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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: Some people did something
« on: December 08, 2023, 05:19:11 AM »
I wasn’t around for WW2 but my parents were. The direct impact on me was my father and mother traveling to attend the reunions of Dad’s army buddies. I sensed a tight bond among those guys that I didn’t understand as a child.

So you spend a couple years among a group of random strangers, and for the rest of your lives you act like you were all born from the same mother?  They were in their 80s and still traveling all over the country for those reunions.  Made no sense to me as a kid but now I know.

RIP Dad, and all who fought in that war.

Spin Zone / Some people did something
« on: December 07, 2023, 07:56:20 PM »
82 years ago on this date.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic altar boys
« on: December 07, 2023, 09:44:32 AM »
I wouldn't support banning home-schooling.  But I have seen some tragic results from idiots trying to home-school their kids.  Namely my ex-SIL and my four nephews, along with a few others.  My nephews spent more time going shopping with their mother and playing video games than studying.

On the other hand, I have seen some terrific results too.  Personally I would like to see the home-schoolers take on that job part-time when the kids come home from the other school.  Socialization and structure are important parts of education.

I'm not sure how I would feel about giving home schooled kids some sort of progress testing, even if it is voluntary.
They do have such testing, and I know for my two nephews it was voluntary. Maybe it depends on the state. My brother and his wife home schooled their boys until high school. They blew the doors off the SAT and got into some good universities.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic altar boys
« on: December 07, 2023, 06:01:15 AM »
Parents need to first teach good study habits.  They will need that for the rest of their lives.

True however it is also genetic. Study habits require the ability to delay gratification. The inability to delay gratification is associated with certain personality disorders and also with low IQ.  Not all people are born to become good academics.  One of the biggest mistakes this country made is assuming all children should go to college and therefore all public school emphasizes preparation for college, NOT life skills such as managing household finances, navigating insurance and legal matters, how to build wealth, how to avoid society’s pitfalls, and most important, trade skills.

By pushing everyone to college we’ve created a disaster of student loan debt, and people with worthless degrees, or people who flunked out because they were never built for higher learning in the first place.  And that doesn’t even begin to address the damage done by indoctrinating all college students into Marxism.

But nevertheless we do need to teach all children basic literacy and basic math.  It doesn’t seem like the public schools are doing a good job of this.


  We elect presidents based upon the electoral college, not on popular vote (nationwide).
This is exactly why I don't trust polls.  Trump leads by x% nationally.  So what?  That kind of statement is meaningless for the general election.  Trump leads the primaries by x% is also meaningless.  And the population sampled, the means, and a lot of other factors need to be described.  The poll has to be state-by-state to have any predictive power on the general election.  You may get a general "feeling" but this far out and with questionable polling methods it says nothing at all.  Add in the MSM spin on the poll and it says less than nothing.  Add in the retribution to anyone who says that they are voting for Trump and you get less than that.  (Refer to the fucktard prosecution getting the names of everyone who liked or retweeted a Trump tweet.)

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic alter boys
« on: December 05, 2023, 07:36:05 PM »

Bold part: blatant entrapment
Not to nitpick, but it’s “Altar boys.  Alter boys are what Riley Gaines is fighting against. ;)

If Trump was aiming for dictator, why didn't he just do it before?  They sure are scared about him winning next year.

   Terrified is the word.   

   And when people are desperate, they do really stupid things.

Spin Zone / Re: FBI is busy entrapping Catholic alter boys
« on: December 05, 2023, 06:42:43 AM »
Why the reference them being Catholic other than to slur Christians?

Yep. They want to plant the idea in the public’s mind that “Catholic” equals “terrorist”.  It is a classic propaganda technique.

Spin Zone / Re: Covidiocy Continued
« on: December 04, 2023, 01:55:36 PM »
If the disclosed stats were from batches that were used in senior living centers the death rates might be within norms for those populations. I see only 10 batches mentioned with the largest batch number of 72. What were the death rates of the other 62 batches in that number range? Keep in mind that selecting only batches with the highest death rates is by definition selection bias, making any conclusions of little value.

   Shouldn't that data be public information to begin with?   What's with the secrecy?   


Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 01, 2023, 05:04:33 AM »
Name one that doesn't.

Name one human that doesn’t. All verbal descriptions of anything that has happened are by definition an approximation, not reality.  This is very well understood by lawyers, prosecutors, and police. This is the very reason we have the fifth amendment because any of us, relating the exact same event two different times will have some variance between them that will be called a “lie”.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:11:26 AM »
Now Rush. Do you reeeeealy think Trump didn’t intend to say he got the endorsement of BLM?  Or did he just assume every black person and every Trump supporter would be able to parse the precise words that he used and only assume it was one person’s endorsement?


I don’t know what he intended. Who cares what he says? He has always spoken in hyperbole. “Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”  Really?  You think every time he’s said that it was actually the biggest most beautiful whatever in the whole history of mankind?

You can’t take anything he says literally. I just care about what he does, not says.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 30, 2023, 01:25:58 PM »
One local leader did. Can't find any evidence of wider support - mostly denials from other BLM leaders.

Yeah I knew about that one guy. I thought we talked about it somewhere here. I want to know what Trump said about it. Stan said he “embraced” the BLM endorsement.  He literally said “Exhibit A”, so I want to see the exhibit. I want to know if Trump implied that the entire BLM organization is fine with him. Which it shouldn’t be, on the highest level it is a scam. But that doesn’t mean local leaders aren’t working for good within their own communities. Trump not only would endorse that, his policies in his first term supported the like. (Investing in minority communities.)

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 30, 2023, 08:52:23 AM »
I think picking Haley as VP would be a good idea, and the sooner the better.  It would pretty much end the rest of the alternate candidates campaigns and it would help win a lot of the moderate (RINO) votes and some of the anti-Trump votes and it would help put Trump in the White House.

Or am I under the false impression that winning is the goal?

One of the problems with Trump’s first term is he took bad advice from people he trusted but shouldn’t have.  I fear he may do the same with Haley (if he’s allowed to live that is).  For example, he might end up getting us in a war due to her urging instead of following his own instincts.  Women have a way of manipulating men, sorry to say, and he’s probably not immune to that.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 30, 2023, 06:20:31 AM »
File this under "YHGTBSM"

He’s an idiot but it’s not unexpected.  If the Uniparty has to have Trump, they want to get one of their own in as VP.

This needs to get far more publicity than it's getting.  This sort of shit should scare EVERYONE about how far the state has gone into persecuting its citizens.  But it will be ignored because TDS runs deep.  It would be hard to imagine the uproar if the same thing happened to FJB's supporters.  The only bright news may be that Trump's tweets were commented on negatively and anti-Trumps would be caught up in the same net.

Won’t get publicity because the communist left own the media. 

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