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Messages - EppyGA - White Christian Domestic Terrorist

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Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 15, 2023, 05:47:12 AM »
Totally germane to the topic, my internet is out.  I’m using my phone’s hotspot which is overloaded because everyone in this neighborhood must be doing it.  They tell me it will be fixed by 9:30.  It was out when I woke up at 4:30 am.

Guess which sex are outside at 5:00 in the morning climbing poles and whatnot trying to fix my internet?  Yeah, I don’t need no man.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 15, 2023, 05:40:17 AM »
Mostly a lack of wanting to gain the knowledge.  Why learn to do something when you can just pay someone else to do it for you.  In the last month I flushed and changed the fluid in my automatic transmission, changed the oil and filter and rotated the tires.  How many younger men today could be bothered with such things.   So much of the knowledge is available today by watching a video on YouTube. all they have to do is look for it.

The inability of young men to do basic stuff like that is downright frightening.  Because not only are they unable to do such stuff for themselves, they aren’t interested in getting jobs to do it, so it will become increasingly hard to find someone to pay to do it for you.  I guess in theory the market supply and demand should result in high pay for such jobs and an influx of men to take them. But not if men decide they want to be lazy and live in mom’s basement instead of getting any kind of job at all.  And why get a job if no girl will date you and you have no prospect of marrying?

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 15, 2023, 05:18:34 AM »
I've often thought we should have a "day without men" day.
Or maybe "a day without white men",
or even "a day without old white men".

We (old white men) don't get no respect anymore.
And to save Lucifer a little time and typing, Poor me!  ;)

Old white men leaving the work force is becoming a big problem.  They have the knowledge and there is a lack of it among the young ones.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: November 15, 2023, 04:24:01 AM »
Another massive R failure to read the room.  Nikki Haley wants to force us all to post under our real names on social media. That plus her warmongering means I will never vote for her. If she somehow ends up the GOP nominee I WILL vote for RFKJr I promise you.

Spin Zone / Re: The Pathetic State of the Republican Party
« on: November 14, 2023, 11:46:51 PM »

The Democrats May Or May Not Win The Next Election - But The Republicans Show Every Indication They Will Lose It

"We’ve become a party of losers at the end of the day.”

“I think there is something deeper going on in the Republican party here, and I am upset about what happened last night.”

“Let’s speak the truth. Since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost 2018, 2020, 2022. No red wave that never came.”

“We got trounced last night in 2023, and I think we have to have accountability in our party.”

Vivek Ramaswamy during the most recent Republican Presidential debate. He then asked Ronna McDaniel to resign.

I am not a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy for President, but let’s be clear. The man is speaking truth. The Republican Party is on the wrong track. Joe Biden is likely the worst President in American history. The economy is a disaster. The world is on fire. The country is awash in illegal immigrants. Every poll shows Biden and the Democrats are hugely unpopular.

Still, the Republicans find a way to lose.

The conventional wisdom amongst establishment Republicans is that people are rejecting MAGA “extremism.” They see in the election results evidence to support their belief that the only way ahead is to back away from ‘America First’ policies and return to the kind of neo-con principles the party championed in the 90s.

The establishment has it exactly backwards. It is the hostility of the party hierarchy to the MAGA movement that is killing Republicans at the polls.

All of the energy in the Republican Party is at the grassroots level where people are overwhelmingly supporters of Donald Trump and his agenda. In fact, even amongst those people who may find Trump personally not their cup of tea, his platform is still wildly popular. The Republican base wants: terms limits, free and fair elections, an end to endless war abroad, a tough line on China, the reindustrialization of the United States, the end of aggressive woke policies aimed at remaking America in some Marxist image, and secure borders.

Perhaps more than any of that, though, they want people who will fight. The base has no trust in the outcome of elections anymore, and yet they see that none of their elected representatives are doing anything to fix the broken electoral system. The base sees that Biden is hopelessly corrupt and likely compromised by hostile foreign powers and yet they wait in vain for any meaningful effort to remove him from office. The base knows there is no border anymore, that our nation is being invaded, and that it is American citizens who are paying the bill for the unfolding disaster, and yet they can find virtually no one who will take action to end this insanity.

The base is angry, increasingly impoverished, and rapidly losing faith in all of the core institutions of our government and society. They want someone to stand up, speak truth, and throw some punches. Other than Trump they see no one willing to do so.

Instead, the base is told over and over again to get behind establishment candidates who do not share their beliefs and show no inclination to tackle real issues. When MAGA candidates do emerge they are systematically eliminated by an entrenched GOP establishment that cuts them off from funding, refuses to endorse them, and then punishes any party officials who step out of line and get behind a “populist” candidate.

The result is electoral disaster. Establishment candidates like Mehmet Oz are trotted out and the base of the party is effectively ordered to get behind them. The lack of enthusiasm is palpable. People stay home in droves on election day. Many have simply stopped voting entirely.

The GOP establishment continues to believe that it can simply demand that registered Republicans vote for anyone with an “R” next to their name. Those days are long gone. If you cannot show by your actions that you stand with the MAGA movement, you will be ignored and considered as bad or worse than the Democrat running against you.

At a recent GOP luncheon, I sat and listened as probably a dozen Republican candidates for office got up and spoke. For fun, I jotted down a couple of dozen issues that I hear people discuss every time I go to a MAGA event in my state of Pennsylvania. I then waited to see how many of these Republican candidates would discuss any of these issues.

Only one did. He mentioned the border for about ten seconds. No one else took time to discuss any of the things infuriating members of the party. Their speeches all amounted to the same thing. I am a Republican – vote for me.

The 2024 election is right around the corner. The GOP establishment shows no signs of changing course or learning from its mistakes. The truth is, I am afraid, the party would rather lose to the Dems than allow the base of the party to take control.

