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Messages - nddons

Pages: 1 ... 110 111 [112] 113 114 ... 134
Spin Zone / Re: The Truth About Islam
« on: March 29, 2017, 08:50:38 AM »
Stan.  I wasn't saying that at all.  Maybe I wasn't clear.  I have no problem with public displays of religion in the public venue.
No, I know you don't, and I didn't mean to infer that you did. I wasn't clear either.  I was just exclaiming about the "Freedom FROM Religion" types who make such an unreasonable stretch.  In other words, I have no patience for people who fight to have all evidence of religion erased from the public square.

Spin Zone / Re: Thoughts on health care in the US.
« on: March 29, 2017, 07:40:02 AM »
I don't have time to address the prebate system, Joe, but what you describe shows the inherent stupidity of having health insurance being tied to employment with an employer willing to provide it.

Groups should be able to get together and form their own pools - AOPA, CAF, EAA, NRA, etc. to provide competition in the health care arena.

Before Obamacare, Wisconsin had a high risk pool called Badgercare. It was designed precisely for people like your family as you described. And the States is where this should reside, not FedGov.

Spin Zone / Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 26, 2017, 09:05:19 AM »
Leaving the disastrous obamacare in place continues the total 100% ownership of the democrats who passed it through reconcilliation with ZERO republican votes.
FAILURE to repeal this piece of shit lies 100% on republican shoulders.
And if this doesn't get fixed, and soon, I predict a House electoral bloodbath in 2018.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 01:23:01 PM »
The Freedom Caucus doesn't share responsibility for Obamacare at all. That is 100% on the Democrats and always will be. The Freedom Caucus shut this bill down because it didn't actually get rid of government being involved in health care. This also isn't the only opportunity to repeal Obamacare and people need to stop pushing that narrative.
Absolutely not.  Failing to vote for a half-assed O'care-lite does not mean that the Freedom Caucus "owns" Obamacare.  To the contrary, had they passed this bill and O'care-lite predictably cratered anyway, then the GOP would have owned its failure.

Who controls the Executive and Legislative branches lock, stock and barrel?  And which party has been promising to repeal Obamacare for 7 years? 

I think the point is that by failing to pass this bill, as imperfect as it was, saddles the GOP with whatever remains, and at this point that means Obamacare. Like it or not.

And what remains is due in part to the Freedom Caucus. In ordinary times, I'm 100% behind the most conservative members of Congress. I'm a Tea Party guy.

But in this case, perfect got in the way of the good, and now the Democrats feel that they have some power and moral authority, which they do not. That's unacceptable in my book.

Spin Zone / Re: Your Thoughts on the AHCA
« on: March 25, 2017, 10:53:23 AM »
Was quite the week!  Republicans demonstrate governance, really didn't turn out all that well..

Anyone tired of winning yet??
Spiking the ball, Gary? 

I'm not laying all of this at Ryan's feet. This is what happens when you have a multitude of (usually) good ideas. Often the GOP doesn't run in lockstep; thats OK. I'm hoping this results in a better bill.  Soon.

I'll take what happened on Friday, as frustrating as it was, vs ANYTHING that has been produced in the last 50 years from the Democrats running in lockstep.  And they do that lockstep thing pretty well. And that's not governing.

Spin Zone / Re: Is there a word for this?
« on: March 23, 2017, 02:22:32 PM »
We have "trolling"

We have "punk'd"

Is there a word for the people who are victims of reacting to tweets like Pavlov's dogs?  Most recent examples are the reaction of liberals suffering from TDS whenever Donald Trump tweets, especially now that he is President Trump.
I'm not aware of a word for it, but I'm aware of a cure for it. It comes in pill form.

Spin Zone / Handshake
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:53:55 PM »
So you are suggesting that a handshake for the camera with an ally means that we agree with everything they do? Mixed signals, then. Trump shook Abe's hand for 19 seconds, and I am awfully sure the two don't see eye to eye on trade, especially considering Merkel and Abe are working on a trade pact.

