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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 313 314 [315] 316 317 ... 714
Spin Zone / Re: Juneteenth
« on: June 19, 2020, 11:46:53 AM »
And almost every year those celebrating it choose to dignify the sacrifice of those before them by killing each other.
Exactly. I never heard of it until I moved here. Then among all the wonderful summer festivals:  Polish Fest, Irish Fest, Bastille Days, Summerfest, German Fest, etc, in comes Juneteenth which becomes violent year after year. 

Spin Zone / Re: What if?
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:55:54 AM »
For those leftist cities on bodies of water:

Spin Zone / Re: Juneteenth
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:35:08 AM »
Milwaukee was one of the first northern cities to celebrate Juneteenth, and it is actively celebrating and encouraging it this week.

Meanwhile every Memorial Day, Independence Day, Festival, and Summerfest has been canceled.

Spin Zone / Re: interstate travel - what's the point of quarantine?
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:27:17 AM »
I’m surprised Minnesota didn’t require the arsonists and looters from out of state to quarantine for 14 days before they burned down buildings and stole TVs.

Spin Zone / Re: I’m Boycotting These Companies
« on: June 19, 2020, 09:51:29 AM »

Never again.
And to think the number of Christians who patronized CFA restaurants after he stood tall when the mob tried to take him out because of his religious beliefs.


Spin Zone / Re: RUSH, Where are you?
« on: June 19, 2020, 08:59:31 AM »
I though Joe's wife was a Vet.  He is as well?

My Dad was a Dentist.  Right up there with suicide rates.  Who likes to go to the Dentist?  (I do, but I am weird).  Why are Vet rates high?  Sadness having to put down Rover and Fluffy all the time???
Vet rates are high, I believe, because they deal with a lot of death, including euthanasia.  They are by their nature unbelievably compassionate and caring people who aren’t in it for the money, and when they fail, or if their clients can’t pay for services, the animals suffer or die or are put down. 

My daughter does small animal surgery one day a week, but otherwise she’s a large animal (mostly dairy) vet.  Some farmers can’t afford surgery to save the animal, so my daughter has to tell them to sell the cow, or if there is no medicines in its system, then kill it and butcher it. If they don’t want to shoot it, she has a tool called a captive bolt, which is basically a gun with a .22 blank round that shoots a rod about 4-6” out the front. She has to put it up to the skull of a bovine in a certain spot and it puts a hole in their skull which stuns it. Then she takes a long screw driver and scrambled to brain to humanly kill it. That is better than using what she calls “blue juice,” which is a euthanasia drug that she would inject straight into the heart. If they have to do that, then the farmer Is legally required to bury the cow a minimum of 6’ deep, because any animal like a coyote that digs it up and eats it will die.

95+% of her dairy clients are good and compassionate dairymen, who treat their cows well and take losses personally. The other minority who are not humane keep her up at night with worry when she leaves their farm after an emergency call.

Not all calvings go well. Sometimes the calf is dead inside the mother before she gets there. If it is not moving and for some reason she can’t do a C section (maybe the farmer doesn’t want to pay for a C section for a dead calf), she has a tool that she can insert so she can saw the calf apart inside the cow so she can get it out in pieces.

There are so many highs and lows for them. So when they have a high, like this successful C section, we celebrate with her. She has a good head on her shoulders, but we always worry.

Here’s that same heifer on her one year birthday. The lovely farm family was so appreciative that they named her after my daughter.


So Trump can't cancel an administrative policy because he didn't follow the letter of the law to terminate something that was never law.  Did I get that straight? 

Spin Zone / Re: RUSH, Where are you?
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:37:31 PM »
I'm not going to make any apologies, but I was going through a pretty bad situation at the time and my sense of humor was probably taking a leave of absence.  But it does go to show how words can hurt.  And a lot of people on this board have no problem using words to hurt anyone they don't agree with.  You don't have to be a liberal snowflake to think that people should be nice to each other.
Actually, I don't believe that is accurate.  I have honestly come to the conclusion that my life really doesn't matter, and I will probably be relieved when it is over.  I just wish human doctors could perform euthanasia like veterinarians do.
As I’m sure you know, suicide among veterinarians is 3.5 times higher than the general population. It’s a huge issue, but sadly is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Spin Zone / Re: What if?
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:30:21 PM »
Just for the sake of conversation, let's say the US erupts into a civil war, and the blue states decide to secede from the union and create their own liberal/progressive environmentally friendly utopia.

