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Messages - Number7

Pages: 1 ... 308 309 [310] 311 312 ... 544
As dumb as a stump...
Blind as a bat...
Self Centered beyond belief...
Lies like a persian rug (or just a persian, when you think about it)...
Perfect for the communist (democrat) party.

The mayor of a small town in South Carolina remains adamant that she was targeted in a hate crime despite police determining that the yellow substance found all over the car was pollen.

Darnell Byrd McPherson, the volunteer mayor of Lamar, told Newsweek that she filed a police report on Feb. 7 claiming that a “yellow, sticky substance” had been found all over her’s and her husband’s cars.

“I likened it as a hate crime because No. 1, there’s a history in our town of Lamar,” she said.

In a statement to a local ABC affiliate, Ms. McPherson claimed that during the 1970s, “crosses were burned in the yard of our home when my Mother was involved with the civil rights movement. On this very same corner in this very same front yard!”

Ms. McPherson complained that police never took a sample of the substance on their cars before they were cleaned the next day.

The communist party (democrats) are tearing them selves apart right now.

Communists (democrats) can't help themselves. The lust for power is so much stronger than the desire to win that it is almost sad to see them ripping their election (fraud) victories asunder.

Pelosi is senile.
Schumer makes Al Capone look like a choir boy.
Nadler makes me laugh. he doesn't even have to speak. He is just a big, fat, joke.
Schiff is psychotic and looks like a halloween mask.
The three muslims are sickening, but entertaining in a morbid kind of way.
Max maxi is a walking tampon.
Spartacus is a pathetic statue trying to pretend to have a clue.

The whole party is defined by stormy daniels - a WHORE out for money and attention. That describes the entire democrat party.

Stand by for know nothing progressives to declare that noticing criminal behavior by the lunatic is racist.

Not a progressive, and not convinced by EITHER side in this. There are just too many unanswered questions.

Only in the minds of people who think thatmsnbc is a bastion of truth and that Fox News is a propaganda arm.

Pilot Zone / Re: A Few Aviation Questions
« on: March 03, 2019, 07:25:37 AM »
Where’s Henning when you need him?

Isn't he sitting in for the Dali Lama these days???

Pilot Zone / Re: Kitfox
« on: March 03, 2019, 07:21:25 AM »
I flew the Kit Fox for a couple of years and loved how easy they are to handle. It can get a little bumpy landing in a crosswind, but you can most often turn to meet the wind and still stop before you run out of runway.

They don't burn much fuel - something like 5 gallons an hour. It could even be less, but it's been a while.

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: March 01, 2019, 04:04:43 PM »
No wonder his students dispise him with such vehemence....

Spin Zone / Re: Ending Congress Pensions Legislation!
« on: March 01, 2019, 04:03:36 PM »
That ‘damned’ Trump strikes again.
Imagine hating congress members enough to allow a congress member topropose ending some of their outrageous perks?
He must be impeached for this...

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: March 01, 2019, 11:40:28 AM »
Steingar is an idiot that finds comfort in the lies he tells everyone about his skills, education, IQ, talents and experience.

Then he applies those lies to the entire world to narrow the field of vision enough that he can lie to himself about everything once it is filtered through his prism of ignorance.

Perhaps he can't find his nut?

Assuming he ever had any...

We've already done that over and over.  You're just trolling.  Try again.

Don’t feed the moron.
He hasn’t the brains to understand things.

I gotta admit, Michael wins this one. :)

It’s hard To type on an iPhone that keeps respelling things.

Even the blind squirrel gets a nut.
However, you never seem to win. Just whine like a fucking drama queen and lie about republicans.

I guess you are entertaining by me f to ouikewatxhibg a slow motion train wreck caused y anegotisticaldriverthat thinks the train should stop on a dime, against the rules of physics, because he is soooo important

Spin Zone / Re: The Hard Left and Treasonous Repubs never sleep
« on: February 28, 2019, 08:50:17 AM »
Mikey would rather kill, or die than look at the facts instead of his precious delusions.

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