Increasingly Blacks and Latinos are lining up behind Trump; the results could be seismic. Party leaders could care less. Change means a possible loss of control. Letting the people rule is too terrifying for the cabal to contemplate.

The Democrats may or may not win the next election. But, the Republicans show every indication they will lose it.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 14, 2023, 03:14:02 PM »
It’s really a bit difficult to discuss abortion in a purely clinical way. What’s going on with it is an abrupt killing of a growing human being, and that, aside from homiciding the baby as we have discussed, is not without severe consequences to the mother, even if she does not want a child. Her body and brain have begun to change and adapt to the presence of the fetus, and violently removing the fetus has devastating effects.

I worked a crisis line and women in their 50’s and 60’s would call just to cry and talk to someone about how they were still grieving the loss of the baby they chose to abort, and thought about it constantly, thinking what he or she might look like, how old he or she would be today, and of course feeling love toward the child that died. Literally, the decision to kill your developing child carries with it the agonizing and never ending realization that you have killed  someone. And to kill your own child, in most societies, is the ultimate taboo. The women who called the crisis line almost always were talked into killing the baby by a boyfriend or parent.

The book “The Hand of God” by Dr. Bernard Nathanson is most searingly honest and detailed one you can read about a Jewish doctor who goes from pioneering clinical abortions and performing thousands, to seeing what he has done, converting to Catholicism, and working for the rest of his career to discourage abortions.

This is why we must stop disconnecting the act that creates babies from the responsibility that natural law irrevocably connects to it. We cannot undo the grief and agony of women who are led or pressured into doing something, disguised as merely “an option,” that forever haunts them with a poisoning grief and regret.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 14, 2023, 08:26:55 AM »
One tiny correction. The right to keep and bear arms is not granted by the Constitution, but is guaranteed by the Constitution.

A “right” granted by the Government is no right at all, as it can be taken away just as easily as it was granted.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 14, 2023, 06:33:20 AM »
A woman who lives about a mile from me was walking her dog this last Sunday when a black Mercedes vehicle came up next to her at an intersection. The driver rolled down the passenger window and pointed a handgun at her for about 10 seconds, then drove off. All was reported to the police of course, but when she posted it on the neighborhood app, discussion ensued. She actually WAS carrying, but decided if she pulled her gun he would be more likely to shoot, so she stood still.

That said, I’m beginning to think that whatever lies ahead, more good people being armed is a good thing. If cells rise up they can be killed immediately.

Never thought I’d be saying things like this in my lifetime. I grew up here and it’s been a peaceful haven. Now the crime is growing. 

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 13, 2023, 04:41:16 AM »
It happens a lot and more often than not the Perp runs away, and it is never reported to the police because there is nothing to report beyond "Bad Guy got scared after seeing the good guy's gun". If it is reported, or the gun is discharged in legitimate self-defense, yes is it often BURIED by the Media as they want to confiscate your guns too.

That happened to my brother. I’ve told this story before but I will again. He was alone in a parking lot walking back to his car when another car pulled up, left the engine running and three men got out and approached him. The one in front of him asked for directions and the others started moving around to his side. Just then the wind happened to catch his jacket and blow it slightly open, so he moved his arm to push it back more to reveal the sidearm on his hip, as he was politely giving the directions they’d asked for. They stopped in their tracks, got back in the car and left.

Does anyone believe for a second that three grown men were legit asking directions?  And had to get out of the car or do it?  While moving to flank my brother?  Of course not. They were going to rob him or worse.

He never even had to draw the gun.  He didn’t report it because there was nothing to report.  Yet it is a near certainty a gun had just stopped a crime.

And what of all the crime that guns stop even if not seen?  Even if they aren’t there?  In areas where conceal carry is allowed there is significantly less crime, because the criminals know the victim could be armed.  The anti-gun nuts and lying media never acknowledge this fact.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 11, 2023, 10:44:43 AM »
Now I’m fantasizing about dick control laws. Women definitely could benefit. Just think, check his record for red flags, have a pleasant date and get to know each other in dick-free zones, limit the size of dicks one can have, it goes on and on. And yes, if the dick is used irresponsibly it gets taken away. What with our sophisticated surgeries now, piece of cake!

The size limit needs to have upper and lower boundaries.

Spin Zone / Thank you Veterans
« on: November 10, 2023, 12:38:33 PM »
In anticipation of the official Veterans day 11 Nov, please allow me to thank all the are serving and have served.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 10, 2023, 07:56:01 AM »
Literally every compromise conservatives make is met by ridicule from the liberals. Republicans are Charlie Brown, and democrats are Lucy.

And the only way to end that cycle is for the opposition to fight the communist democrat party the exact same way they fight us.

You don't negotiate with terrorists, and this last 2 weeks have shown the communist/fascist democrat party with their sheet pulled back. They are a party of terror, racism, hate, and violence.

fuck them and their feelings.

Spin Zone / Re: 2024 Presidential "Election"
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:21:08 AM »
The siren song of every mushy middler is that WE must compromise.
When have the fucking liberals EVER compromised?????
Compromise is what gives lefties a boner every time, because compromise to a democrat is they take what they want and we give it to them.

Pilot Zone / Re: Blue Skies and Tailwinds to Frank Borman
« on: November 09, 2023, 05:20:52 PM »
What a career. I read the whole thing. And married for over 70 years. A rich, full, satisfying life.

Spin Zone / Re: The EV fantasy
« on: November 09, 2023, 04:11:03 PM »
We don't need coal. We have plenty natural gas to fire new generation.
Yeah, but Natural Gas doesn't pollute the atmosphere enough to limit the sun's warming effects on our climate.

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