31 PM »
I figure if Trump drove the program to expedite the vaccine development, I owed it to him to make use of it.

The thing that would have really pissed me of would have been if they had carried through with their plans to PAY people to get it.  But there are so  many people that desperately want it that those people should get it.  Nobody should be forced or bribed to get it, but for the people that want it, why chastise and denigrate them and call them names?

I agree with that. I’m not hostile to people who want it and get it. Only to people who try to shame me for not wanting it or try to force me to get it.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 13, 2021, 12:24:40 PM »
Just as a little thought experiment, let's assume that the COVID showed up and it was treated just like the flu.  It's a little more infectious, a little more deadly, but pretty much just flu+.  The government did what they do with the flu.  Ignore it.  Say wash your hands, if you're sick or likely to get sick just be careful.  NO shutdowns, no lockdowns, no economic disaster.  Trump wins in a landslide.  Biden enters a nursing home. They come out with a vaccine in a year.

Now, would you get a COVID shot along with a flu shot?

I get a yearly flu shot since I don't want to bring the flu home to my wife who is vulnerable.  I'd do the same with the COVID shot.  If you don't want a shot, cool.  If you do, then also cool.  It's no one's business or decision but my own.  Y'all do what you want.  I'm OK with whatever you decide.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 13, 2021, 06:47:19 AM »
After watching John Stossel’s report about how one shot is 90% effective, and hearing about how the bad side effects are always after the second shot (including death - the Utah woman), obviously the marginal rate of return for the second shot is not worth the cost.

I’m still not going out of my way to get it but if I do get it, I’m only going to get the first shot.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 13, 2021, 06:19:56 AM »
If claiming to have gotten a COVID shot is "virtue signaling",
what is it called when you brag about NOT getting the shot?

Freedom.   Get some.

If you thought my post was bragging then you have a very different perspective.

Spin Zone / Re: I'm going to be eligible...
« on: March 13, 2021, 06:01:27 AM »
If claiming to have gotten a COVID shot is "virtue signaling",
what is it called when you brag about NOT getting the shot?


Coincidence that this settlement occurred one day after Biden signed the $1.9 TRILLION Blue State Bailout bill? 

Minneapolis is self-insured, according to a colleague in Minneapolis.  Follow the money. 

Spin Zone / Re: "The Speech"
« on: March 12, 2021, 09:19:27 AM »
My wife and I turned on Tucker, saw Biden, and simultaneously said “Nope.”  My gag reflex kicked in, so we didn’t watch it.

But I heard some excerpts today. That petulant old fuck needs to be chained to the radiator. Who the FUCK is he to doll out “permission” to gather for Independence Day?  Who the fuck does he think he is talking to?  Last time I looked our rights were granted by God, not government, and certainly not by Biden.

The next politician who calls themselves a “public servants” gets throat punched. This guy is a fucking derelict, petulant tyrant.

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