I'm not sure why Trump didn't shake Merkel's hand for the camera, but if you're correct that it's because he doesn't agree with Merkel on many things, that sounds awfully petty.
Petty?  Do you hear yourself?  That's what this issue with which you're obsessing can be characterized.

Further, did you watch the entire meeting, wall to wall, to ensure beyond a reasonable doubt that they didn't shake hands at some point? Doubtful. I'm guessing you're taking the word of fake news as gospel.

Spin Zone / Re: Handshake
« on: March 18, 2017, 07:43:16 PM »
What's up with this? Trump refuses to shake Merkel's hand.

I saw the clip. Nothingburger fake news.  A "journalist" tells Trump to shake her hand, and he should perform like a trained monkey?  I'm sure he shook her hand when they met. Nuff said...

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 16, 2017, 10:16:13 AM »
Absolutely.  Remember, our system includes millions upon millions of uninsured, who have no access to the system whatsoever.  Compare someone who has to wait a week to someone who has no access, it isn't a comparison.  Again, if you look at per capita spending the US places in dead last among Western nations.

I know these facts are inconvenient, but they are true.  You can look them up.  It is also true that if you look at the best health care of the richest here, it is far better than what you get with the nationalized system.  If everyone had access to that it would be great.  But everyone doesn't.
That is utter bullshit. You speak as if healthcare and health insurance were a free-for-all before 2010. It was not. There were no subsidies, no mandate, and a small minority of people weren't covered by insurance.  Miraculous but true.

That group can be split between two basic groups. Those who could not afford insurance. For the needy, we had Medicaid. Still do. For those that could afford it but that CHOSE not to buy insurance, the ACA turned the entire process upside down, eliminating affordable a la carte and catastrophic health insurance, forcing hundreds of millions of people to buy unaffordable plans that cover everything including unnecessary coverage like pregnancy for seniors, just so 10 or 20 million can get free or reduced cost insurance.

News flash:  Obama wasn't the first person to think about how insurance works. It has worked well for decades. Now insurance companies right and left are dropping out of the business.  What changed?

Spin Zone / Re: RINOS
« on: March 14, 2017, 04:05:11 PM »
In order for health care to not be a right you have to turn sick people away from emergency rooms.  If you can do that (good luck, most medical professionals of my acquaintance are decent people) then it is indeed a commodity.  However, it will never be responsive to market forces, not ever.  It has what Economists call inelastic demand, if you're in pain or sick you're going to pay whatever it takes to get better whether you have it or not.  Add to the pile that most severe diseases can cost more to remedy than most people make in a lifetime.  It simply isn't a commodity that will respond to market forces in the same way as radios and Wheaties.

So you're going to pay for it one way or the other.  The one advantage to Obamacare is you at least have the chance to keep serious disease at bay with scheduled visits to medical professionals.  Health maintenance is far more parsimonious than emergency intervention.
Being a commodity does not make something a right.

Showing compassion and serving someone who can't afford your services does not make something a right.

The government cannot grant a right.

Forcing someone to provide a service against their will and for no remuneration is called slavery.

Spin Zone / Re: I think I just heard the Pope say that he is racist
« on: February 21, 2017, 04:30:50 PM »
He doesn't claim infallibility in these matters and has actually said that he encourages discourse on his comments in the political arena.   

That said he pisses me off too.  I'm Catholic too, and I regularly question local catholics when they make statements that I think are stupid.  This guy is a socialist/communist.  These guys are always deriding capitalism and people who make well, yet live quite comfortably off the spoils of those earnings.  I could go on, but suffice it to say I question a lot that comes out of his mouth, sometimes though I go to the transcripts of what he actually said and like everything else in the media, what he actually says and what is reported are usually not the same.  I wish he would devote much more energy in solving the many problems in his own organisation.
I didn't claim that he did claim infallibility; I just wanted to point that out because many non-Catholics, and certainly the many Catholic haters, often try to imply that the Pope's spoken word is the equivalent of Doctrine, which must be followed by Catholics. It isn't, and we don't.

