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Messages - Number7

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Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:39:43 AM »
This is utter bullshit of the worst kind, unsurprising on Fox.  Part of publishing anything in a journal like Science is very rigorous peer review by experts in your field.  If you don't believe me trying publishing in Science sometime, anyone can.  I haven't, my best has been Nature, and I can tell you that the peer review was scathing.

But no doubt you all know better because you read it on the internet.  Whatever.

TRANSLATION: We are your betters.
We did not give you permission to question our incredible, deserving selves.
ANYONE who dares question is racist.
WE decide what is good for you and if WE decide to lie about the findings, it is for your own good.

Truth: A whistleblower has exposed the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for tampering with climate change data in order to promote the global warming agenda at the United Nations' Paris climate conference in 2015.

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:42:50 AM »
The left wing brainwashing reached a peak when they realized that the actual voters refused to behave according to the master plan of their owner George Soros and the real FAKE news networks went into overdrive.

The alt-left led lemmings havent been told no in so long they really and truly do believe that it is illegal.

What a pathetic bunch of academic embarrassments and scientific illiterates.

Spin Zone / Re: Global Warming Data "manipulated"
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:36:15 AM »
Authoritative sources gave us the hockey stick and EVERY prediction from the loony bin left fake scientists with their fake alarmism and their fake solutions.

Spin Zone / Faux-a-Hontas Can't Get No Love
« on: February 08, 2017, 08:45:52 AM »
Gotta love unhinged liberals.

Lizzy (lie-a-watha) Warren lost her cool, her brains (assuming she has any) and her pulpit when the Senate refused to continue to listen to her diatribe of bullshit against Jeff Sessions.

Sometimes liberals are downright hysterical. If they weren't so truly treasonous, they would be entertaining.

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:52:42 AM »
Then why did they try and repeal it SIX times?

I know it is hard to wrap your tiny IQ around FACTS, but if you look closely Mr. Double-O-Zero, you will see that the GOP is moving deliberately, rather than stupidly, to make sure they capture all the destructive tentacles of obamacare as they repeal it.

Spin Zone / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:51:19 AM »
I'm waiting for the snowflakes in Atlanta (John Lewis' District) to proclaim that the Russians hacked the Super Bowl.

Spin Zone / Re: Repealing Obamacare
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:50:04 AM »
Then why aren't there any efforts to repeal it now?  They control both houses of Congress and have a POTUS who has called it a disaster?  Smells of either earlier political grandstanding or current hypocrisy.  Take your pick.

What's the matter, of triple zero man? Are you and your snowflake twits already bored with the many and mentally deranged topics you are already protesting about?

It took the traitor Obama two full years having control of both houses to even try to push the pig obamacare through and they had to change the rules in the senate to do so, and vote on Christmas Eve. Don't even TRY to place blame because repeal and replace happened within two weeks.

That is delusional, even for you.

Spin Zone / Re: State of the Union
« on: February 04, 2017, 06:20:23 PM »
Mussolini's quote is quite telling.

"Fascism has taken up an attitude of complete opposition to the doctrines of Liberalism, both in the political field and in the field of economics".

Modern liberalism has zero in common with classic liberalism of the sixties. It is a cancerous tumor of hatred, racism, anti-semitism, anti-science, anti-Americanism and an overwhelming hatred of everything that holds us together as a nation. The modern progressive is a sickening well of jealous rage against those who dare to achieve and a murderous rage against anyone that dare speak against whatever bullshit they are babbling at the time.

Spin Zone / Re: The Party of Outrage
« on: February 04, 2017, 03:26:13 PM »
I remember a professor talking about lawyers back when I was in college.
He said that when a lawyer has the facts he pounds the facts in court.
When a lawyer doesn't have the facts he pounds the law.
When a lawyer doesn't have either, he pounds the table.
That sounds a lot like the democrat party these days. They are a bunch of lawyers who don't have either the facts, or history on their side, so they have to shriek, lie, scream and act like ten year old brats to get attention.

There aren't that many, but the number isn't zero either. Recent possible example:

I can't find a follow up that indicates if this is an actual event or another staged lie. It might be true but of to was, the noise generated by the professionally outraged should be deafening by now.

I doubt the sincerity of the story because of the BS quotes about how 'culturally diverse' Queens county is supposed to be. It all sounds far too manipulated to me.

I did find this from his attorney which tells an ENTIRELY different story but who would expect the media to actually try when there is outrage to publish.

the lawyer for Robin Rhodes, . Here’s what we are told actually happened:

The woman doesn’t actually work for Delta, she works for some contracted transport company at the airport. So he was in between flights home from a vacation in Aruba and wanted to change out of his clothes and tried two bathrooms close to each other that were locked and then tried to open the third door. Apparently the girl was in her chair praying and the door hit her and she freaked out and starting calling him things and saying how he’s a Trump supporter etc. So he tried to get the lady to relax and argued back a little because she was going nuts and walked away. But before he knew it the security was coming for him with her, screaming that he disrespected her while she was praying and that he said Trump was taking over now and some other crap. There were no witnesses. The doors had no signs on them so he didn’t know which was the bathroom.

Spin Zone / Re: About That Hitler Thing
« on: February 04, 2017, 02:53:12 PM »
Apologists for everything liberal will ignore the warning signs that are rampant all over the country.
The democrats had a good run but like all good runs, they eventually peter out and this one is folding like any one of Obama's claims, or Bill Clinton's promises.
I see that one of the proud rioters at berkely, the other night was a university employee who had the stupidity to brag about injuring a conservative trying to attend the speech on his twitter page. What a pathetic bunch of ignorant pigs, rutting about in a barnyard, listening only to the voice of their master, George Soros.

Spin Zone / Re: California Succession Movement
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:34:24 AM »
The details would work out just fine. As far as SSI, any non-citizen would have to individually petition the government for special consideration, or moonbeam could just print some money and pretend it has value. The Moonbeam administration, along with their special envoy, Nancy Pelosi could crawl to DC and politely ask the President to allow the US passport holders to have a limited special consideration while Moonbeam and company print their own. I am sure George Soros would run up and offer to fund it all for Moonbeam and the Botox Broad.

Spin Zone / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:29:51 AM »
The Anheiser-Busch distributor was in the family grocery a couple of days ago and was 'shocked' when I refused to overstock his stuff for the super bowl weekend. He wasn't all that happy to see that a bunch of shelf space that was usually reserved for them was shifted to several suppliers of craft beers and new brands.

We told him it would look like that as long as they played along with NBC.

Spin Zone / Re: It's Gorsuch
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:27:28 AM »
Since the pathetic democrat snowflakes in the senate wouldn't show up to represent the people they work for, the decisions have been made by those who did show up. Now the snowflake democrats are whining about that.
Who'd have thought that those pussies would whine no matter what happened?????

Spin Zone / Re: Super Bowl
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:23:15 AM »
Because NBC has chosen Gaga to babble her shit during the half time show, we will spend the evening indulging alternative entertainment. To make my point I wrote to each 'sponsor' of the NFL and let them know we wouldn't be patronizing them as a result of the NFL's decision.

Anti Trump politics has no place at the foot ball game but NBC is the communist news network, so what would you expect?

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