 Of course, there will be a mass migration of conservatives from those states relocating to the free states.

 So where will their (blue state union) money come from?  Of course they can just raise the taxes, create universal income and universal healthcare.  They will have the silicon valley, Wall Street as well as some forms of manufacturing.

 They'll save money by not having any police departments to fund, and of course no military to fund.

 Think they'll have open borders?  Sanctuary cities?
Such as session will last as long as Chaz “residents” can prevent horrific body odor.

I’m guessing they’ve already jumped the shark on that.

Spin Zone / Re: RUSH, Where are you?
« on: June 18, 2020, 12:59:33 PM »
Definitely my opinion, but not strictly mine.  Many people have voiced the same opinion.  If I didn't agree with 90% of what the echo chamber here believes, I would leave too.  But on the few times I do disagree, I feel the same kind of heat a black person feels from the left when they leave the plantation.
I do remember when you were quite upset when I once said that Rush and Becky could stay, but the rest of you could fuck off. Everyone took it for the humor that it was except you.

Here, maybe this will help:

“Joe’s life matters”

Yes, well be afraid, because we (the dissenters who say Never Again) are the ones they're going to herd onto freight trains and into the showers.

This may very well become a business school case study on "how to kill a brand".  I'm betting Log Cabin is jumping for joy because they still have the name recognition.
Not likely.

Log Cabin syrup was invented in 1887 by someone who’s childhood hero was Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was born in a one room log cabin in Kentucky.

Kentucky was a confederate state.

Ergo, Log Cabin syrup is racist.

You’d better get more woke, er get better woke, er well just wake the hell up and check your white privilege sir! 

(I think I’m getting the hang of this new awakeness thing.)

Uncle Ben is now gone.  Un freaking believable.
So let me get this straight. In order to aid in race relations and help eliminate racism, we are wiping from all memory the existence of real black or Native American people, or representations of black or Native American people often drawn by black or Native American artists, because they are black or Native American people and that might offend black or Native American people from seeing black or Native American people represented from an historical perspective? 

Do I have that correct? 

Think of all the racist white moms and white kids who had the audacity to actually eat oatmeal or syrup or butter or cheese that had black or Native American people on their packaging. I’m so ashamed of being white.

Spin Zone / Re: Masks
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:31:22 AM »

Spin Zone / Fighting Back
« on: June 17, 2020, 09:27:14 AM »
I agree with the Seattle example, but it is not just Seattle.  So Republicans are powerless in every State that has have Covid-19 over reaction and over reach?  How about combating BLM and ANTIFA in a Republican controlled State with an out of control Democrat City?   No, it is not the Republican's fault what we are seeing, but they could be doing more and they aren't.  Why?
Speaking of Antifa:

I have a specially relationship with a retired college professor who figuratively saved my daughter’s life. He’s a good man, but having spent 4+ decades in academia, he’s a leftie.

I recently sent him an email entitled “Losing Faith in my Fellow Americans”.  He responded earlier today. Here’s an excerpt:

[Stan] “Instead, mayors and governors (in 100% democrat-controlled cities) have let anarchy rule, turning citizen against citizen, black against white, and white against black.  Speaking of anarchy, the most ironically named group, Antifa, is a terrorist group that is receiving unfathomable quarter from virtually every mayor and police chief in our great large cities.”

[Jim]. “I’m sorry my friend but (and there is data from the FBI to back this up) of all of those arrested fewer than 10 individuals have any ties to “Antifa” - that is something that was drummed up by President Trump - your president and mine - as a way to explain away the anger in people like me because of the horrible treatment people of color receive from the police. There is no data to back up your claim or any claim about Antifa - I have to strongly disagree there.”

So I will be asking him in my follow up that (1) are you actually defending Antifa?; and (2) if it wasn’t Antifa, then do you agree it must be BLM that has caused such damage and violence and death? 

So sad to see good people fall so far off the rails.

By the way, Jim’s a Biologist. He has written several anatomy books used in Med School, so he’s not a liberal arts type. Still, as we’ve seen with our resident PhD, radicalism knows no departmental bounds.

And Jim’s not his real name.

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