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Messages - Anthony

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Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 02:21:01 PM »
I will agree that all the candidates that are on the ballad are very, very FLAWED including Trump, Hillary, and Johnson.  However, at least Trump is SAYING the right thing regarding the economy, and the SCOTUS.  Will he follow through with them?  I don't know.  However, I do know that Hillary will follow through with her destructive policies, and continue Obama's march to the sea. 

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 09:26:06 AM »
I vote for a person who I sincerely believe can lead our great country in a general direction of which I am comfortable. My vote is sacred. My vote is powerful. With it I can help effect change. With it I can send a message.

Your vote is meaningless.

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 08:49:08 AM »
what's more disappointing is that 2 people would vote for the corrupt doormat.

I would expect our liberal/progressive members to vote for anyone if they are a Democrat.  That doesn't surprise me as much as a vote for Johnson who has no shot.   

Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 08:25:25 AM »
Wow, five people throwing away their vote for Johnson?  That surprises me. 

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:19:52 AM »
So Anthony claims he never partook of the girls' charms, but cleverly set up the whole reveal to help save the country from Trump.

Hey, leave my girls out of this OK? 


Spin Zone / Re: Your 2016 Presidential Vote:
« on: October 29, 2016, 03:17:10 AM »
I'll vote for HRC for one simple reason, a win for her will keep the stock market calm, priority is my retirement fund and a Trump win could cause the markets to react negatively and tank everyone's 401k.

If you are in stocks, you are not being very wise right now, no matter who is president. 

Spin Zone / Re: "We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her"
« on: October 28, 2016, 03:44:24 PM »
I'm voting single issue Second Amendment this election.  ;)

Ha, I get it. 

Spin Zone / Re: Helping Hill up the steps, one last time
« on: October 28, 2016, 03:41:58 PM »
Well she needs to just go away.  She is disgusting.  Maybe a Gulag in Siberia would be better. 

Spin Zone / Re: "We Need To Clean This Up - Obama Has Emails From Her"
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:51:17 PM »
As many times as people attempt to shove me into their little box and assume I'm doing so. By the way, feel free to address me directly. I'm right here reading along.  :)

Jill Stein or write in Elizabeth Warren?  :)

Spin Zone / Re: Berkeley protestors block white students
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:46:49 PM »
It's one thing to eat lunch with folks of your color (and in my experience, it's not often exclusively so).  It's another thing to demand that others create a space designed solely for your race. And it's COMPLETELY another thing to suggest that black folks be allowed to use a portion of the US as a mono-color country for a single race (as Jaybird has suggested).  Both of those latter options are the wrong direction.

Totally agree. 

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:47:23 AM »
Except the state legislators are also polluted with the same mentality, and many of those aspire to the national level (congress).  It's a cash cow due to voter apathy that keeps these slugs in office. 

 The state people are not going to piss off the national people (political party) because they know which side their bread is buttered on.

 Politics today is like winning the lottery, once in and established many realize wealth that they could never achieve on the private side.

I have two friends, one was my roommate when I was just out of school, and started working full time.  One eventually became a U.S. Congressmen, and one became a U.S. Senator.  Both eventually were voted out of office after serving multiple terms.  Both became wealthy in office, then out of office as LOBBYISTS.  That's where they really are making money.  Influence peddling.  It is exactly like winning the lottery.  It is all about personal gain with these guys.   

Spin Zone / Re: It Should Have Taken Her Down
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:06:23 AM »
Get your state legislators to get off their ass and pass a resolution to participate in an Article V Convention of the States, and a term limit amendment will bypass Congress entirely.

That's the beauty of what the Founders gave us. They knew that this day would come, and they gave us a second way to assert the power of the People.

Doubtful.  My state senator, a "Republican" co-sponsored, with a Democrat, a gas tax increase bill ($.30 MORE per gallon).  It was signed by our then "Republican" Governor.  I guess he thought it would garner him bipartisan support in his upcoming re-election campaign.  It didn't.  We have a Democrat governor now, in the Obama/Hillary mold. 

Oh yeah, the money from the tax increase was supposed to go to road, and bridge repair, but in reality is going to public transportation union wage increases and "green" buses. 

Spin Zone / Re: Grifters
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:02:15 AM »
I really wish you were wrong, but sadly I feel you're correct. This election is a true turning point in the history of the US, probably the most important  since WWII. I try to stress this to other people, and they look at me like I'm nuts. Maybe I am nuts, but this one is for all the marbles, folks. If HRC is elected, there is no turning back. Immigration reform alone will swell the DNC voting block so as to make any other party, including Republicans, irrelevant.

Yes!  The hordes of immigrants that will vote Democrat will change the demographic forever, and with the SCOTUS appointees, the next fifty years, at least, will be a nightmare.  To undo what Hillary, and the Democrats will not be possible by voting, as we will neither have the votes, nor can undo the SC make up.  It would require a much harsher solution, which isn't good either. 

Spin Zone / Re: Oregon standoff leaders verdict
« on: October 28, 2016, 06:25:26 AM »
This kind of crap happens every day, but you don't see it reported. For those who think cops will not enforce the illegal actions of their overlords (like gun confiscation) you need to think deeper.

In many instances, police are just legalized MAFIA.  They will obey whomever pays them, and gives them a pension with full benefits.  Today police demand immediate submission, as typically there is no recourse to their abuse. 

Spin Zone / Re: Grifters
« on: October 28, 2016, 06:22:02 AM »
If this criminal gets elected, or re-elected, as I believe she was Bill's string puller when he was "president", this country is over.  Done.  Kiss it good bye.  Here's what we can expect, not necessarily in order.

Far left, anti 2A justices appointed to SCOTUS
Court ruling the 2A is only a government right, not an individual right
More man made climate change regulations, and taxes
Energy prices skyrocket
Obamacare costs continue to increase rapidly
Single payer healthcare.  Healthcare rationing.
Further weakening of military
Further weakening of international standing
Open borders, more hoards of criminals, terrorists, and the poor looking for handouts.
Higher income taxes on middle income earners
Unemployment continues to rise
Poor economy, where the select few succeed.
Corrupt, crony socialism

This is just a start. 


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