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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Trump meeting Kim mano-a-mano
« on: March 09, 2018, 05:23:05 PM »
President Donald Trump's North Korea Scorecard:

Palettes of Cash Sent: 0
Promises Made: 0
Submissive Bows: 0
Apologies Issued: 0
Sanctions Lifted: 0
Public US Humiliations: 0
Free Goods Delivered: 0
Allies Alienated: 0

Simple math.

Spin Zone / Re: A Sleaze Bag named Holder
« on: March 05, 2018, 06:27:35 AM »
It is so fucking sad to see Mueller doing everything possible to ignore the evidence of collusion with Russians because it was only fucking democrats doing it.

Instead of 'passing' DACA legislation, it would be far better if the country would start enforcing existing immigration law and forcing D.C. to fix the immigration system to reflect reality instead of the blind blather of liberals.

Spin Zone / Re: GUARANTEED To Trigger Steingar
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:28:48 AM »
That didn' take long, but we all know that Jaybird was only attempting to swerve to avoid the truth. By demanding someone do some research for him, he avoids the actual facts for a little longer.

As I said, Farrakhan is among the the worst, if not the worst racist in America.

Spin Zone / Re: GUARANTEED To Trigger Steingar
« on: January 19, 2018, 03:04:23 PM »
Jaybird, one of the things I respect about you is the same thing I respect in every person who is successful. That is, you did what it took to be a success.

The thing that makes me grit my teeth when I read many of your posts is the sense of outrage you seem to feel that EVERY Black man isn't equally successful.

Well guess what? Everyone has the same opportunity, Many (actually most) refuse to work it to the end result. Those who do are the winners. Everybody else works for them.

When you buy into the blind racism that everyone who refuses to agree is racist, and expect people to buy it, you are the racist for thinking your opinion is he only acceptable conclusion.

The race card is so overused, that when you play it, you loose me. I don't care how hard you think you had it, any more than you care how hard I worked to succeed. Just because you think your road was so awful, or tough, or long, or hard, doesn't obligate anyone to care.

I have a news flash for you.

Everybody's life is hard. Everyone was held back, held up, taken advantage of, or abused on the way to success.

Assuming that a black man had a struggle because of racism ignores the reality. It may be perceived racism on your part, but typically, in this age, people judge others on the content of their character, their work, and their dependability. Not their skin color.

In my experience people obsessed with pointing to others and crying racism are more often than not, the real racist in the discussion.

You want to claim I'm a racist for daring to call it like I see it, enjoy yourself, but I know how brutally blind you are when you do.

And, by the way, your 'gaslighting' claim is pure projection.

Spin Zone / Re: But!...but!....The 25th Amendment!?
« on: January 16, 2018, 06:39:18 PM »
Now that President Trump has disclosed HIS Cognitive Score, I want Nancy Pelosi, Frederica Wilson, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Maxine Waters to disclose theirs.

Spin Zone / Re: Obama Admin - Oppressive Regime?
« on: January 10, 2018, 08:29:56 AM »

You mentioning Obama and his infamous, bullshit, "YOU didn't build that," ignorance got me thinking about the people who lined up to nod like lemmings and swear that they always felt the same way. It makes me laugh to remember aunt peggy proclaiming that people only succeeded when the government ALLOWED them to.

The real issue with that ignorance is the people, like Obama and peggy, that haven't actually accomplished much of anything (certainly nothing to get up on stage and brag about) desperate to siphon off the credit - and profits - of the work of other people, who did do big things. That behavior is a singularly liberal behavior and almost as delusional as the MMGW religionists.

If the liberals who are so insanely jealous if what others did, imagined, sweated and risked for, would spend that energy actually doing something instead of indulging their pathetic jealousy, they too could accomplish great things.

Their just too lazy, envious, greedy and petulant to try.

Spin Zone / Guaranteed To Piss Off Snpwflakes All Over The USA
« on: January 08, 2018, 06:17:27 PM »
The national championship game opened with President Trump, flanked by a group of ROTC students and an entire church choir, assist the Zack Brown Band in the National Anthem.