Spin Zone / Re: I think I just heard the Pope say that he is racist
« on: February 21, 2017, 03:44:03 PM »
I'm Catholic but this Pope is really pissing me off. Papal infallibility is only with respect to Catholic doctrine or dogma. Wading into politics doesn't cut it.

Spin Zone / Re: Milo Yiannopoulos
« on: February 21, 2017, 09:44:31 AM »
As is ALWAYS the case when there is an effective and engaging communicator from a Conservative point of view, cue the vile sexual innuendo attack to take them out.  The only thing missing from this latest tac-nuke is Gloria Allred with a baseball bat, a container of Vaseline and an anatomically correct doll.

No fair minded person who actually reads/listens to the discussion in question would believe Milo was advocating pedophilia, but those attacking him are not fair minded, and the ever linguini-spined conservatives, including my friend Matt Schlapp at ACU, just roll over and cave on command.  No fair-minded person who is even remotely familiar with his story and his writing and his beliefs would believe Milo was advocating pedophelia, but the mere accusation of such a disgusting and abhorrent thing is enough to cost him CPAC, possibly a book deal, perhaps even his position at Breitbart.

What is disgusting is the deliberate misrepresentation of what he said, what is abhorrent is the deliberate ignoring of his actual, personal history on the subject, and the collapse of what should be a confident and resurgent conservative movement into a quivering bowl of jello at the first jab, bringing out the ever popular circular firing squad.

I swear, the DC Conservatives are suffering from some weird combination of battered-wife and Helsinki syndrome.

And I say this as a conservative Catholic who believes that homesexuality is an abnormal behavior that does have a significant pedophilia problem.

I am still a Milo fan and hope to see Matt Schlapp and CPAC change their mind, along with Milo's publisher and others.

There should be no place for the politics of personal destruction in our political discourse unless an actual crime has taken place or is truly being advocated - that is clearly not the case here IMO.

Spot on. The problem that CPAC now has is that they are tainted with the invitation to begin with, so canceling Milo will earn them zero accolades with the left. Instead, they lost the opportunity to have Milo explain the truth, in a very very public forum, while showing the world that conservatism is not about who someone is, but what they believe.

Watch the narrative turn to "Conservative Homophobic Group Cancels Appearance by GLBTQ Activist." 

I swear to God we are digging our own graves, and the leftists are handing us the shovels.

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:37:37 PM »
It's actually fun watching the alt left radicals disintegrating and in their death throws.
It's funny and sad at the same time. I just got done catching up on a global warming thread where he appears to be doing lots and lots of self pleasuring, impressed by how smart he is, yet here he believes that the Russians, by breaking into DNC emails showing, for example, Donna Brasile giving CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton, the Russians have "almost certainly" delegitimized our democracy. 

It appears that expertise, real or contrived, in one area does not necessarily equate to expertise in other areas such as politics and geopolitical matters.

But whatever it takes to delegitimize Donald Trump's victory. I think the only arrow the Left has in their quiver is to, as one Rhodes scholar shouted in Ferguson, Missouri, "Burn this bitch down." 

Spin Zone / Re: Flynn Resigns
« on: February 15, 2017, 07:34:55 PM »
Actually, this is admittedly weak, but the actual law, the Logan Act, dates back to 1790 and prohibits private citizens from engaging in diplomacy.  It is seldom enforced, since some private citizens do engage in diplomacy at the behest of the government.  In addition to being technically illegal (when this happened Hair Furher hadn't yet been elected, so Flyn was private citizen Flyn) it was massively inappropriate, which is why he tried to keep it a secret.  Allegations are surfacing that others around Bratman were in contact with Russian officials as well.  More and more of the Russian Dossier is coming true.  I wonder what the Russkies have on The Xenophbic Sweet Potato, who of course is madly tweeting how bad it is that the misdeeds of his staff are coming to light.
Wow, I take a couple of months off from this joint and Steingar sounds like a 6th grade girl who is incapable of having a conversation without name calling.  And people put their children in your classroom?  Pathetic.

This is further proof of exactly how unhinged the left gets when they don't control every aspect of our lives, including the Fourth Estate.

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