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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Hypocrisy.
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:32:40 AM »
Bill Clinton is not running for President.  However, Hillary has been complicit in his activities.  What is worse is her pay for play money taking from our enemies.  Bill did it also.  They have sold out are national interests. 

Spin Zone / Re: Can Clinton keep a (national security) secret?
« on: November 01, 2016, 12:57:32 AM »
I submit to you that the FBI has no evidence of wrongdoing--when the announcement had been made by Comey, the FBI hadn't even had gotten a warrant yet to read what was on the computer.  Announcing investigations against individuals before an indictment only casts suspicion on the person who may be innocent.  It's premature and downright prejudicial.

Trump is amoral and just a plain rich jerk who made his money cheating the little guy

And the Clinton's aren't RICH JERKS?  Making millions "giving speeches" which is really just influence peddling for large banks, corporations, and foreign governments.   Bill Clinton perjured himself, lied, and was impeached.  Hillary doesn't remember anything under scrutiny.  Comey, and the FBI already told you she broke the law, but didn't indict due to politics. 

Spin Zone / Re: Undecided voters
« on: November 01, 2016, 12:52:02 AM »
No need to go as far as Venezuela.  We have it right here in California.  Both the state assembly and senate are strongly Democratic (possibly after this election there will be a Dem supermajority), and our current governor is a Democrat.  Our next governor is virtually guaranteed to be Democrat.   All political districts are heavily gerrymandered to make certain the Democrat stranglehold is maintained.

So the rest of the nation can look to California to see how quickly the Democrats can bankrupt the country.  I find it hard to believe that anyone can, at this point, be undecided about the upcoming Presidential election.


I lived in California previously.  Bay area.  The coast controls the entire state.  L.A., and San Fran.  The interior of CA is pretty conservative, and are down trodden my the coastal snowflakes.  It is sad. 

Spin Zone / Re: Are there really "parallel universes"
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:38:08 PM »
Parallel universe?  Where I come from there is.

Spin Zone / Re: Are there really "parallel universes"
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:12:11 PM »
I truly feel FOX is the  most balanced, but obviously, they are biased too.

At least Fox tells you which shows are OPINION like Hannity, and O'Reilly, (which typically do present both sides), and which are more straight news like Bret Baier's show.  Shepherd Smith is a big lib, and Megyn Kelly leans that way also. 

Between the ages of about 6 through 15,  lived in the South West sections of Philly. 

I know the area well.  Born in South Philly but most of my life before college was spent in Springfield, Delco.  Back then it was like "Leave it to Beaver".

Back then, we were always out at night from after dinner to way after dark.  I don't remember our parents ever really worrying about us.

Yep, as long as you were home for dinner, then you could go out again afterwards, and nobody cared.  We survived just fine.  For Mischief Night we all wore dark clothing like it really mattered.  :)  Dark blue jeans (we called them Dungarees back then).  Dark navy blue hooded sweatshirt (before they were called hoodies), and black, hi top, Converse, Chuck Taylor "All Star" sneakers.  I never had Keds, or PF Flyers.  :) 

Had a couple of young ladies that lived in the neighborhood and owned a little sports car.  We picked it up and set it between tow trees.

We did that in college, especially to the good looking girls we "liked".  :)

What surprised me was that my parents allowed me to go out for Mischief Night, even at a pretty early age.  IIRC, around 8 or 9 years old.  They were typical, strict parents of that era (WW II generation), but I guess it was a tradition that they grew up with so we just did it, but again we never were vandals. 

I grew up in a typical middle class suburb outside of Philly.  We had the tradition of going out for Mischief Night, the night before Halloween.  We were never destructive, just pranksters.  We knew better, and feared the wrath of our parents, and friends parents should we committed any kind of vandalism.  Basically we would soap windows, TP trees, set off firecrackers, ring doorbells, and run, etc. 

Anyone else have that tradition growing up?  I believe it has faded away.  This is was in the 60's, and 70's. 

Spin Zone / Re: How to have a big crowd....
« on: October 31, 2016, 05:20:15 AM »
Hillary gets a few people, and the media tries to make it look large.  Trump gets tens of thousands, and the media tries to make them look racist. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 30, 2016, 03:11:19 PM »
That is beyond awesome.

Yes it is.  A lot of truth in that video.  The Democrats have ruled cities for over sixty years, and have had the Presidency, and Congress at times, and yet get NOTHING done but talk.  They are talkers, and promisers, yet nothing improves.  In fact, the Obama Admin has PURPOSELY divided us, and made us weaker domestically, and internationally.  That has been his goal from the beginning.  That is Fundamental Transformation. 

Spin Zone / Re: Karma
« on: October 30, 2016, 09:41:19 AM »
Ugh. For the first time in at least 8 years I watched This Week with  George "Clinton Apologist" Stephanopoulos, to see what the other side has to say about this.  Disgusting lack of concern about the potential substance of this letter, with 100% of the focus on the political implications to Clinton.

No need to watch ABC news any more.

George Stephanopoulos is just another media Democrat/Clinton operative like many on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc.  As you know he was Bill Clinton's Press Secretary before he went to ABC and became a "news" person.  What a joke. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:29:19 AM »
Every time I heard Hillary say she supported the 2nd amendment, including the right to bear arms, it was ALWAYS followed with a "But . . ."  and included something about "sensible regulations and restrictions".

She respects the 2A as a GOVERNMENT only right, not an individual right.  Of course she has armed guards 24/7 so her rights are guaranteed. 

Spin Zone / Re: Karma
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:27:42 AM »
I know all about the  Clinton's getting a pass because they are, well, ... Clinton's.

But I just don't understand how they got a pass when, after their emails were subpoenaed, they deleted 30,000 of them on their own with the feeble justification of "they were personal". 

Am I mistaken about this?  How could the justice department just ignore that?  Am I wrong in thinking that once something is subpoenaed, it MUST be turned over?

Loretta Lynch, and the Justice Department are political operatives, an arm of the Obama Admin, and the Democrat machine.  They are not accountable to anyone else unless there is some kind of revolution, and they get pulled out of their limousines, and get tarred, and feathered. 

Spin Zone / Re: Karma
« on: October 30, 2016, 07:45:15 AM »
Hillary, and Bill are obvious CRIMINALS.  They have skirted the law, and have been given a pass due to their political status, and now status as puppets of Soros, and foreign governments, and interests.  They have become wealthy from selling influence to enemies of the U.S.  They are traitors of the highest order.  The media has largely covered up, and under reported their illegal, unethical, and immoral activities.  It is about time the rule of law re-emerges in this country, and they finally get what is coming to them.     

Spin Zone / Re: The new religious freedom
« on: October 30, 2016, 06:49:43 AM »
If they wanted to the change to be for freedom then I could support that.  But sadly they are moving everyone toward a place where the government compels the behavior that is acceptable to the ruling elites.  It will be decades before there is real freedom again, if ever.

The only change that GOVERNMENT condones, and promotes is the growth, and power of government, and more restrictions on the populace. 

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