Way to go Mr. President.

What a nice change from the traitor-in-chief, obama.

Spin Zone / Re: Is It Because Trump Would Benefit?
« on: January 02, 2018, 06:05:06 PM »
The media has the integrity of the Mueller Investigation, the honesty of the Clinton Campaign, the brains of Al Gore and his MMGW whores, and the transparency of agenda of the Iranian regime.


The Progressives always want to make the 2A about the organized militia (National Guard), or "hunting", but it is about defending ourselves from a tyrannical government, foreign AND domestic.   

Progressives ARE the tyrants of this world and love the power it gives them when they pound others into the ground for daring to disagree with them.

Progressives have the most pitiful, closed minds, the most violent personalities, the least tolerant of any dissent, and the most fond of using the government to stamp out freedom.

Progressives are the most insecure, jealous, spiteful, self-centered, and dishonest people in America. Their vision for government is a mafia like state, where anyone out of line gets shot.

Progressives ARE the communist party in America.

« on: December 30, 2017, 09:09:47 PM »
Christmas was a wonderful holiday at our house.

We spent the morning and most of the afternoon helping feed the homeless and indigent, as well as anyone too poor to have a quality Christmas dinner.

The lesson this year, taught by those too poor to be invited in to supper with the elites, was that happiness has no relationship to wealth, looks, popularity, or political correctness.

Some of those that my bride and I got to serve, and then sit and eat Christmas dinner alongside, were the happiest souls you've ever met. They laughed, poked fun at each other, and their reduced circumstances, ate as much they could possibly eat...

AND THEN they got up and helped clean up their tables, wash the dishes, and sweep then mop the floors. They made a game out of helping, because they are usually treated like disease ridden pests, and chased out of the shelters where they eat, as quickly as possible.

In the new year I hope to learn to be as happy as they made me on Christmas, for the entire year.

It's my prayer for all of you, too.

Spin Zone / Re: United behaving poorly - again
« on: December 26, 2017, 07:45:54 PM »
Hmmmmm.  Her name is LEE!  Shouldn't she be BANNED?

She has TWO racist names, not one. JACKSON-LEE. It's too much to imagine. A racist, black, hag like her, holding TWO racist names.

She should be DOUBLE Banned.

I'm so triggered...

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: December 20, 2017, 01:49:09 PM »
The five costliest years for weather related disasters -- 2004, 2005, 2008, 2011, and 2012 -- have all occurred in the past 15 years.  And this year will top them all, I think its worse than all the ones in the 2000s combined.  Climate change in action, pretty much what they were predicting in the 90s.  OF course, you guys will blame liberals, or elves, or something.

...ummm... how about incread COSTS and increased services attached as part of the recovery efforts?
More people assigned and paid to do more, provide more, repair more and do so at lax levels of cost oversight ALWAYS. Leads to higher costs and reduced efficiencies, but you wouldn’t understand any of that. You live off the same taxpayers funding those same inefficient recovery efforts.

Spin Zone / Re: Climate change
« on: December 19, 2017, 09:16:07 PM »
IF the planet were to warm up a little, then food production should increase based on favorable climatic conditions.

However, mmgw whores, like Al Gore, would find their ocean front property slightly less valuable and that would be a crisis.

Every twist comes with a bit of turn back. Liberals see everything as a zero sum game and can't imagine anything beyond a static environment where it is easy to chart every factor, by ignoring the facts about human interaction.

It's like the fake arguments of liberals about the tax bill. If taxes lower, then many people spend more, causing increased demand, increased production, increased hiring, which leads to increased tax revenue.

Liberals can't imagine a world where this is possible because it doesn't fit their agenda, just like a climate that does whatever it chooses fails to fit their agenda and therefore is inconceivable.

Honestly, the whole thing is just another democrat scam.

Spin Zone / Re: Everybody Get In On This!
« on: December 19, 2017, 06:55:43 PM »
“...when I was very young I strongly felt like a male trapped in a female body....
...and then I was born!”

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